
101 (more!) paleo snack ideas recipes diet suggestions inspiration primal-min

101 (more!) paleo snack ideas

After the popularity of my previous post on paleo snack ideas, I've put together a new, extended list of snack ideas.

After my last list, I got a lot of people telling me “DAIRY IS NOT PALEO” (yep, I think they were shouting), so just to clear it up, some of the snack ideas listed below do have dairy options. I'm not in the paleo police, so if you tolerate dairy and take more of a lacto-paleo approach (and can find a good quality source) – go for it. If you fair better dairy free, avoid it!

The list below has a good range of snacks suitable for work (where there often aren't good facilities for keeping things cool or warming them up), travel, children as well as snack ideas that are quick enough for you to grab and go.

101 (more!) paleo snack ideas recipes diet suggestions inspiration primal-min

I'd love to hear your feedback – – what's your go to paleo snack? Or do you find you don't need to snack so often any more?

  1. A can of (high quality) tuna
  2. Make your own beef  jerky
  3. A bag of nuts and seeds
  4. A couple of squares of super dark high quality chocolate
  5. Make your own cherry ripe bars
  6. Coconut flesh in a bag (dehydrate it to make it last longer!)
  7. Keep a small jar of coconut oil or coconut manna to hand – and a spoon!
  8. Cheese cubes served with cut apple
  9. Use a melon baller to prepare spheres of fruit – and serve in cream (dairy or coconut)
  10. Roll up avocado, radish, cress & asparagus in ham wraps
  11. Coat chicken with an egg and almond flour mix to create Paleo chicken nuggets
  12. Melon & ham slices
  13. Simple – avocado slices
  14. Pre-boiled, peeled hard boiled eggs
  15. A jar of olives
  16. A tin of coconut milk served over fresh berries
  17. Your favourite fruit
  18. A coconut
  19. Make your own pork scratching (AKA pork rinds or crackling)
  20. Have you tried coconut yoghurt yet?!
  21. A bag of your favourite nuts (activate them, then season them)
  22. How about spicy almonds?
  23. Seaweed is a good option that stores well
  24. Coconut flakes
  25. A berry and coconut mix
  26. Dry some berries and fruit
  27. Last night’s meatballs 
  28. Pigs in blankets
  29. Almonds, pecans and berries served in coconut milk
  30. No-Oatmeal
  31. Full fat plain Greek yoghurt (if you do dairy)
  32. Salmon
  33. Smoked meat and salami
  34. A selection of cheeses
  35. Almond Butter
  36. A sealed packet of nuts and seeds
  37. A jar of pickles (make sure it isn't full of sugar)
  38. Home made egg muffins
  39. Make your own Paté
  40. A tin of sardines
  41. Oysters
  42. Simple – cut up some leftover meat and veg
  43. Devilled eggs
  44. Precooked bacon pieces
  45. Dehydrated banana slices
  46. Kale chips
  47. Diced Steamed chicken and avocado
  48. Leftover meat and mayo 
  49. Paleo sushi with nori, veg, avo and fish
  50. Mini omelettes
  51. Veg sticks and nut butter
  52. Salmon and tuna on sliced cucumber
  53. Carrot sticks with a home made spicy salsa
  54. Capsicum (Bell Pepper) strips with a guacamole dip
  55. Make sandwiches with bacon “bread” and an avo filling
  56. Ham, tomatoes and fresh basil
  57. Left over roast veggies with a ranch sauce
  58. Home made sauerkraut
  59. Ever tried chocolate covered bacon bites?Coat almonds and coconut flakes in chocolate
  60. Dip fresh berries in chocolate
  61. For a special treat paleo cookies
  62. Frozen grapes
  63. Frozen banana slices mixed with fresh cream
  64. Baked pears with coconut cream and a dash of cinnamon
  65. A flask/ thermos of bone broth
  66. Soup
  67. A bottle of a freshly made green smoothie
  68. Zucchini Chips
  69. Spicy pumpkin seeds
  70. Homemade fruit leather
  71. Sweet potato, coconut oil fries
  72. Stuffed mini bell peppers (capsicum)
  73.  sliced peaches & cottage cheese
  74. Baba Ghanoush with vegetable sticks
  75. Ginger sesame Chicken wings
  76. Monkfish & sweet potato skewers
  77. Sweet potato & chocolate chip muffins
  78. Refilled sweet potatoes 
  79. Spicy nuts 
  80. Maple & cayenne roasted almonds
  81. Celery sticks and pesto 
  82. Spicy coconut king prawns
  83. Crunchy cashew fish sticks
  84. Indian Eggs 
  85. Kimchi
  86. Mini Paleo Pizza’s
  87. Sliced deli meat
  88. Chicken drumsticks
  89. Coconut Milk Kefir
  90. Plantain chips
  91. Roasted Chestnuts
  92. Cauliflower Popcorn – who needs that other stuff when you can make this?!
  93. Collard wraps – put your favourite veggies and leftover meat in a collard leaf and wrap!
  94. Coleslaw
  95. Prosciutto wrapped asparagus
  96. Pickled Gherkins
  97. A glass of (unsweetened)Almond Milk
  98. Prawns with Paleo Cocktail Sauce
  99. Carrot sticks with Paleo Hummus
  100. Strawberry & coconut ice cream
  101. Raw Chocolate Maple and Pecan Fudge

What's your go-to paleo snack? Share in the comments below!

paleo recipes sweet potatoes potato yams ideas

Cooking paleo with sweet potatoes

Before I went paleo I ate a lot of white potatoes. Now, I eat

10 paleo alternatives to soft drinks soda fizzy juice energy ideas

10 paleo alternatives to soft drinks

When you stop drinking soft drinks, it can be hard to know what to

what to do with left-over herb stems basil rosemary waste produce ideas paleo diet

6 things to do with left over herb stems

When a recipe calls for a few fresh basil leaves, a bit or parsley or oregano, what do you do with the stems that get left behind?

If you've been throwing them away – STOP!

Use them whole

For big stems like rosemary, try adding them whole to sauces and soups, then removing them whole before serving.

what to do with left-over herb stems basil rosemary waste produce ideas paleo diet

Make a veggie broth

Keep a bag in the freezer and add stems as you use them. When the bag is full, it's time to make veggie stock!

Use them as herbs

In the conventional way – chop them up really finely and add them to your recipe

Use them as kebab skewers

This one takes a bit more preparation, but it you have big herb plats like rosemary, save the long stems. Wash them thoroughly, then freeze them. Use them frozen in the place of a wooden or metal skewer to have deliciously rosemary infused meat and veggies on your next barbecue!

Make herb infused olive oil

Simply add the stems in an air-tight contained with some olive oil and leave for a few days. Next time you use the oil, it will have a delicious herb-infused flavour.

Stuff with them

When you stuff a bird or fish, use the left-over herb stems. Remove before serving and the herbs will have infused into the meat/ fish perfectly.

9 paleo diet primal ideas left over turkey christmas recipe suggestions thanksgiving

9 paleo ideas for left-over turkey

If you went a bit over the top with turkey, what are you planning to do with the left-overs?

If you’ve not yet served up the original turkey, make sure you get the leftovers in the fridge within an hour or two of serving. I separate it into bones, white meat, dark meat and freeze any left-over gravy straight away.


The first thing to make is a nice rich stock with the leftover skin, bones and carcass. If you kept the vegetable peelings, throw these in too. Any stock you’re not going to use can be frozen in small batches and will be ready for use in lots of recipes.

Freeze it

I always freeze some too. Just make sure you carve it full first and freeze it in individual small portions, to keep your options open.

9 paleo diet primal ideas left over turkey christmas recipe suggestions thanksgiving


Curry is a great option for turkey. Depending on the spices you use, you can completely transform it. Here is some paleo curry inspiration.

Slow cooker

Your crockpot is perfect for turkey. A low slow heat should make sure it stays moist and tasty. Throw in some veg and have a hot casserole dinner ready for you in the evening.


Another easy option is a turkey salad for lunch. How about using left-over cranberry sauce as the dressing too?


Turkey is great for a soup now and especially to batch freeze for later. Try adding in lime and chili for a bit of a kick.

Turkey roll-ups

Instead of bread, how about using nori wraps to make up a perfect turkey lunch option.

Turkey chili

Add some turkey into your favourite chili recipe

Refilled sweet potatoes

These Refilled Sweet Potatoes with Turkey, Mango and Lime make a perfect comfort meal

How do you use your left-overs? I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments, below!

Recipe paleo egg muffins-min

Quick & Easy Paleo Egg Muffins: Perfect Breakfast Bites

your paleo wishlist $200 gift vouchers

If you had $2000 to spend on paleo things – what would you buy?

What would you buy if you were given $2000 to spend on your paleo lifestyle?

Purely hypothetical, but let’s say you were given $2000 to spend on Amazon. On yourself. You’ve got half an hour to choose, before the offer expires. All those gadgets and books you’d love, but could never justify.

Instead of buying the entry model food processor, you could get the top of the range model. Instead of buying one good knife, you could buy the whole set.

your paleo wishlist $200 gift vouchers

What’s on my list?

Cooking Equipment:

A Vitamix Blender

So I've got a big standard food processor, but wouldn't you just love your very own vitamix blender?


An Ice Cream Maker

I’d use this once in a blue moon, so I’d never be so extravagant as to buy one. But imagine the paleo ice cream you could make in one of these?

Global Knives

I've heard good things about these knives, so I’d make sure I invested in a good set. I'm sure they’d last a lot longer than the cheap knives I have in my kitchen!


Slow Cooker/ CrockPot

When I bought mine, I didn't give any thought to the size – and I've always been so disappointed with how small mine is. If I’m going to use it, why not make enough for the freezer, instead of just that night’s dinner?! So high on my list would be a much bigger model.


Pull Up Bars

I really want to be able to master pull ups. If I had a pull up bar attached to my ceiling, I like to think I’d practice every time I walked by!

Pull up bar paleo wishlist


Likewise I’d love my own set of kettlebells


Grounding Mat

Now this might sound a little odd, but I’d also buy a grounding mat/ earthing sheet to make sure I always had a connection to the earth, even inside my house. Got to be a good thing for days when you’re stuck indoors

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

This might seem a little odd too, but I'm trying hared to reduce my exposure to blue light after sunset. This should really help to regulate circadian rhythm and improve sleep. As much as I try, it’s so hard to minimise all blue light – especially living in a built up area. Special orange lenses glasses like this could make a big difference.

Blue light blocking glasses


There are so many paleo related books on the market at the moment (compared to only two or three a few years ago!), so I’d definitely order a few I've not yet read.

You can see the rest of my wishlist here

I’d love to see what you’d buy if you were given a $2000 Amazon voucher. So tell me in the comments – what would you buy?!

YOUR Quick 20-Minute Paleo Dinner Ideas fast no time recipes-min

YOUR Quick 20-Minute Paleo Dinner Ideas

I recently asked the followers of the Paleo Network's Facebook page for their favourite quick paleo dinner meals and got some great replies (and only one “McDonalds” comment!) – here are 70 of them…

Steak & beef ideas

This was by far the most popular meat people use for a quick dinner, here are some of the responses:

  • Reheated beef stew that I make sure I have frozen
  • Steak and salad
  • Steak, eggs and broccoli.
  • Steak and salad
  • Steak and steamed veggies
  • Steak with a side order of steak
  • Sautéd kale & cherry tomatoes w garlic, onion & olive oil, sweet potato rosti & BBQ grilled steak – quick, easy & yummy
  • Steak and sweet potato
  • Grass fed beef broiled topped with egg. Sweet potato coins, Raw red onion slices on top of fresh spinach, grated carrots, sliced avocado with fresh lemon juice and thinly sliced elephant garlic. Yummy!
  • Bbq steak sliced placed on a large salad topped with a soft boiled egg and crumbled blue vein. Yummo!
  • Steak with Morton Bay bugs, Sweet Potato Mash and steamed beetroot and zucchini…..exactly what I'm having tonight!!
  • Steak or pork chop, pan fried with cumin seeds … then cabbage, kale spring onions and broccolini all sauteed in the pan juices…. super quick and absolutely delicious!
  • Steak on the BBQ on salad. That's what we are about to have.
  • Bison burgers with caramelized onions and grilled zucchini slices.
  • Steak and broccoli

YOUR Quick 20-Minute Paleo Dinner Ideas fast no time recipes-min

Fish & Seafood

Another popular choice:

  • Salmon cooked on the sandwich press and steamed veg
  • Shrimp
  • Coconut salmon and green salad!
  • Tuna and salad
  • Steamed shrimp with broccoli/cauliflower!
  • Salmon with lemon, parsley and garlic, spinach and kale
  • Salmon and salad, bacon & eggs, ham & salad
  • Oven Grilled salmon or any other fish and greens or salad to go with it.
  • Baked Salmon vegies and dip
  • Half an avocado with fresh prawns
  • Grilled salmon with green veg
  • Salmon steak on a bed of English spinach with avocado and mango and drizzled with fresh lime….nom nom nom!!!!

Lamb Dinner

Lamb chops are so quick to cook, I thought a few more people would have suggested this:

  • Lamb chops, cauliflower rice and sweet potato mash
  • Lamb chops and sweet potato mash
  • Lamb tangine
  • Lamb chunks braised in onion garlic and ginger cooked with prunes
  • Sliced cold lamb roast with salt and fruit/veggie juice.

Chicken & Turkey

Lots of great ideas here too:

  • Chicken broccoli and kumara gets boring but fast and effective haha
  • Baked chicken with kumara all in one tray
  • Grilled chicken breast and sweet potato mash with steamed veggies.
  • Paleo turkey nuggets pan fried in coconut oil. Yum!
  • Baked chicken thighs with green beans & shallots sautéed in coconut oil.
  • Chicken breast meatballs with herbs, sundried tomatoes, onion, garlic and Parmesan served with walnut salad. Or poached chicken breast and steamed veggies.
  • Ground turkey, kale, Brussels Sprouts, bone broth fried over mashed parsnip
  • Chicken (scrambled eggs with onion, spinach, bacon)
  • Chicken Red curry on a bed of grated zucchini
  • Salad & coconut chicken
  • Salad and chicken Sandwich using lettuce instead of bread! Mmmm
  • Chicken thigh marinated in my garden herbs and a big salad
  • Spiced grilled chicken tenderloins on a mango, avocado, lettuce, tomato salad. With orange balsamic dressing… yummo…
  • Chicken breast, grape tomatoes and shallots. Cook in oil of choice in a pan and any spices you like on top of stove. Easy peasy.


I use eggs a lot when I need to prepare something to eat in a hurry, as do you by the looks of it:

  • Eggs and almond butter
  • Bacon and eggs
  • spinach and mushrooms sautéed in ghee with soft boiled eggs= Heaven. It's the perfect meal.
  • Eggs and shrimp for my daughter, eggs and salami for my son… lol. Add chicken broth to it and stir, microwave if you are in a rush. Cook over a pan if you have more time. Quick and easy. You can also add in frozen/non-frozen veggies, herbs, etc. Apple slices, Clementine, other fruit on the side.
  • Squashed avocado with boiled eggs and steamed carrot and broccoli- all together it's DA BOMB
  • Eggs and anything or everything.
  • Eggs and sautéed sweet potatoes!
  • Omelette!!
  • Omelette filled with vegies, or meat and a big salad.
  • Onion, sweet potato, mushrooms, turkey bacon, all fried up with two whole and two egg whites cracked on top

And the rest

A few paleo versions of non-paleo favourites cropped up to:

  • Taco salad.
  • Paleo fajitas.
  • A salad with whatever meat I have cooked in the fridge.
  • Jamaican curry
  • Soup, salad, raw veggie tray, stir fry…
  • Cabbage and bacon
  • Fajitas and a great salad.
  • Meat & veg. Who knew?
  • A frittata loaded with veg, a chicken stir fry or Thai curry, grilled chicken and salad, or chicken thigh fillets marinated in coconut milk, ginger and chilli then grilled and served with steamed Chinese greens. So many quick, delicious, and stupidly easy meals to make!!
  • Paleo chilli con carne
  • Paleo bratwurst & sauerkraut
  • Left over spaghetti squash with 3 over easy eggs…salt and pepper of course.
  • I make a stir fry….ANYTHING!! use eggs, meat, veggies, coconut aminos and spices…. The great thing about paleo….you can make dinner quickly and it is ALWAYS great!!! I keep my veggies cleaned…ready to cook or make salad. Always have a meat ready to cook…whether it is beef, chicken, fish or deer meat.
  • Whatever animal is unlucky and slow enough to be near my chompers

So over to you. Please share your answer in the comments below: “You've got 20 minutes to put dinner together – what's your favourite quick paleo meal to make?”

79 paleo kids lunch ideas-min

79 Paleo Children’s Lunch Ideas

Going Paleo yourself is the easy bit – getting the rest of your family on board can be more of a challenge. Little wonder than, that Paleo ideas for children’s school lunches is one of the top things I'm asked about. I've therefore come up with 79 different options for the kids school lunch box…

I've also written the “Paleo Lunch Recipe Book“, so take a look if you'd like lots of lunch recipes to brighten up your lunchtimes!

Paleo lunch cover
The school dinners served in so many schools seem to follow the government guidelines – and the food pyramid – and are often low fat, high in refined carbs and lacking in protein. Add to this the industrial seed oils, the feed-lock meat of dubious origin and highly processed nature of many school meals, it’s little wonder more and more parents opt to send their kids to school with a home-made packed lunch.

I've read about some schools (in America) banning parents from sending their children in with food from home, to make sure the children eat the “healthy” school lunch – and don’t bring in bad food from home. Whilst I'm sure some parents do pack complete junk – I hope this move doesn't become widespread, as it would put Paleo parents in a very difficult position.

Depending on the age of your child, and whether they’re in kindergarten, nursery, preschool, primary school – or are older, you’ll need to tweak your lunch offering accordingly. Some schools have blanket bans on any nuts in case of allergies, which would unfortunately rule out nuts, nut butters and many baked paleo goods (if they used nut flours). Hopefully your school rules and regulations won’t place too many restrictions on your kids and what you can bring…

Another key consideration is temperature. If you’re packing meat, you’ll want it to stay cool, so it’s a good idea to pack it with an ice pack in an insulated lunch box. Likewise, try a thermos flask if you want to serve hot foods like soup.

In terms of containers, whilst Tupperware and plastic lunch boxes do the job, my favourites are lunchbots stainless steel bento boxes. They’re easy to clean, light and won’t smash if dropped – and of course BPA free. Glass containers aren't ideal for school – and brown bags aren't so good for non-dry foods!

By getting the kids involved in choosing their lunch ingredients – and helping to pack them, they are far more likely to enjoy their lunch. Remember – it’s also better to overpack than under pack, this way if your child gets hungry, they’ll have their own food to eat, and you won’t risk the school giving them junk.

79 paleo kids lunch ideas-min

Making sure lunch is colourful, varied and well presented (you can even get bento cutters to cut vegetables into fun shapes), your children are less likely to be bothered that they aren't eating the same as their SAD eating school friends. Including cocktail sticks and dips, is another way to introduce an element of fun to lunchtimes.

As a general rule, base lunch around the protein source (this is what will keep them going after lunch!), then choose a fat source – and fill up with vegetables and fruit. Fruit and carby veggies like sweet potatoes are often a good bet for children, who need a lot of ready energy.

Leftovers are obviously a great bet for lunch – but here are some other ideas:

Wraps and Sandwiches

There is no bread in any of these sandwich options! Make wraps using a flat wrap, around your child’s favourite filling. Some good wraps are:

  • Nori (seaweed) wraps
  • Coconut wraps
  • Ham
  • Sliced deli turkey
  • Sliced beef
  • Salami
  • You can even use bacon as a wrap!
  • Romaine, lettuce or cabbage are also good to use

If your wrap won’t stay shut, use a fresh chive, green onion or blanched scallion green to tie a knot around the wrap, keeping it in place.

  • You can make sandwiches using a coconut flour or almond meal paleo bread recipe.

If you’re after something more alternative to sandwich a filling between, how about:

Some other ideas along these lines include:

  • Cheese (if your child tolerates dairy) on crackers – using dehydrated sweet potato slices as crackers
  • Paleo sushi using nori and cauliflower rice

Protein Options

Protein is key, so try some of these options in your kid’s lunchbox:

  • Canned wild salmon
  • A tin of sustainable tuna
  • Pepperoni
  • Beef jerky
  • Leftover roast chicken/ beef/ pork with sauce
  • Meatballs in a tomato sauce
  • Chicken drumsticks with dips
  • Pork strips, pork crackling (serve with home-made apple sauce)
  • Meat and Veggie wooden skewers
  • Crispy chicken with a tomato dip
  • A burger patty served with sweet potato fries (assuming your child will enjoy this cold!)
  • Paleo sausages (get your butcher to make a batch up for you)
  • Peeled hard boiled eggs (serve with bacon and avocado to make a breakfast at lunchtime!)

Something Special

For something a bit different, how about these ideas?

  • A nice warm soup in a thermos
  • A slice of Paleo pizza
  • Crustless quiches (or egg muffins)
  • Dates wrapped in prosciutto
  • Cherry tomatoes stuffed with salmon and feta (if Primal)
  • Pigs in blankets

The Paleo Recipe Book


Salads are a good summer option:

  • Chicken salad with home made Paleo mayonnaise
  • A simple egg salad

Natural Fat Sources

If the rest of lunch is looking a bit low on fat, add in one of these:

  • An avocado (and a spoon!)
  • Some olives
  • Some fresh coconut

A Fermented Side

A portion of fermented food is another great kids lunch idea:

  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut
  • Fermented pickles


Veggies are a great way to finish off the lunch box. Fill it with:

  • Fingers of carrots, celery, capsicum (bell peppers), broccoli, cauliflower & cucumber and dips
  • Celery halves, with nut butter in the groove.

Kids Dips

With almost all of the lunch options, dips and sauces are great to provide on the side. Try making these:

Child Friendly Fruit

Fruit is another good group to choose from. How about:

  • Banana
  • Cherries
  • Cut watermelon
  • Grapes
  • Apple and cheese (if Primal)
  • Fruit on a wooden stick
  • Apple and almond butter stacks

Dried Fruit

For a very sweet treat, dried fruit is a nice option:

  • Dried apples
  • Dried mango
  • Dates
  • Raisins or sultans (be very careful with the ingredients – many brands use “vegetable” oil!)


When lots of your child's friends may be having chips (crisps), perhaps your child might enjoy something similar?

Something Chocolatey

A very small portion of one of these, is a good occasional treat:

Yoghurts/ Creamy treats

Some other good options for a sweet treat:

  • Berries & cream (if your child has dairy), or
  • Berries in coconut cream (or coconut milk)
  • Coconut yoghurt
  • Plain Greek yoghurt (if Primal) with fruit and nuts

A few more lunch treats

A few final treats to occasionally include in your child’s lunchbox:

  • Home-made Larabars
  • Grain free granola
  • Coconut flakes
  • Coconut flour muffins
  • Paleo trail mix
  • A mix of almonds, dark chocolate chips and coconut flakes.

What're I missed? I'd love to hear what you pack for lunch – and what you child is most excited to be given? Also, how does your child deal with peer pressure (if it exists at their school)?

43 Awesome Paleo Cooking Hacks That You Aren't Using primal diet kitchen-min

43 Awesome Paleo Cooking Hacks That You Aren’t Using

Are you using these Paleo hacks? These simple tips and tricks will save you time and hassle – and make your time in the kitchen far more productive – and your Paleo recipes better!

Please share your favourite Paleo cooking secrets in the comments below, or if you have a better method than my suggestions, please share!

1. Before cooking asparagus, coat the stalks in salt and leave to cure for 20 minutes. Rinse off the salt and prepare as normal, you’ll find they taste far better.

2. When you grind meat for homemade burgers or sausages, try adding in some bacon for great flavour. You can also grind in some offal and no one will ever know.

3. When making a salad, always keep the dressing separate. That way it can be added just before serving to make sure your salad is crisp instead of soggy.

4. To reduce tears and keep it together, don’t cut into the root of an onion when dicing.

5. When you buy fresh basil, make it last longer by keeping it at room temperature and with the stems in water.

6. To stop your chopping board (and everything you chop after) smelling of garlic, smash garlic cloves in a sealed plastic bag using the back of a knife.

7. If you’re not going to finish your lettuce in one go, prevent it from turning brown by wrapping in a paper towel in the fridge and storing in a plastic bag.

8. Clean cast iron cookware by scrubbing with salt; never use detergent!

9. Lay a chicken on onion halves and chunks of leek, instead of using a roasting rack. The onion will make a great gravy after absorbing the chicken juices.

10. Use a very fine grater or microplane to add vegetables to salads and dressings. Try adding microplaned orange and fennel to a vinaigrette dressing.

11. Make sure you keep your kitchen knives sharp, not only is it fast and easier – it’s actually a lot safer too….

12. ….and on the subject of knives, keep the tip in an old wine cork when storing in the kitchen drawer.

13. Add salt early on in your cooking – and make sure you keep tasting your dish as you cook it, and adjust your additions accordingly.

14. When frying salmon, fry with the skin side down. When it has cooked to the stage where over half has gone from pink to white, turn the heat off and flip the salmon over. The remaining heat will cook it to perfection.

15. To make sure onions store for longer, keep them in a glass jar, with the root left as is.

16. Always make stock in the biggest batches you have room for. Freeze any excess stock in small portions, ready to use as the base of a dish whenever you need them.

17. Salt your chopping board before chopping up herbs; this will keep them on the chopping board!

18. Freeze stock, left over wine and any left over sauces in ice cube trays as a great way to make a quick sauce – or add depth to an existing sauce without having to wait hours for it to defrost.

19. Use a skewer of cake tester to check how well done your fish, meat – and even vegetables are.

20. Before pan frying, always make sure your pan is super hot!

21. Add a pinch of salt to the water before boiling eggs. This will help to prevent the shells from cracking.

22. After boiling vegetables, use the remaining water for stock, or freeze to crush later and use in a smoothie. If those options don’t appeal, use the nutrient loaded water to feed your veggie patch or house plants.

23. When making hamburger patties, push a hole in the centre. This will make sure they cook faster and more evenly.

24. Give the contents of your pan room to breath – never overcrowd, or you’ll be steaming your food rather than sautéing it!

25. Before carving and serving meat, always give it a few minutes to rest


43 Awesome Paleo Cooking Hacks That You Aren't Using primal diet kitchen-min

26. To prevent a roast chicken having an overcooked breast and tender legs, break up the legs and the breast. This means you can remove the breast sooner, ensuring the whole bird is moist.

27. Before frying fish or meat, make sure it is as dry as possible, by laying it on paper towels for a few minutes before cooking. This will help to make the skins nice and crispy by making sure you’re frying rather than steaming.

28. To make sure your garlic is sweet, rather than bitter, make sure you buy it as fresh as possible – and if it has green shoots – don’t use it.

29. Store empty containers and jars with a pinch of salt, to absorb any odours and keep them smelling fresh.

30. Check your eggs are fresh by placing them in a bowl full of water. If the rise to the top, they aren’t as fresh as they should be! You want an egg that sits at the bottom, or near to it.

31. After blanching vegetables, plunge them in a bowl of iced water. This stops the cooking process and will result in bright veggies.

32. Instead of rigidly sticking to a shopping list, try being flexible without it. Go to the shop or farmers market and base your meals around what ever is fresh, seasonal and local.

33. Try cooking your steak by firstly cooking the fatty edge, holding it in place with tongs. This will release fat into the pan, making sure when you cook each side it is as juicy and full of flavour as possible.

34. The secret to great roasted vegetables is heat! Preheat the oven and empty roasting tin, before adding the veggies, oil and sea salt.

35. If you’re cooking with steak, eggs or butter, bring them out of the fridge and keep them at room temperature for an hour or so before cooking for a far better flavour.

36. Roll citrus fruit in your hands before juicing it to increase the amount of juice you can extract. Also, never store citrus fruit in the fridge as it significantly reduces the flavour.

37. Prepare first. Do all of your slicing and dicing before starting to make your dish.

38. Never try a new recipe or ingredient for the first time before an important dinner! Practice, practice, and do as much of the prep as you can the night before.

39. Make sure you store spices in a cool dark place, not next to the oven. To get the maximum flavour from spices, try toasting or sautéing them before adding them to your recipe.

40. Before working with chilli, rub coconut oil into your hands to propel the spiciness. IF you want to reduce their heat, remove the seeds before cooking with them.

41. To prevent garlic from burning, try slicing it finely rather than mincing it.

42. To make sure your meatloaf, meatball or burger mix is just right, make a tiny patty out of it, enabling you to fry it and give it a try. This way you still have time to adjust your mix, before committing to it.

43. When you need to add in more oil to a pan, add it at the edge of the pan, rather than in the middle. This gives the oil time to heat up before it reaches the centre of the pan – and your food.