Paleo giveaway competition prize draw enter

Win! I Quit Sugar Cookbook

Sarah Wilson's I Quit Sugar Cookbook is a beautiful ebook, to follow-up to I Quit Sugar Program. Fancy winning your own copy?

The I Quit Sugar Program is an eight week plan to give up sugar – with guidance and advice throughout the process. This is a great first step into Paleo, as initially giving up sugar can seem very daunting.

The follow up recipe book has over 100 recipes, most of which are Paleo. There are breakfast recipes, dinners, snacks, sauces, smoothies and lots of recipes to help a sweet tooth – but of course, without sugar!

Paleo Recipe Book

Sarah Wilson has generously given two of her ebooks to be won in this giveaway! So if you would like a new cookbook and some new recipe inspiration, enter now!

How To Enter:

  1. If you haven't already, sign up to my newsletter below
  2. Like the Paleo Network Facebook page
  3. Leave a comment below – make sure you include your email address in the comment form (won't be displayed publicly), so I can contact you if you win!
I'll pick two winners at random. Entry closes midnight AEST 14th October and winners will be contacted and announced shortly afterwards. Entry open to all regardless of country. One entry per person.
Good Luck!


Paleo Cookbooks cavemanfeast paleo-recipe-book
28 replies
  1. Sheree
    Sheree says:

    Would love to get my hands on a copy of this – was waiting for hard-copy, but I’ll take what I can get! 😀

  2. Dylan
    Dylan says:

    I’d love to win this book!
    I’m fairly good with all the other areas of living Paleo, but sugar is the one thing I’m struggling to give up.

  3. Rebecca Schulz
    Rebecca Schulz says:

    Ha ha. I came to your site to see if you had an affiliate link, intending to purchase this. I guess I can wait a week.

  4. Christie
    Christie says:

    Already get the newsletter and like you on FB! Would love to win this ebook…it looks so useful! Thanks!

  5. Jodie Willmer
    Jodie Willmer says:

    I am embarking on a healthier lifestyle, and my naturopath recommended paleo bread and I would like to learn more about nutrition. The ebook sounds great.

  6. Tricia
    Tricia says:

    This is exactly what I need to get me kick started on my Minus 25 journey 🙂
    Looking forward to learning every facet of Paleo.

  7. Gemma
    Gemma says:

    Hi! I’d love to win a copy of I Quit Sugar. I’m currently transitioning to a Paleo lifestyle using your last newsletter article after being a die-hard sugar addict for many years, so Sarah Wilson’s book would be amazingly helpful! 🙂

  8. Tiffany Shaw
    Tiffany Shaw says:

    Me and my boyfriend have been paleo since last year, but he has such a sweet tooth! I’m always searching for dessert recipes that don’t contain sugar that will satisfy his cravings – this would’ve great!!

  9. Mads
    Mads says:

    I’m currently at Week 6 of the I Quit Sugar program and would love the cookbook to continue my journey.
    It’s been an interesting ride (lordy, the headaches and grumpiness!!) but I am amazed how energised and clear I feel. I am almost ready to bring back the fruit, but I am in no real hurry. The chocolate and cake cravings have taken a back seat and I can look at a dessert menu without drooling.
    I recommend the program wholeheartedly!

  10. Anne
    Anne says:

    I would like to win because I am new to paleo eating but it seems to help with the symptoms of Crohns Desease but sugar is still hard to give up! Maybe this program helps getting rid of all the cravings and grumpiness 😀

  11. Niamh
    Niamh says:

    My name is Niamh and I am a Chocaholic.
    This is my first step to abstinence and winning this book could be just the thing I need to kick-start a new healthier me and in turn my two beautiful kids. They have recently started creeping into my pantry to raid my choccie stash, so I think it’s time I ‘got clean’! I’m about to embark on the Paleo diet and any help I can get would be very much appreciated.

  12. Jan
    Jan says:

    Giving up sugar I agree is just so difficult. It took me about six months before I could stand the taste of coffee without sugar, I find now I really appreciate a ‘good quality coffee’.
    It’s now been nearly three years since I stopped having sugar and I must admit I do find oddly, it puts people out when I’m the only one not having things like ice cream. Some people even try putting the ice cream under my nose to try to tempt me….thanks but no thanks

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