Weston A Price Foundation Conference New Zealand Australia Events Sally Fallon auckland sydney-min

Weston A Price in New Zealand

Apparently Sally Fallon Morell and Geoffrey Morell will be coming to New Zealand next year on a speaking tour with the Weston A Price foundation (WAPF).  Details are still to be announced and it will be between the 24th March and 6th April 2012.


The Weston A Price Foundation approach is not the same as Paleo.  Dairy as well as grains are not discouraged.  Grains are soaked or sprouted prior to eating to remove some (but not all) of the toxins.  I'm certainly not interested in adding grains to my diet, but I am interested in learning more from the WAPF about things like fermented vegetables and organ meats, which I think could be a really beneficial addition to my diet.

I think a WAPF approach is a huge improvement on a typical Western Diet, and probably a good transition into Paleo.  In fact, a lot of Paleo people I have met started off with a WAPF approach before they discovered Paleo.

It should be a very interesting event to attend – and nice to have something like this in our part of the world.  I'll post the details when they are announced.

What do you think about a WAPF approach?

Everyday paleo cookbook recipe book paleo sarah fragaso-min

Everyday Paleo

I was really pleased to receive a few new Paleo books last week – I've got quite a lot of reading to do! I thought I'd start with Everyday Paleo, which, as a longterm reader of Sarah Fragoso's blog, I've been looking forward to.

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I hadn't realised how inclusive this book was going to be – it covers everything, including what the idea of Paleo is and how you can start from scratch.  One of my favourite topics sleep is also covered, as well as stress.  There is also a big section about fitness (understandable, given that the author is a trainer) and a lot of recipes.

There is a big family and children focus with the book too, which I'm sure would be a great help for families looking to make the move to Paleo.  There is lots of advice on introducing Paleo to children and even Paleo lunchbox suggestions.

The recipe ingredients look like they will convert quite well to Australian availability – but I'll be trying a few out myself later this week.   I'm particularly looking forward to cooking up the Albondigas Soup and the Meaty Pumpkin Souffle.

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Food & Health as Evolution Intended – Nora Gedgaudas

Yesterday I went to Nourishing Australia’s “Food & Health as Evolution Intended” seminar.  The seminar was held at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and featured five lectures by Nora Gedgaudas, and lectures by Bruce Ward on naturally grazing animals and Costa Georgiadis on the importance of where food comes from.

I’d heard Nora Gedgaudas speak at the Ancestral Health Symposium in August and really enjoyed her talk – it was just 45 minutes though, so the opportunity to hear her talk for a whole day, in my own city, was too good to miss.

meeting Nora Gedgaudas in Sydney

I was so pleased to see such a full lecture theatre yesterday.  The audience was a very varied mix of medical professionals, nutritionists, as well as people who had only recently heard about Paleo.  There were also a few familiar faces from the Sydney Paleo meet-up group.

Nora Gedgaudas Sydney

As much as I enjoyed the AHS in August, food wasn't included, and being on the UCLA campus good Paleo food wasn’t on hand.  At yesterdays seminar however, the event was catered and the food was fantastic.  Agape Organic Restaurant provided all of the beautiful food yesterday.  Whilst the food was organic and sourced locally, it wasn’t Paleo as it included a bit of dairy, quinoa, corn chips (!) and some sweetened dressings.  It was fairly easy to avoid these elements though and the good sized portion of beef and chicken at lunch was very satiating.

The seminar started with an overview of where we have come from and the food we evolved eating.   The other topics covered included fats and carbohydrates; grains, the link between nutrition & mental health & primal fitness.  The key messages I got from the conference concerned insulin and blood sugar.  Reducing the insulin requirements – by controlling blood sugar appears to be crucial in so many aspects of our health and longevity.  Gluten was also spoken about frequently – and I’m now going to be a lot more cautious to ensure I completely avoid it, especially when I’m eating out.

I really enjoy listening to Nora Gedgaudas, as she is a great speaker who has the ability to put across complex science and theories in a very accessible way.

If you’re in Australia and missed the Sydney seminar, they are going to be in Armidale on the 16th November and the Gold Coast on the 19th November; so it’s not too late to book!


Morning tea: Pumpkin, spinach and basil frittata, Ham, tomato and cheddar frittata. Salmon, pear, chilli, chive & quinoa tatare Corn chips Wagu & pork meatball & Cherry tomato relish

Nora Gedgaudas Sydney

Lunch: Grass fed wagu beef, Roast chicken


Lunch: Roasted Vegetable & Honey mustard dressing salad Broccoli, daikon, carrot, zucchini, adzuki & miso sesame dressing salad Beetroot, parsley, sultana & honey yoghurt dressing Spiced poached pear & cream

Food & Health as Evolution Intended Nora Gedgaudas conference event paleo primal australia tour-min

Nora Gedgaudas in Australia

I'm currently at the “Food & Health as Evolution Intended” Seminar in Sydney. Nora Gedgaudas is the main speaker and has just finished her first two lectures on “Diet and Evolution” and “Fats and Carbohydrates”. After first hearing Gedgaudas at the AHS, it's great to hear a lot more depth on these topics!

The lecture theatre is full of paleo curious Australians, the menu is provided by an organic paleo friendly restaurant – it's going to be a great day!

I'll post a full report about the day tomorrow!

Food & Health as Evolution Intended Nora Gedgaudas conference event paleo primal australia tour-min

Tri Colour Vegetable Cake paleo diet recipe veggies-min

Tri Colour Vegetable Cake Recipe

I felt like experimenting in the kitchen earlier and came up a Recipe for these colourful vegetable cakes.  They were a great colourful addition to a steak, all be it a little unusual!  They were a bit too soft, so I think next time I'll bake them for a bit longer.

Tri Colour Vegetable Cake Recipe
Recipe type: Snacks
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 large red capsicum (bell pepper)
  • 3 tablespoons coconut cream (I use Ayam)
  • 2 egg yolks, beaten
  • tri_coloured_veggie_cakes_b-min
  1. I diced the capsicum and then boiled the capsicum, spinach and carrots separately, for a few minutes.
  2. In turn I then blended each of the vegetables with a third of the eggs and a spoonful of cream.
  3. Once each vegetable was blended I then spooned them into a silicon muffin tin, layer by layer.
  4. I then cooked them at 160 degrees for about 20 minutes, until they started to brown
  5. tri_colour_vegetable_cake_paleo_diet_recipe_veggies_a-min


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I'll probably try this Recipe again, but perhaps with a few different coloured vegetables.

Have you come up with a Paleo Recipe for any interesting vegetable dishes?

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Pink Boxing Gloves

My first ever pair of boxing gloves arrived at the gym last night (er, a Birthday present to myself?)!  They’re pink and quite possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.  I’ve even got matching pink gloves to wear inside (though on reflection, perhaps that’s a bit silly as I won’t be able to see them?)  I can’t wait to wear them with my pink VFF’s!

In the five weeks since I moved from a big commercial gym to a small, independent gym (my PT moved – and I followed), my fitness and strength have increased significantly.  I notice it every day, whether I feel the need to run up a flight of stairs two at a time (which I’d previously have walked up) – or even just lifting previously heavy things at home.

Since the move, my gym sessions have got harder and much more challenging.  My two weekly sessions are based on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and typically involve a lot of strength work and short bursts of cardio.  Every session is completely different; the only constant is that it’s never easy!  I used to hate exercise, but now I love it and am always looking forward to my next session.  I think it takes a while for people new to exercising (as I was two years ago) to go from hating it – to loving it; but trust me, if I love exercise – anyone can grow to love it!

Last night’s session involved the bike and the rower, kettle bell swings, kettle bell cleans, medicine ball, sprints, squats, core work, and stretching.  I moved up to a 16kg kettle bell last night for the first time, which I’m very excited about.  Hopefully that will start feeling less heavy soon!  I recently started doing a circuits class once a week – and adding more sprints into my commute.  I’m sure these factors alongside my fairly strict Paleo nutrition plan have all had a part to play in this sudden increase in fitness!

Future sessions will feature my new boxing gloves – and some heavy ropes which will be arriving at the gym very soon – I’m intrigued to see exactly what we’ll be doing with those?!

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I'm excited to see how much fitter and stronger I'm capable of becoming!

Is your style of exercise completely different to mine?  Are you the fittest you’ve ever been?

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Paleo Birthday Resolutions

It’s my birthday today, which is the perfect time to evaluate my achievements this past year – and to focus on what I want to achieve in this brand new, unchartered year.

This past year can be summarised by one word for me: Paleo!  I’ve travelled to America twice for PrimalCon and the Ancestral Health Symposium and met so many amazing, lifelong, Paleo friends along the way.  I’ve refined my Paleo nutrition and found what works for me.  My housemate and a few friends have adopted a Paleo lifestyle, which I am thrilled about.  I’ve spent a lot of time this year researching and reading in the Paleosphere – and of course, I started this blog.  My biggest personal achievement this year has been my fitness.  I have never been as fit as I am now and it enhances almost every aspect of my life.  Linked into all of these factors, my sleep has been another huge transformation this past 12 months.  I used to really struggle to fall asleep, sleep very poorly, then struggle to wake up in the morning.  The last few months however, I’ve been tired at bedtime, sleeping soundly and waking up before my alarm almost every morning!

It seems like a timely point to work out what I want to achieve between now and my next Birthday, with the help of some “New Years” resolutions.  So, from tomorrow: –

1.       I’m going to see the sunrise and sunset every day.

This is going to be quite a challenge, but it seems a really important link, to the body’s natural circadian rhythm.  After all, we should live alongside the natural day; staying up until 4am isn’t good for us.  Here in Sydney Sunrise is between about 5:15am (this month) and 7am in the winter months.  This should be fairly easy.  I’ll get up just before sunrise, so I should see the sunrise on my walk into work.  The time of year will then determine how long I spend in the gym/ swimming pool before I go to work – or perhaps I’ll even start work early?  Sunset will be a lot more of a challenge, as in Sydney it varies from around 4:50pm in June to about 8:10pm in the summer months (I do miss those long summer evenings in the UK!).  I’m not sure how I’ll tackle this one in the winter, but the summer should be quite achievable.

2.       I’m going to get rid of five things every day.

One Primal area I really struggle with is minimalism!  I have a lot of “stuff”.  My friend Lars over at Primal Minimalist has recently started a new daily habit of de-cluttering his house by five things every day.  I could honest do this every day for the next year – and probably still have quite a lot left by my next birthday.  So this is what I’m going to do!

3.       I’m only going to eat local food.

I think I’m probably fairly compliant on this one already, when I eat at home.  When I eat out however (which is all too frequently), I often have no idea where the food is sourced from.  I need to know this.  I think it’s really important to eat local food (and ideally, organic).  This should also mean I am only eating seasonally, which is also important.  I can hopefully achieve this by bringing in my lunch to work, and eating out less.  When I do eat out, I’ll be very careful to select somewhere that uses local food – and I won’t be afraid to ask!  One area that might not be possible is coconut oil; I’ll investigate further, but may need to make an exception here.

4.       I’m going to up the ante on my chin-up & fitness mission.

By my next birthday I want to be able to do ten unassisted pull-ups and be working towards hand-stand push-ups!  I also want to be considerably fitter and stronger than I am today.  As I have never been as fit and strong as I am today, this is all very exciting new territory.

Are you still sticking to your New Years or birthday resolutions?  Which new Paleo habits would you like to adopt?  What do you think of my resolutions?

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Cinnamon Sweet Potato Beef Hash

I didn't have much spare time last night and an almost empty fridge, so I had to get a bit creative in the kitchen to make my Paleo dinner.

I had half a packet of organic beef mince, a few veggies and lots of herbs; this is what I put together in under 30 minutes.  This would work with whichever vegetables you have, I was just limited by a very overdue shopping trip.

Cinnamon Sweet Potato Beef Hash
Recipe type: Dinner
  • 200g Organic Beef Mince
  • Tablespoon coconut oil (I'm using Melrose organic unrefined coconut oil at the moment)
  • Quarter of a sweet potato, grated
  • Half a zucchini, grated
  • 3 mushrooms, grated
  • Half a red onion, diced
  • 1 carrot, diced
  • 1 capsicum, diced
  • 1 small tin organic tomato paste (the brand I use has no added ingredients, other than tomatoes)
  • I used 1 teaspoon of each garlic powder, onion powder, cinnamon (I love cinnamon and have been using it in everything lately!) & salt (I'm using pink Himalayan salt at the moment), oregano and thyme
  1. I diced the onion and sautéed it in the coconut oil.
  2. I then grated the sweet potato and added it to the onions.
  3. After a few minutes on the heat, I added the mince.
  4. Once the meat was thoroughly browned, I added the remaining vegetables, the tomato paste, the herbs and seasoning.
  5. I continued to cook for about ten minutes, whilst stirring frequently.
  6. With everything minced, grated or diced, it all cooked very quickly; perfect for a busy evening like last night!
  7. I just wish I'd made extra for lunch leftovers...


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I quit sugar ebook Sarah Wilson give up sugar recipe book ebook paleo primal-min-min

I Quit Sugar

I recently bought Sarah Wilsons “I Quit Sugar” ebook, which is currently selling for $15.


I've been following Sarah’s blog and was very interested to read this book.

Whilst I don’t think Sarah would describe herself as “Paleo”, her ideas are very similar.  I also really like how she has tried this approach herself, so is able to explain the positive differences quitting sugar made to her.  The book explains, in simple terms why we shouldn't eat sugar, and then lays out exactly how to quit sugar – which is no easy task for sugar addicts!  Keeping with the Paleo theme, Sarah encourages increased consumption of fats and talks at length about fruit and fruit juices.  This is one area I get a lot of questions on, as many people don’t seem to appreciate the sugar content is not a good thing; Sarah does a great job of explaining this.

Whilst Sarah does eat dairy and some grains, I think this book would be a great starting point for a friend or family member who has expressed an interest in Paleo, but doesn't know how to start – or why they should.  To go from Sarah’s no Sugar plan, to a full Paleo diet would not be much of a leap and this book would be a great tool for the journey.

Sarah has recently spoken with Nora Gedgaudas, and her blog seems to mention Paleo more and more since this conversation.

Have you read her book – Did you Quit Sugar?  I’d be very interested to hear what you think about it!

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A Royal Vibram Fan?

Apparently Prince Harry has just bought some Vibram Five Fingers in California!

It’s great to see the increase in popularity of the VFF’s.  I can’t wait for the day they become more mainstream.  I still get so many funny looks wearing my Vibrams around Sydney.  Some people even comment about how they must be damaging my feet, which is especially amusing, as I have the exact same thought about their feet in the cushioned, padded, arched trainers they insist on wearing.

My Vibrams

Do you think in a few years time EVERYONE will be wearing vibrams?

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