Special Protocol Weekly Meeting

Are you following an AIP, Whole30, Keto, or other restrictive program to address health concerns or goals? It's extremely beneficial to have a support network of other folks with your same needs, so let's get together for lunch and help each other out! Whole Foods Market offers $2 off the hot food and salad bars every Wednesday, so let's take advantage! The Town and Country center also has a charming little farmer's market going on from 10-2 as well so we can support some local vendors as well. 🙂 The Whole Foods dining section is rather tiny so if we need a large table, we may have to meet in the outdoor seating area.

$100 OFF The Wellness Summit – with Pete Evans

The Wellness Couch presents a two day event
The Wellness Summit – Melbourne
Crown Melbourne
Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th of August

For your $100 discount be sure to use the code CHARBYSUMMIT14

For FULL details – please go to http://www.thewellnesssummit.com/fe/44543-melbourne-wellness-summit

*ALL questions should be directed to The Wellness Summit

Appreciating The Female Power Role Using Ancestral Links, by Sara Eye

Appreciating the Female Power Role Using Ancestral Links to Our Heritage as Leaders, Healers, Teachers, Lovers and Mothers.

How is the paleo lifestyle related to social conditions such as gender, race, heritage, age, profession or sexual identity? Simple. Following a paleo diet is just one step to uncovering so much about our health and fitness potential. Women find more challenges, generally, than men when it comes to weight loss, recovery, and healing because we are exposed to all the dirty social conditioning we've collected throughout our lives and often face this invisible battle of finding our identity. Self-criticism, perfectionism, competitiveness and self-worth are conditions of the mind. Not the scale. Not the dress size. Not your job title. This is where we face stigmas and often sabotage ourselves because we continue to run on viral software programmed over a lifetime. I will discuss ways to de-program those conditioned beliefs by initiating a conversation about the ancestral female role, and how your own intuitive feelings, thoughts and desires are a reflection of those ancestral gifts. This is good for men as well, unless you are a dude who wants to continue bitching that you don't “get women”. Well here's a way to “get it”! And ladies, this is a good opportunity to learn how you can attach mind-body strength and become a follower of your intuition- not social conditioning. That doesn't mean you have to stop shaving your armpits or wearing bras, but more-so use your gifts to tune into every part of your life: work, friendship, family, motherhood, relationships, nutrition & diet, health, fitness, sport and spirituality. Some of my exercises will shock you. Bring a notepad and your favorite girly pen with pink gel ink and a feather 😉


Sara is an expert on holistic health, integrative nutrition and exercise kinesiology.

To learn more about Sara, check out her website: http://austinprimalfitness.com/saras-story/


Please park on the streets near Efficient Exercise, the coffeeshop nearby needs parking space for its own customers 🙂

Q&A on Strength Training, and an Introducton to ARX by Keith Norris

Keith’s immersion in fitness and strength training began at the age of 15 as a member of San Antonio’s Powerhouse Gym, legendary for launching the careers of such athletes as Ms. Olympia Rachel McLish, Lori Bowen-Rice and Jeep Swenson. His interest expanded to include athletic rehabilitation while playing football for Texas State.

Keith has become a thought leader on Paleo nutrition and his blog, Ancestral Momentum ­- Theory to Practice, is consistently ranked as one of the Top Fitness Blogs and in top 20 by BreakingMuscle.

Keith will do a brief presentation on strength training, and then answer your questions! He'll also provide you with an introduction to the ARX equipment, which perfectly accommodates a user’s constantly-changing force output through the entire range of motion. ==

Please park on the streets near Efficient Exercise, the coffeeshop nearby needs parking space for its own customers 🙂

Eat Some Yolks!

Let's revive the Paleo Book Club by reading Eat the Yolks by Liz Wolfe. I hope you all snagged a Kindle copy when it was 99 cents! Liz partners with Diane Sanfillipo for the Balanced Bits podcast, which is one of the most informative and entertaining Paleo podcasts out there. In this publication, she busts many nutritional myths and backs up her nutritional advice with sound science. She's also charming and witty, so I can only imagine that the book will include some pleasantries as well. 🙂

We can gather at my house unless there are suggestions to meet elsewhere. Snacks and beverages are definitely encouraged! Please have the book read by the date of the Meetup and prepare a few highlights or bullet points that you feel are worthy of discussion.

Paleo Girl Talk!

Primal Blueprint Publishing recently released Paleo Girl by Leslie Klenke – a simple yet practical guide targeted for preteen and teenage girls. What a great way to introduce the Paleo lifestyle to the next generation! I would like for us to gather for a “how to manage our growing girls” strategy session. 🙂 This will serve not only as a book club selection but also a support group of sorts for those of us with young ladies in our lives – daughters, nieces, cousins, students, or any other growing girl you may have a connection to. Let's get this next generation prepared and empowered about the struggles they face and help them avoid the pitfalls of peer pressure, eating disorders, and bullying. Think about it – what if you knew then what you know now about nutrition, exercise, sunlight, and sleep? Here's an opportunity to enlighten the youngsters on how to age gracefully and thrive rather than just survive. 🙂

Feel free to bring a nourishing snack or beverage to share. The young ladies in your life are also more than welcome to attend. I encourage ideas and suggestions that would help make this Meetup successful. 🙂

Paleo Playdate

Let's get together before school starts. Bring the kids and come meet up for a little playground playdate. Bring a snack to share if you'd like.

Primal Playout with Darryl Edwards!

Darryl – The Fitness Explorer the author of “Paleo Fitness” returns to NYC from London, England en-route to Ancestral Health Symposium (AHS) in town for the eve of 4 August to lead a workshop, or as he calls them, “Playshops”, with an introduction to paleo fitness and play called PRIMAL PLAY.

What is it?


Check out the details at the link below, and sign up before Wednesday to get the early bird discount.

https://primalplaynyc4.eventbrite.com #PrimalPlayNYC

I look forward to meeting you once again and perhaps some post play out nosh at Wholefoods! 🙂

Some testimonials?


Primal Playout with Darryl Edwards


Darryl – The Fitness Explorer the author of “Paleo Fitness” returns to NYC from London, England en-route to Ancestral Health Symposium (AHS) in town for the eve of 4 August to lead a workshop, or as he calls them, “Playshops”, with an introduction to paleo fitness and play called PRIMAL PLAY.

Check out the details at the link below, and sign up before Wednesday to get the early bird discount.

https://primalplaynyc4.eventbrite.com #PrimalPlayNYC

I look forward to meeting you once again and perhaps some post play out nosh at Wholefoods! :-)<a href=”https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/primalplay”></a>


Coffee at Panera (Michigan/Orange)

Get together with other Paleo people to discuss the diet, share success stories, ask questions, and have some pretty good coffee. Note: Panera does have some non-Paleo items behind the counter. Might need to cover your eyes!

Call or text Mark at[masked] if you need help finding us. The clerk behind the coffee cash register will be told which table we're at.