Special Protocol Weekly Meeting

Are you following an AIP, Whole30, Keto, or other restrictive program to address health concerns or goals? It's extremely beneficial to have a support network of other folks with your same needs, so let's get together for lunch and help each other out! Whole Foods Market offers $2 off the hot food and salad bars every Wednesday, so let's take advantage! The Town and Country center also has a charming little farmer's market going on from 10-2 as well so we can support some local vendors as well. 🙂 The Whole Foods dining section is rather tiny so if we need a large table, we may have to meet in the outdoor seating area.

crosspost: Gluten Intolerence Group Renton Support Group

RSVP for real here: http://www.meetup.com/Celiacs-in-Seattle/

Special Protocol Weekly Meeting

Are you following an AIP, Whole30, Keto, or other restrictive program to address health concerns or goals? It's extremely beneficial to have a support network of other folks with your same needs, so let's get together for lunch and help each other out! Whole Foods Market offers $2 off the hot food and salad bars every Wednesday, so let's take advantage! The Town and Country center also has a charming little farmer's market going on from 10-2 as well so we can support some local vendors as well. 🙂 The Whole Foods dining section is rather tiny so if we need a large table, we may have to meet in the outdoor seating area.

Paleo Potluck in the Park

Meetup 10am at the Brisbane Health and Fitness Expo (I have a  few 2 for 1 passes if you get in quick) then head to southbank for potluck picnic/bbq.

Please bring a plate to share (please include ingredients and recipe to share later)

If you are worried about what to bring:

It can be something very simple like a bowl of nuts, salad, dip or a good chance to show everyone your exceptional cooking skills.  It really does not matter so long as you include the ingredient list. There are BBQ's there so you could even bring something to BBQ. 

Don't let bringing a plate stop you from coming. If you are on Whole 30 and want to bring your own lunch and picnic with us that is perfectly fine as well. In case of bad weather I will update the meetup page here and in the Facebook group.

How you will find us- Look out for the Brisbane Paleo A-frame sign and some of us will be wearing Tshirts with the logo on it.

Self-Care Working Group

This will be a paid event ($20) to implement a consulting service in a group setting. Outstanding contributions from attendees will be appreciated with a free pass to a subsequent meeting. Practitioners, too. Topics will include lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, diet, sleep, quantified-self technology, self-empowerment and any topic from any of my past Dialog Dinners hosted by Joni Sare, or blogs from <a>www.Project Wellbeing.com.</a>

Three dates per month: the second Monday, the third Sunday and/or the fourth Thursday.  Pick one that is most convenient, or attend all three.  The Sunday is for longer time and easier transportation.  I hope this is flexible enough that at least one date will work for you. If none of these work, please let me know.

This is intended to be a working group, where progress over time is part of the process.

To ensure a safe environment, all participants will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement that binds them against discussing any other person's health issues and meeting comments.

There is no requirement for implementation.  You can sit and listen for informational purposes only, if that is what you wish.

If you do not know me and would like a general introduction, watch “Nutrients for Better Mental Performance” on the Google TechTalk Channel on YouTube.  Or just type “Steve Fowkes” at the YouTube prompt and select something else.

Get Fermented! Fermentation Workshop and Demonstration

The Last Organic Outpost is hosting a fermentation workshop and demo.

Come have all of your fermentation questions answered as Amy Robison, Co-Leader of the Houston-Galveston Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and Ali Miller RD, LD, CDE from Naturally Nourished walk you through everything Fermented at the Last Organic Outpost. The workshop includes the history of fermentation, which dates back thousands of years, the health benefits of including fermented foods in your diet, and much more. You'll be able to try fermented foods and beverages as well as learn how to get started fermenting at home.

Some things to remember:
Summer in Houston is a HOT time. Bring WATER.

While there is plenty of shade to be found, a lot of growing beds are in full sun, so a hat is a good idea too.

If you have camp chairs, consider bringing them for the presentation.

WAPF Conference in Southbridge, MA


Saturday September 20
Sunday September 21

Southbridge Hotel and Convention Center
14 Mechanic St, Southbridge, MA 01550

An integrated learning experience featuring life-changing lectures, socializing, nutrient-dense meals and WAPF-friendly vendors

REGISTRATION (coming soon)
Discounts for members, seniors and students.
One or two day registrations available.

Learn to Ferment with Herbs!

fermenting foods is a traditional preservation technique throughout the world. popular for centuries because it boosts the nutritional value of foods and provides beneficial bacteria to keep the gut healthy. join herbalist Gavin McCarthy and learn how to lacto-ferment foods and add herbs to make powerful, probiotic medicine. we discuss the benefits of fermented foods and make several recipes for digestive, liver, immune, and neurological support.

This workshop will be at the Commonwealth Center for Herbal Medicine. A handy map can be found here:

Sunday Brunch

Let's support a local business that provides fresh from scratch organic goodness at Lux!

Smart Life Forum, every 3rd Thursday

Smart Life Forum meets the 3rd Thursday's of each month, in Palo Alto.  Hosted by the Silicon Valley Health Institute, these meetings take place at the Cubberly Community Center.  Typical topics are health, nutrition, diet and alternative medical modalities.

See www.SVHI.org for the speaker of this month, or look at the comment section immediately below this message. 

Who comes to these meetings:

People who like the more technical side of health and wellness, and people who just want some good sound nutrition answers to their questions.