
Citrus Chicken, Parsnip and Swede One Pot paleo dinner recipe-min

How to Make Citrus Chicken, Parsnip and Swede One Pot

How to Make Refilled Sweet Potatoes with Turkey, Mango and Lime

Paleo diet recipe Christmas Lemon and Thyme Guinea Fowl dinner lunch-min

How to Make Christmas Lemon and Thyme Guinea Fowl

The paleo guide to Christmas dinner lunch meal plan recipe diet-min

The Paleo Guide To Christmas Dinner

So on the face of it you might be thinking Paleo and Christmas don’t go together. Perhaps you need to have a week or two “off” your Paleo diet until the festivities are over? Not so fast! Your Christmas Dinner might just be a lot more Paleo than you realised!


Turkey is a fantastic Paleo meat! Make sure your turkey is from a good source and fully pastured (you might need to order this in advance to ensure you get a good one!) and you’ll have a great high protein, low carb meat to base your lunch around.

The paleo guide to Christmas dinner lunch meal plan recipe diet-min


Use the meat juices to make a beautifully Paleo gravy. Once you’ve made a proper gravy, you’ll wonder how you used to eat instant gravy mixes!

Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce and turkey is an amazing combination – and of course cranberries are Paleo – just make your own sauce instead of buying a sugar laden version, perfect for Christmas dinner

Paleo Cranberry Sauce Recipe


  • 750ml (3 cups) of cranberries
  • Juice of two oranges
  • 1 tsp orange zest, finely grated
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, finely grated
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon

Paleo Cranberry Sauce How To:

Boil the orange juice and add the cranberries. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 5 – 10 minutes until the berries have all burst and released their flavour. Remove from the heat and add the cinnamon and zest. Stir and allow to cool before refrigerating. Will keep for a few days in the fridge.


Potatoes are off the menu – but all is not lost! Just replace them with sweet potatoes which are perhaps even more delicious.

Brussels Sprouts

Sprouts are a perfect green, so pile them up high! If you’re not so keen on the taste try cooking them up with a bit of ginger for a great taste.

Christmas Pudding

Traditional Christmas puddings are often very wheat and sugar based – but who says you have to be traditional? How about chocolate avocado mousse for afters?

What is on your Christmas dinner menu , I’d love to hear in the comments below? Are you making some changes and keeping it Paleo?

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The Paleo Dinner Recipe Book

I've had a lot of request from people who've bought my recipes books, for a book on Paleo Dinner Recipes – and I'm pleased to announce – here it is!

Paleo dinner cover

I think this is the most extensive Paleo recipe book I've created to date, with over 60 recipes and beautiful full page photos of most recipes.

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There’s something for everyone, with chapters based around your favourite meats:

  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Lamb
  • Beef
  • Fish & Seafood

I've also include offal and vegetarian recipes, as well as two chapters covering side dishes and sauces, to transform your dinners! There’s a good balance of quick dinners and dinners to impress with.

As someone who’s lived in metric and imperial countries, I know how annoying it is to read recipes that are only in grams, or only in ounces – so you’ll be pleased to find that all of my recipes will make sense wherever you live!

Currently the book is available as an ebook, so you can download it instantly. It comes with a 30 day guarantee and can be purchased here for $17 by credit card, debit card or paypal.

Buy Two or more Paleo Recipe Ebooks and Save

The book is $17, but I offer big discounts if you buy more than one of my recipe books in one transaction – you can find the bulk prices here.

I'm often asked if my books are available as print version – I know a lot of people prefer a physical book. Well, the good news is that I will be offering print versions soon, but at the moment, these are all digital downloads.

I’d love to hear your feedback on this book, or any others!

Szechuan Pepper and Lime Beef Stir Fry with Steamed Pak Choi paleo diet recipe lunch dinner-min

How to Make Szechuan Pepper and Lime Beef Stir Fry with Steamed Pak Choi

73 Paleo Dinner Ideas paleo diet primal suggestions list-min

73 Paleo Dinner Ideas

What are you having for your Paleo Dinner tonight? Have your dinners started to get repetitive and boring? Or perhaps you’ve got a joint of meat sat in your fridge and are looking for some inspiration about what dinner to make with it? My Paleo dinner recipe book is full of dinner recipes – you can check it out here. Meanwhile, here are some Paleo dinner ideas to cook and enjoy tonight…

Chicken Paleo Dinner Options

There are so many options with chicken! If you’ve got some chicken at home, perhaps one of these ideas will give you some inspiration?

  • Thai green curry
  • Chicken Fajitas. Either skip the tortillas or use lettuce, or Nori wraps instead
  • Chicken casserole – make it in your crockpot/ slow cooker for an instant dinner
  • Chicken kebabs
  • Bacon wrapped chicken breasts
  • Roast chicken
  • Chicken salad with mango
  • Lemon chicken in the slow cooker
  • Jerk chicken
  • Quick & easy chicken curry
  • Paleo chicken pad thai
  • Avocado Cashew chicken

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 Fish Paleo Dinner Suggestions

Fish is a great choice for Omega 3 – just make sure you get good quality seafood – and ideally line caught fish.

  • Salmon burgers
  • Paleo Sushi using nori wraps and cauliflower rice
  • Pan seared tuna with lime and steamed veggies
  • Smoked haddock omelette
  • Chilli crab
  • Salt & pepper squid
  • Shrimp salad
  • Chowder
  • Baked trout & roasted vegetables
  • Seared scallops
  • Muscles with garlic
  • Seaweed salad
  • Paleo paella
  • Fish stew

SAD Dinners

Missing a SAD favourite? Try the Paleo version!

  • Make a Paleo pizza with a nut flour base
  • Spaghetti bolognaise with zucchini noodles
The Paleo Recipe Book Paleo Diet Primal Cookbook Brekkie

Beef Paleo Dinner Ideas

Beef is another very versatile dinner choice, with literally thousands of menu options. Try one of these ideas tonight.

  • Bunless burgers with sweet potato fries
  • Meatloaf
  • Lasagne (using eggplant and zucchini instead of pasta)
  • Paleo meatballs
  • Beanless chilli
  • Spicy beef curry made with coconut milk
  • A traditional roast beef dinner with roasted veggies
  • A beef and broccoli stir fry
  • Beef stew
  • Beef stuffed capsicum/bell peppers
  • Beef stroganoff
  • Cottage pie topped with cauliflower mash
  • Beef Goulash
  • Beef Bourguignon
  • Steak & Eggs
  • Cinnamon beef hash
  • The classic meat pie

 Lamb Paleo Dinners

I always forget how much I enjoy lamb. Fancy one of these on your menu tonight?

  • Shepherds pie topped with sweet potato mash
  • Lamb shanks with cauliflower rice
  • Lamb skewers
  • Slow roasted leg of lamb
  • Lamb tagine
  • Lamb hotpot
  • Lamb chops and mint sauce
  • Lamb burgers served with a Greek salad
  • Rogan Josh

Paleo Pork Dinners

You can do a lot with pork – this is one meat that I especially recommend getting the best quality possible. Ideally try to get pasture raised pork.

 Other Meats & Offal Dinners

For a nutritional boast, how about something more unusual – or some offal?

  • Liver & onions. The classic combination – not to mention packed with goodness
  • Chicken liver salad with poached egg
  • Oxtail soup
  • Barbequed Kangaroo

Winter Paleo Diet Dinners

Something comforting for cold winters nights

What are your favourite dinners? I’d love to hear some more dinner ideas from you, in the comments below! And if you enjoyed this post, please like and share it.

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Paleo Diet Primal Restaurant Options Choices Best Worst-min

The Best (and Worst) Paleo Restaurants

It’s nice to eat out at a restaurant occasionally. Sticking to your Paleo Diet shouldn't be a reason to avoid eating out!

If you’re going out with a group of friends, try to have some influence over the restaurant you go to. Some restaurants offer so many more Paleo friendly options than others.

The Menu

It’s also a good idea to check out the menu in advance – most restaurants will have this on their website. If you’re unsure, call ahead to check on specific ingredients. It’s definitely worth making the restaurant aware that you need something gluten, dairy and legume free before you arrive. Most places seem to be extremely accommodating with this, often to the extent of suggesting dishes that aren't even on the menu!

Mix & Match Paleo Options

When looking through the menu be prepared to mix and match. There’s almost always no problem with asking for the meat from one dish to go with the vegetable side from another dish. Dishes often come with a side of fries, some other type of potato, rice or pasta – ask to swap this for more vegetables or a salad.

Paleo Diet Primal Restaurant Options Choices Best Worst-min

Un-Paleo Sauces

Sauces, gravy and dressings are often places where gluten, soy and all sorts of undesirables are hiding. It’s best to ask for no sauce, or ask for it on the side, rather than take the risk that your beef will arrive swimming in gluten!

Ask, Ask and Ask Again!

Don’t be afraid to ask exactly what is in your dish – it’s your health – it’s important. It’s also worth asking if the meat is grass-fed. Perhaps it isn't, but hopefully the more people who ask, the sooner restaurants will start stocking it.

Which Types of Restaurant Are The Best For a Paleo Diet?

Some restaurants types are a lot more Paleo than others – but of course, you may find lots of local exceptions to this. Look at the menu and ask about the ingredients!

Korean BBQ/ Mongolian BBQ/ Brazilian BBQ

It doesn't get much more Paleo than cooking a pile of meat at your table barbecue. Sides are usually salads and vegetables and it’s often a great chance to try cuts of meat you don’t usually have.


Steak and vegetables – even better if they offer grass-fed meat.


Whilst there are a lot of dishes to avoid, there are also dishes cooked in coconut milk, or dry cooked (like tandoori) in herbs which represent great Paleo choices. Check they cook with ghee or coconut oil rather than vegetable oil


Lots of “real food” burger restaurants seem to be appearing – good news as these can be a good Paleo option if you order without the bun!


Thai can be a great Paleo dining solution when coconut oil and milk are used.


Most options like tacos or fajitas work well within a Paleo Diet – just order without the tortilla


A wide variety of fish makes dishes like sashimi a great choice

Seafood Restaurants

If there are any wild or line caught options, these are likely to be a good bet

And the Worst Restaurant Type For Paleo Options?

Sadly, some restaurants are a lot harder to navigate for Paleo choices. If you’re going somewhere that you know will be challenging, consider eating before you leave, so you won’t be tempted.


With a few notable exceptions, Chinese restaurants are often associated with their use of MSG and soy. Finding a Paleo option can be very difficult.

Do you agree with the best and worst types of restaurants? I’d love to see which restaurants you've found good Paleo options in – and which ones you've found difficult too. Please let me know in the comments, below.

7-Day Paleo Diet Menu Plan-min

7-Day Paleo Diet Menu Plan

I've got a friend coming to stay next week, so I've planned a 7-day Paleo Menu Plan to showcase my Paleo diet. It’s all too easy to eat similar meals over and over, so I'm looking forward to a week of lots of variety. I'm going to over-make everything, so I have lots of left-overs to freeze and enjoy again later.

I've just written my first recipe book on Paleo Breakfasts, so will be showcasing some fantastic, but also quick and easy breakfast recipes on my menu plan!

So this is my Menu Plan for my week of Paleo meals:



Paleo Salmon Burgers


Blanched veggies with guacamole and nut butter dips


Chicken and Vegetable Kebabs


Macadamia Nuts






Big Salad with tuna, eggs, nuts, leaves, tomatos, olives, avocado, capsicum and extra virgin olive oil


Lamb-chops, Roasted Parsnips, Onions and pumpkin



Bacon, Eggs and Avocado


Turkey Nori-wraps



Porterhouse Steak, Egg, Mushrooms and greens


Paleo Ice Cream



Egg Muffins


Capsicum ham sandwiches (using flat-cut capsicum for the “bread”)


Tuna, Asparagus and Cauliflower Rice



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Red onion, ham and mushroom omelette


Paleo chilli with zucchini noodles


Paleo Pizza


Strawberries dipped in dark chocolate



Paleo Pancakes with Berry Sauce


Chicken Soup with side salad


Barbecue with selection of meats and salads


Glass of red wine



Full English Breakfast (eggs, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, sautéed sweet potato, home-made tomato relish, Paleo sausages)


Sunday Roast; Roast beef, sweet potatoes, home-made gravy, broccoli and carrots


Coconut Yoghurt

What do you think of my proposed Menu Plan? I’d love to hear your favourite Paleo dishes! Do you create a weekly Paleo meal Plan?