
101 (more!) paleo snack ideas recipes diet suggestions inspiration primal-min

101 (more!) paleo snack ideas

After the popularity of my previous post on paleo snack ideas, I've put together a new, extended list of snack ideas.

After my last list, I got a lot of people telling me “DAIRY IS NOT PALEO” (yep, I think they were shouting), so just to clear it up, some of the snack ideas listed below do have dairy options. I'm not in the paleo police, so if you tolerate dairy and take more of a lacto-paleo approach (and can find a good quality source) – go for it. If you fair better dairy free, avoid it!

The list below has a good range of snacks suitable for work (where there often aren't good facilities for keeping things cool or warming them up), travel, children as well as snack ideas that are quick enough for you to grab and go.

101 (more!) paleo snack ideas recipes diet suggestions inspiration primal-min

I'd love to hear your feedback – – what's your go to paleo snack? Or do you find you don't need to snack so often any more?

  1. A can of (high quality) tuna
  2. Make your own beef  jerky
  3. A bag of nuts and seeds
  4. A couple of squares of super dark high quality chocolate
  5. Make your own cherry ripe bars
  6. Coconut flesh in a bag (dehydrate it to make it last longer!)
  7. Keep a small jar of coconut oil or coconut manna to hand – and a spoon!
  8. Cheese cubes served with cut apple
  9. Use a melon baller to prepare spheres of fruit – and serve in cream (dairy or coconut)
  10. Roll up avocado, radish, cress & asparagus in ham wraps
  11. Coat chicken with an egg and almond flour mix to create Paleo chicken nuggets
  12. Melon & ham slices
  13. Simple – avocado slices
  14. Pre-boiled, peeled hard boiled eggs
  15. A jar of olives
  16. A tin of coconut milk served over fresh berries
  17. Your favourite fruit
  18. A coconut
  19. Make your own pork scratching (AKA pork rinds or crackling)
  20. Have you tried coconut yoghurt yet?!
  21. A bag of your favourite nuts (activate them, then season them)
  22. How about spicy almonds?
  23. Seaweed is a good option that stores well
  24. Coconut flakes
  25. A berry and coconut mix
  26. Dry some berries and fruit
  27. Last night’s meatballs 
  28. Pigs in blankets
  29. Almonds, pecans and berries served in coconut milk
  30. No-Oatmeal
  31. Full fat plain Greek yoghurt (if you do dairy)
  32. Salmon
  33. Smoked meat and salami
  34. A selection of cheeses
  35. Almond Butter
  36. A sealed packet of nuts and seeds
  37. A jar of pickles (make sure it isn't full of sugar)
  38. Home made egg muffins
  39. Make your own Paté
  40. A tin of sardines
  41. Oysters
  42. Simple – cut up some leftover meat and veg
  43. Devilled eggs
  44. Precooked bacon pieces
  45. Dehydrated banana slices
  46. Kale chips
  47. Diced Steamed chicken and avocado
  48. Leftover meat and mayo 
  49. Paleo sushi with nori, veg, avo and fish
  50. Mini omelettes
  51. Veg sticks and nut butter
  52. Salmon and tuna on sliced cucumber
  53. Carrot sticks with a home made spicy salsa
  54. Capsicum (Bell Pepper) strips with a guacamole dip
  55. Make sandwiches with bacon “bread” and an avo filling
  56. Ham, tomatoes and fresh basil
  57. Left over roast veggies with a ranch sauce
  58. Home made sauerkraut
  59. Ever tried chocolate covered bacon bites?Coat almonds and coconut flakes in chocolate
  60. Dip fresh berries in chocolate
  61. For a special treat paleo cookies
  62. Frozen grapes
  63. Frozen banana slices mixed with fresh cream
  64. Baked pears with coconut cream and a dash of cinnamon
  65. A flask/ thermos of bone broth
  66. Soup
  67. A bottle of a freshly made green smoothie
  68. Zucchini Chips
  69. Spicy pumpkin seeds
  70. Homemade fruit leather
  71. Sweet potato, coconut oil fries
  72. Stuffed mini bell peppers (capsicum)
  73.  sliced peaches & cottage cheese
  74. Baba Ghanoush with vegetable sticks
  75. Ginger sesame Chicken wings
  76. Monkfish & sweet potato skewers
  77. Sweet potato & chocolate chip muffins
  78. Refilled sweet potatoes 
  79. Spicy nuts 
  80. Maple & cayenne roasted almonds
  81. Celery sticks and pesto 
  82. Spicy coconut king prawns
  83. Crunchy cashew fish sticks
  84. Indian Eggs 
  85. Kimchi
  86. Mini Paleo Pizza’s
  87. Sliced deli meat
  88. Chicken drumsticks
  89. Coconut Milk Kefir
  90. Plantain chips
  91. Roasted Chestnuts
  92. Cauliflower Popcorn – who needs that other stuff when you can make this?!
  93. Collard wraps – put your favourite veggies and leftover meat in a collard leaf and wrap!
  94. Coleslaw
  95. Prosciutto wrapped asparagus
  96. Pickled Gherkins
  97. A glass of (unsweetened)Almond Milk
  98. Prawns with Paleo Cocktail Sauce
  99. Carrot sticks with Paleo Hummus
  100. Strawberry & coconut ice cream
  101. Raw Chocolate Maple and Pecan Fudge

What's your go-to paleo snack? Share in the comments below!


The Primal Meal Plan

What is a typical day of paleo meals for you? Have you got stuck in a meal plan rut?

Once you get a few favourite recipes under your belt, it’s easy to have the same meal over and over, which can get very boring. Eating repetitively is also depriving your body of nutrients that can be obtained from having a varied diet.

I was really interested to see Mark Sisson, over at Primal Blueprint, has started a primal meal plan program! Every Tuesday, he sends everyone who has signed up an email containing a brand new meal plan, shopping list and recipes for the entire week.


Every day is planned in full, with breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack – the shopping list means you can print it out and can easily make sure you aren't missing any of the key ingredients. The recipes also make good use of the ingredients, meaning you won’t be buying a huge pumpkin – and wasting ¾ of it!

The meal plans provide about 50 – 100 grams of carbs a day (veggies and fruit, with the occasional use of a small amount of raw honey) and about 25% protein.

It’s easy to multiply up the shopping lists and recipes, meaning if you’re cooking for a big family – or like to cook up a big batch to give you extra to freeze and enjoy later – this will be easy to manage.


This seems like a great was to refocus and get some new recipes and ideas into your cooking repertoire. If you’re new to a Paleo diet, this is a great way to get a full introduction to eating primally, with the confidence that all of the foods are 100% approved! It’s also great to give you some inspiration about what to eat at meal times.

If you want to find out more about the Primal Meal Plans – check them out here!

Have you tried a paleo meal plan program? I’d love to hear your thoughts, in the comments below.

Paleo giveaway competition prize draw enter

Win! I Quit Sugar Cookbook

Sarah Wilson's I Quit Sugar Cookbook is a beautiful ebook, to follow-up to I Quit Sugar Program. Fancy winning your own copy?

The I Quit Sugar Program is an eight week plan to give up sugar – with guidance and advice throughout the process. This is a great first step into Paleo, as initially giving up sugar can seem very daunting.

The follow up recipe book has over 100 recipes, most of which are Paleo. There are breakfast recipes, dinners, snacks, sauces, smoothies and lots of recipes to help a sweet tooth – but of course, without sugar!

Paleo Recipe Book

Sarah Wilson has generously given two of her ebooks to be won in this giveaway! So if you would like a new cookbook and some new recipe inspiration, enter now!

How To Enter:

  1. If you haven't already, sign up to my newsletter below
  2. Like the Paleo Network Facebook page
  3. Leave a comment below – make sure you include your email address in the comment form (won't be displayed publicly), so I can contact you if you win!
I'll pick two winners at random. Entry closes midnight AEST 14th October and winners will be contacted and announced shortly afterwards. Entry open to all regardless of country. One entry per person.
Good Luck!


Everyday paleo cookbook recipe book paleo sarah fragaso-min

Everyday Paleo

I was really pleased to receive a few new Paleo books last week – I've got quite a lot of reading to do! I thought I'd start with Everyday Paleo, which, as a longterm reader of Sarah Fragoso's blog, I've been looking forward to.

Everyday paleo cookbook recipe book paleo sarah fragaso-min

I hadn't realised how inclusive this book was going to be – it covers everything, including what the idea of Paleo is and how you can start from scratch.  One of my favourite topics sleep is also covered, as well as stress.  There is also a big section about fitness (understandable, given that the author is a trainer) and a lot of recipes.

There is a big family and children focus with the book too, which I'm sure would be a great help for families looking to make the move to Paleo.  There is lots of advice on introducing Paleo to children and even Paleo lunchbox suggestions.

The recipe ingredients look like they will convert quite well to Australian availability – but I'll be trying a few out myself later this week.   I'm particularly looking forward to cooking up the Albondigas Soup and the Meaty Pumpkin Souffle.

Make it paleo cookbook recipe book-min

Make It Paleo

I was very excited to receive a copy of “Make it Paleo” yesterday.  I met Bill & Hayley at the AHS and they really were just as lovely as they seem from their blog.  I've used quite a few of their recipes, so have been immensely looking forward to receiving the book.  I took the book down to the park this morning to have a read through, whilst topping up my Vitamin D levels in the sunshine.

Make it Paleo Sydney Harbour Bridge-min

Make It Paleo Arrives In Australia!

I hadn't realised how big the book was going to be!  It's the size of my old Chemistry text book – but much more enjoyable to read.  As with the Primal Palate site, the book is full of beautiful photos and well over two hundred recipes.  You could cook something different everyday for months on end!  There's a great introduction about Bill & Hayley and lots of information about Paleo; which ingredients are good to use, different cuts of meat, useful kitchen equipment and cooking tips.  I think these sections will make the book a great Christmas present for friends who have expressed an interest in Paleo, but may be a bit hesitant about diving in.

Initially, I was a bit confused at first as to why the book had so many recipes for entrées – then I remembered; that is the American word for main course!

Tomorrow is the first beach Barbecue of the Sydney Paleo meet-up group, so I've decided to make up a few things from the book to take along with me.  What better testers than more Paleo people?  There are lots of dips and sauces that look really good in the book, so I'm going to make up a few to dip vegetables in, and to go with the meat.  I'm also going to try the Fennel & Orange salad, which I hope will be as good as it looks, I'm very curious to try that one.  I'll probably make up a few other side dishes, and possibly something from the treats/ cheat section too!  I bought some beautiful organic grass fed steak to put on the barbecue, so it should be a good feast.

Most of the ingredients in the book are very abundant here in Australia.  I did have to visit four shops to find the Fennel, despite it usually being easy to find.  I also had lots of trouble locating Chipotle, which I eventually found out is in fact American for coriander leaves (at least, I hope it is, as that is what I'll be using!)  There are a couple of other ingredients I've noticed in the recipes, that might be more challenging to find in Australia, such as Jicama (which appears to be a root vegetable) and spaghetti squash; but I'm sure these can be substituted – or perhaps if you've seen them over here, you can let me know where, in the comments below?

I usually try to make something different for dinner every evening, so it's great to have a new collection of recipes to try.  I'm especially looking forward to trying the Chicken & Vegetable “lo mein”, as I rarely eat Chinese food anymore (I find it usually has very un-Paleo ingredients).  I very rarely cook seafood at home too, so  I will take the opportunity to cook a few dishes from the seafood section.  Whilst it's not strict Paleo, it's great to have a chapter on cheats and treats!  The natural, grain free ingredients are a million miles away from their conventional purchased and home-made equivalents – a far better alternative for birthdays and the odd special occasion.

The recipes look straight forward and well explained.  I've chosen my dishes, gathered the ingredients – but not yet tested any of the recipes.  So, I need to get cooking for the Paleo barbecue tomorrow…  I'll post a write up and photos of the end results!  Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Make it Paleo is released next week – If you only have room for one Paleo cookbook, I don't think you'd go wrong with this one.  Amazon UK currently has free shipping to Australia with orders over £25 – a great deal for a book this big.