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Paleo Barbeque

Yesterday was the Sydney Paleo meet-up group’s Paleo Barbeque.  We met at beautiful Tamarama beach, where there are a couple of public barbecues, which were in hot demand yesterday!  The weather couldn't have been more perfect for the barbecue, with sunshine and beautiful blue skies!


I spent yesterday morning making a few dishes from the new “Make it Paleo” cookbook, to take along to the barbecue with me.

I made the guacamole to go with some raw vegetables I cut up.


I made the barbecue sauce, which went beautifully with the organic grass fed streak I took along.  This had a bit of a kick to it with the mustard and paprika and proved very popular.  I’ll definitely be making this one again over the summer.


I was really excited to try the Fennel & Orange salad.  The combination of the anise flavour of the fennel and the peppery flavour of the radishes made for an unusual, but very enjoyable salad.


I grated up some carrot, which I mixed with shredded coconut (I love the combination)


Finally, I roasted some seasonal vegetables which were colourful and delicious!

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It was great to see such a good turn out to the barbecue – Paleo in Sydney seems to be well and truly gaining momentum.  Despite a few people attending for the first time, we were an easy group to spot; as the only party at the beach without bread, crisps and junk food!

I hope we’ll be able to have a few more outdoor Paleo meet-ups this summer – it seems so much more Primal!

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Make It Paleo

I was very excited to receive a copy of “Make it Paleo” yesterday.  I met Bill & Hayley at the AHS and they really were just as lovely as they seem from their blog.  I've used quite a few of their recipes, so have been immensely looking forward to receiving the book.  I took the book down to the park this morning to have a read through, whilst topping up my Vitamin D levels in the sunshine.

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Make It Paleo Arrives In Australia!

I hadn't realised how big the book was going to be!  It's the size of my old Chemistry text book – but much more enjoyable to read.  As with the Primal Palate site, the book is full of beautiful photos and well over two hundred recipes.  You could cook something different everyday for months on end!  There's a great introduction about Bill & Hayley and lots of information about Paleo; which ingredients are good to use, different cuts of meat, useful kitchen equipment and cooking tips.  I think these sections will make the book a great Christmas present for friends who have expressed an interest in Paleo, but may be a bit hesitant about diving in.

Initially, I was a bit confused at first as to why the book had so many recipes for entrées – then I remembered; that is the American word for main course!

Tomorrow is the first beach Barbecue of the Sydney Paleo meet-up group, so I've decided to make up a few things from the book to take along with me.  What better testers than more Paleo people?  There are lots of dips and sauces that look really good in the book, so I'm going to make up a few to dip vegetables in, and to go with the meat.  I'm also going to try the Fennel & Orange salad, which I hope will be as good as it looks, I'm very curious to try that one.  I'll probably make up a few other side dishes, and possibly something from the treats/ cheat section too!  I bought some beautiful organic grass fed steak to put on the barbecue, so it should be a good feast.

Most of the ingredients in the book are very abundant here in Australia.  I did have to visit four shops to find the Fennel, despite it usually being easy to find.  I also had lots of trouble locating Chipotle, which I eventually found out is in fact American for coriander leaves (at least, I hope it is, as that is what I'll be using!)  There are a couple of other ingredients I've noticed in the recipes, that might be more challenging to find in Australia, such as Jicama (which appears to be a root vegetable) and spaghetti squash; but I'm sure these can be substituted – or perhaps if you've seen them over here, you can let me know where, in the comments below?

I usually try to make something different for dinner every evening, so it's great to have a new collection of recipes to try.  I'm especially looking forward to trying the Chicken & Vegetable “lo mein”, as I rarely eat Chinese food anymore (I find it usually has very un-Paleo ingredients).  I very rarely cook seafood at home too, so  I will take the opportunity to cook a few dishes from the seafood section.  Whilst it's not strict Paleo, it's great to have a chapter on cheats and treats!  The natural, grain free ingredients are a million miles away from their conventional purchased and home-made equivalents – a far better alternative for birthdays and the odd special occasion.

The recipes look straight forward and well explained.  I've chosen my dishes, gathered the ingredients – but not yet tested any of the recipes.  So, I need to get cooking for the Paleo barbecue tomorrow…  I'll post a write up and photos of the end results!  Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Make it Paleo is released next week – If you only have room for one Paleo cookbook, I don't think you'd go wrong with this one.  Amazon UK currently has free shipping to Australia with orders over £25 – a great deal for a book this big.

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Unhealthy Health Food?

I'm so disappointed with Iku.  When finding out how I eat, a few friends have suggested Iku, which is a whole food, “healthy” outlet, with a few locations around Sydney.

I'm not disappointed with options like McDonalds, as I doubt anyone goes there to fulfil their aim of having a healthy, wholesome nutritious lunch.  Iku however shares so many of my nutrition beliefs, yet tackles them with pretty much the polar opposite nutritional approach.

Iku strive on providing organic food, and local where possible.  I completely agree with this approach and can’t think of any other food outlet that goes this far.  This ensures produce that should be free from pesticides, fresher and being local, far more sustainable.  Tick!

They also try to keep foods as close to their natural state as possible, with minimal processing.  This is very in line with the Paleo approach.

Their foods are also all dairy free, additive free, preservative free and free from genetic modification – more Paleo approval for getting this right.  So far, so good.

But, then it all starts to go wrong.  They strongly believe in the nutritional prowess of grains and legumes, believing that they help to fight disease.  This is completely at odds with Paleo thinking, where legumes and grains have been shown to increase inflammation and reduce gut health.  Their ingredients “slow blood sugar responses”. Whilst Paleo, without grains, will take blood sugar responses out of the equation – surely this is far healthier.  Their menu is also designed to “keep cholesterol levels in check”, which is a clear reference to the outdate lipid hypothesis, to which Paleo does not subscribe.

It then gets even less Paleo.  All of their food is free of any animal product.  I can’t find any explanation on their site as to why they (presumably) perceive this to be the healthiest way to live.

Their tagline is “Feel great, have huge amounts of energy and a strong immune system”.  I'm not sure how I could possibly feel good consuming grains and legumes – and no meat.  I know it certainly wouldn't give me much energy.  I currently have so much energy on my (fairly strict) Paleo diet.  As for having a strong immune system, this also puzzles me with all of those lectins, phytates & proteins like gluten in the grains and legumes.

I’d love to see a national chain of food outlets that would combine the local, whole, organic philosophy, with great quality meat – and not a grain or legume in sight!  Perhaps I’ll have to open my own!

Do you have well meaning “healthy” food outlets where you live?  That actually aren't what you would consider healthy?

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My Current Fitness Mission

In addition to walking & running, I have two or three sessions a week of high intensity interval training style workouts, which I love.  I’ve been doing this for over a year now and have made significant progress.  The more progress I make however, the more my fitness ambitions grow.

Originally I wanted to be able to do “proper” man push ups.  I can finally do these now, though they aren't pretty.  Yet.


My biggest fitness ambition is to be able to do proper, unassisted chin-ups.  I’d be thrilled to be able to do one, but ten would be incredible.  I’ve been using an assisted chin up machine at the gym to help me achieve this.  It has a counter weight, which you can gradually reduce – until the day arrives where no counter weight is required.  The counter weights are gradually reducing – and my other strength routines are no doubt helping towards my aim.


My aim is to be able to do a few proper chin-ups by April – at PrimalCon 2012.  That gives me six months to get stronger.  I will conquer them!

Can you do chin-ups?  Do you have any fitness goals that you’re working towards?  Share in the comments, below

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My Daily Commute

When Mark’s Daily Apple launched this video competition, it seemed like the perfect excuse to learn some new Mac skills, after buying my first ever MacBook Pro a couple of weeks ago.  I’d been thinking about making a video of my commute into work, as the sun rises behind the Sydney Opera house, whilst I run/ walk over the Harbour Bridge.  Perhaps with a cruise liner going under the bridge, at the exact same time I ran over it.  Yeah, didn't happen like that.  By the time I found my camera I completely missed the sunrise and the weather was terrible.

So, let me know what you think of my first ever video!

I think walking is one of the best forms of exercise there is.  For me, walking to work is perfect.  There are no excuses or putting it off – I have to get to work, I have to walk!  My commute is 4.6km (2.9 miles), each way, so door to desk, via shower, it is well under an hour.  I'm increasing the amount I wear my Vibrams each week too, I'm almost up to every day.  If I were to get the bus, by the time I've waited around for a bus, it wouldn't be that much quicker – not to mention the unpleasantness of buses at rush hour.  On the way into work it’s mainly downhill and I often run.  I've got particularly bad at needing to overtake EVERYONE in front of me.  I used to walk most of the way home, but since I've upped the fat in my diet, and decreased the carbs, I often have so much energy I feel compelled to run.  Even after a long day at work.  Crazy!

Another huge benefit I see in walking, particularly in the summer, is that I get a lot of sun exposure – but not the intense midday sun.  Great for keeping my Vitamin D levels topped up.  I also really enjoy the time to just be mindful and enjoy the fresh air and scenery, or listen to music and podcasts.  I wouldn't swap this part of my day for anything!

Before I moved to Australia, my commute used to be 19 miles, in a car, on a motorway in the UK.  It doesn't get much less Primal than that!

In addition to walking, I also do high intensity intensity training two or three times a week, with my fantastic PT, Karl.  In the year since I started these sessions, my strength and fitness have improved significantly.  I’m making slow, but steady progress in my push-up and chin-up ambitions!  I will master the unassisted chin-up, I will!

What does your fitness look like?  Do you walk to work too?

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New paleo events in australia sydney melbourne brisbane new zealand-min

New Events In Australia

Check out the newly listed events down under….

New paleo events in australia sydney melbourne brisbane new zealand-min

Lectures on Sleep, Sugar, Vitamin D, Allergy Workshops, Health & Fitness Expo & the Australia Beef Expo in NSW, VIC, ACT & QLD

Have you heard of any Paleo related events in your area?  WA, TAS, NT, SA and New Zealand seem to be a bit under represented?  Let me know below and I'll add them to the list!

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Paleo Meets Vegan

There's an interesting talk at the Sydney Opera House tomorrow, as part of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas.  The talk is entitles “What We Are and What We Eat”, by Jonathan Safran Foer.  Foer has written a book called “Eating Animals”, and it sounds like he has a strong vegan, anti-Paleo agenda.

From what I've read, it looks like he is very concerned about cheap, factory farmed animal produce, which is a viewpoint I completely agree with.  However, whilst I tackle this by sourcing very good quality, grass fed, organic meat, with a minimal degree of separation between myself an the farmer – I wonder if Foer's approach is tofu and grains?

I'm always interested in hearing and understanding differing viewpoints about diets and food sustainability, so I'm quite tempted to go along.

Must remember to take some beef jerky with me, I think they only sell sweets & crisps at the Opera House…


7,497 Miles to PrimalCon

One of the highlights of 2011 so far was the weekend I went to PrimalCon 2011 in California in April.  I enjoyed it so much, that I booked my ticket for the 2012 event as soon as the tickets went on sale this morning.

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Sunset at PrimalCon

I hadn't realised quite how far America was from Australia when I booked this year.  I went at quite short notice and used my air miles, so didn't pay too much attention to minor details like flight times.  I was trying to minimise time off work, so I left Australia on the Friday and flew back on the Sunday night.  This was a big mistake!  I now know very well that Los Angeles is a very long 14 hour 7,497 mile flight from Sydney.  To make matters worse, as I used my air miles, I was assigned a very impressive route of Sydney to Brisbane, a night in Brisbane, a flight from Brisbane to Melbourne, then finally I got on my international flight at Melbourne!

It was all for the best however, as I met a wonderful new friend on the flight to LA, who was also attending PrimalCon (with just two people going from Australia, what were the chances of us being on the same flight?)

I'm planning to make PrimalCon 2012 into a much more sensible length America trip, especially as it falls the weekend after Easter.

I made some lifelong Primal friends in April, in fact, I spent a wonderful week in Texas with two of my PrimalCon friends, and met up with some others at the AHS in August.  I'm really looking forward to catching up with them and making some more Primal friends.

Over the whole weekend, the food was incredible.  So much was local Californian produce and it was great to have things like Kale and Turkey, which I find so difficult to find here in Australia (if you know of any good sources here, please let me know in the comments!)

One of my highlights from the weekend was the running workshop with Barefoot Ted.   I learnt so much from him and my running style has changed forever.  In fact, it was his workshop that inspired me to buy my Vibrams!  I'm thrilled to see Barefoot Ted is back again for next year’s event – hopefully I can refine my technique further still.

Erwan Le Corre is a new presenter for the 2012 event.  I really enjoyed his talk and demonstration on MovNat at the AHS this year, and to have the opportunity to have a small group workshop with the guy who does this is incredibly exciting!

I just received my latest Amazon book order of Exuberant Animal by Frank Forencich yesterday – so couldn't believe it when I read Frank Forencich is also a presenter at PrimalCon!  I’d better get started on his book…

Hopefully we'll be able to get Mark Sisson over to Australia/ New Zealand in the near future, but in the meantime…  anyone else coming to PrimalCon with me?

Barbecued Kangaroo with Strawberry Sauce & a Cube of Chips paleo diet recipe-min

Barbecued Kangaroo with Strawberry Sauce & a Cube of Chips

I love Kangaroo.  Living in Australia it is a really cheap meat – and as kangaroos aren't farmed I know I'm getting good meat.

Kangaroo goes really well with plum sauce.  Unfortunately however the stone fruit season doesn't start for another month or two here, so I had to improvise for lunch today!  I had lots of frozen strawberries so made a strawberry sauce which went really well with the Roo!

I love sweet potatoes so used them to make big chunky sweet potato chips, which I stacked like a game of Jenga.

Barbecued Kangaroo with Strawberry Sauce & a Cube of Chips
Recipe type: Dinner
Cuisine: Australian
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
  • Two small onions, diced
  • 200g organic tomato paste
  • 200g frozen strawberries
  • pinch of mustard powder
  • pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Spoon of coconut oil
  • For the Chip Cube:
  • One large sweet potato
  • Salt (I use pink himalayan crystal salt)
  • oregano
  • EVOO
  • And of course, Kangaroo
  1. Saute the onion in coconut oil and added the tomato purée, after a few minutes, with a couple of tablespoons of water.
  2. Add in the mustard and pepper and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Add the strawberries and allowed it to simmer for about ten minutes.
  4. barbecued_kangaroo_strawberry_c-min
  5. Cut the sweet potato into 18 equally sized lengths and arranged them on an over tray.
  6. Drizzle some EVOO on the chips and some salt and oregano before putting it in the oven at 200 degrees. Cook for about 20 minutes, turning halfway through.
  7. barbecued_kangaroo_strawberry_b-min
  8. Once the sauce cools, put it in the blender until it reaches a nice consistency.
  9. Barbecue the Kangaroo very simply, I try to do Kangaroo rare.
  10. Once everything is cooked Iassemble the cube using three layers of three sweet potato chips.
  11. Add a couple of spoonfuls of sauce to the kangaroo and serve!
  12. barbecued_kangaroo_strawberry-min


Enter your details and check your email!

The sweetness of the sauce was a great compliment to the Kangaroo.


Not in Australia?  I believe Kangaroo meat is available in some exotic meat stores around the World.  I'd love to hear what you think of this recipe, and if you have any top Kangaroo dishes – let me know in the comments below!

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Meeting Real, Local People – Who Lead a Paleo Lifestyle Too

Last night was the fourth meet up of the Sydney Paleo group – and the third I’ve had the pleasure of attending.  We met at a Korean Barbeque restaurant, tucked away down a side street, in the city centre.  A few of us had met before and there were some new faces to meet.  The food couldn’t have got much more Paleo.  We had all different types of meat, which we barbequed ourselves.

I’m becoming more and more obsessed with all things Paleo as time goes by.  I always want to talk about an amazing new blog I’ve found, or find out what others think about the latest research.  But I am aware that a lot of my non Paleo friends aren’t as interested in this as I am!  To be able to meet up with a group of people on the same wavelength is amazing.

We were able to jump straight into topics such as Jack Kruse’s Leptin theories, Nora Gedgaudas’s Australian Primal Body Primal mind conference, the AHS and how we handle social events with our non-Paleo friends.  We discussed our favourite blogs and books, how we do Paleo and local Paleo friendly suppliers & restaurants.

As much as I benefit from & value my online Paleo friends and the online community, there is nothing like meeting Paleo people in real life.

Next month we’ll be meeting again, only this time for an outdoor meet up.  A barbeque by the beach, frisbee, slack line & lots of paleo talk – I can’t wait!

If you don’t know any Paleo folk in real life, I suggest you join your local meetup group – or if there isn’t one – create it yourself!