9 paleo diet primal ideas left over turkey christmas recipe suggestions thanksgiving

9 paleo ideas for left-over turkey

If you went a bit over the top with turkey, what are you planning to do with the left-overs?

If you’ve not yet served up the original turkey, make sure you get the leftovers in the fridge within an hour or two of serving. I separate it into bones, white meat, dark meat and freeze any left-over gravy straight away.


The first thing to make is a nice rich stock with the leftover skin, bones and carcass. If you kept the vegetable peelings, throw these in too. Any stock you’re not going to use can be frozen in small batches and will be ready for use in lots of recipes.

Freeze it

I always freeze some too. Just make sure you carve it full first and freeze it in individual small portions, to keep your options open.

9 paleo diet primal ideas left over turkey christmas recipe suggestions thanksgiving


Curry is a great option for turkey. Depending on the spices you use, you can completely transform it. Here is some paleo curry inspiration.

Slow cooker

Your crockpot is perfect for turkey. A low slow heat should make sure it stays moist and tasty. Throw in some veg and have a hot casserole dinner ready for you in the evening.


Another easy option is a turkey salad for lunch. How about using left-over cranberry sauce as the dressing too?


Turkey is great for a soup now and especially to batch freeze for later. Try adding in lime and chili for a bit of a kick.

Turkey roll-ups

Instead of bread, how about using nori wraps to make up a perfect turkey lunch option.

Turkey chili

Add some turkey into your favourite chili recipe

Refilled sweet potatoes

These Refilled Sweet Potatoes with Turkey, Mango and Lime make a perfect comfort meal

How do you use your left-overs? I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments, below!

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