My daily commute barefoot paleo network sydney harbour bridge walking running-min

My Daily Commute

When Mark’s Daily Apple launched this video competition, it seemed like the perfect excuse to learn some new Mac skills, after buying my first ever MacBook Pro a couple of weeks ago.  I’d been thinking about making a video of my commute into work, as the sun rises behind the Sydney Opera house, whilst I run/ walk over the Harbour Bridge.  Perhaps with a cruise liner going under the bridge, at the exact same time I ran over it.  Yeah, didn't happen like that.  By the time I found my camera I completely missed the sunrise and the weather was terrible.

So, let me know what you think of my first ever video!

I think walking is one of the best forms of exercise there is.  For me, walking to work is perfect.  There are no excuses or putting it off – I have to get to work, I have to walk!  My commute is 4.6km (2.9 miles), each way, so door to desk, via shower, it is well under an hour.  I'm increasing the amount I wear my Vibrams each week too, I'm almost up to every day.  If I were to get the bus, by the time I've waited around for a bus, it wouldn't be that much quicker – not to mention the unpleasantness of buses at rush hour.  On the way into work it’s mainly downhill and I often run.  I've got particularly bad at needing to overtake EVERYONE in front of me.  I used to walk most of the way home, but since I've upped the fat in my diet, and decreased the carbs, I often have so much energy I feel compelled to run.  Even after a long day at work.  Crazy!

Another huge benefit I see in walking, particularly in the summer, is that I get a lot of sun exposure – but not the intense midday sun.  Great for keeping my Vitamin D levels topped up.  I also really enjoy the time to just be mindful and enjoy the fresh air and scenery, or listen to music and podcasts.  I wouldn't swap this part of my day for anything!

Before I moved to Australia, my commute used to be 19 miles, in a car, on a motorway in the UK.  It doesn't get much less Primal than that!

In addition to walking, I also do high intensity intensity training two or three times a week, with my fantastic PT, Karl.  In the year since I started these sessions, my strength and fitness have improved significantly.  I’m making slow, but steady progress in my push-up and chin-up ambitions!  I will master the unassisted chin-up, I will!

What does your fitness look like?  Do you walk to work too?

My daily commute barefoot paleo network sydney harbour bridge walking running-min

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3 replies
  1. Lisa from Oz
    Lisa from Oz says:

    That is one on my ambitions before the years is out, I really want to be able to catch a train across to Milsons Point and walk over the bridge to work, it’s only the end of Feb, so still a way to go, Love the video BTW 🙂

  2. Lisa from London
    Lisa from London says:

    I love your blogs, they are so inspiring! I I too walk to and from work 3.9 miles each way instead of taking the bus and I would never go back to the bus. I feel so much more productive walking instead of standing waiting for a bus then sitting down for the whole ride. I have lost two stone in two months and gained so much from it 🙂

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