Auto-immune Protocol Support Group

I understand that many of you need to take Paleo one step further by including more restrictions. If you are afflicted with an auto-immune disease or have severe food allergies, it may be especially tough to navigate restaurant menus and grocery stores. Let's help each other out! Support each other by offering tips, strategies, and assistance to those who need support with their elimination diets!

This will be a weekly event that will take place during lunchtime but feel free to come and go anytime during the allotted schedule.  The Whole Foods Market offers $2.00 off the organic salad and hot food bar so it makes a great lunch spot!  Also, the Town and Country center has a very charming farmer's market going on at the same time!  Some suggestions for this group could be discussing AIP books or news articles, swapping AIP-friendly recipes, shopping together and eating lunch together.  You guys set the tone and share what you would like to get out of this!

And by no means is this group restricted to people on the AIP protocol but they are especially welcome and encouraged to attend.  I think we could all learn a little something just by being a fly on the wall! 🙂

Low Carb/Keto potluck with a Moroccan & Persian theme!

This potluck is for people who are interested in a very low carb ketogenic diet. If you are looking for ideas for recipes to bring, please contact me.

Please bring a folding chair or two, a serving utensil for your dish, and a list of all of the ingredients in it. Please use safe food handling practices. Pack perishable foods in a cooler or tote with ice packs. Insulate a crock pot with newspaper or blankets in a box or tote bag.

I will share a little about the benefits of a ketogenic diet and show and tell about why and how to test your glucose and ketone levels and why to keep a food journal.

Just a reminder – this is meant for the low carb/keto crowd, which means high fat and moderate protein, very low-carb.

No fruits, no starchy vegetables, no grains, beans, corn, beets, soy, dairy, starchy thickeners, balsamic vinegar, sweeteners (except clear stevia extract liquid), NO MSG.

Easy things to bring might be:

1) A simple cooked vegetable dish from this region

2) fried pork rinds w/out any starches, MSG, sugars, or junk added

3) green salad with homemade vinaigrette (with Moroccan or Persian seasonings); Sparkling mineral water (I have flavored stevias)

4) Baked, roasted, grilled or stewed grassfed beef, bison, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, goose, or goat or wild fish; or hard boiled eggs with Moroccan or Persian seasonings

5) Blanched Vegetables; roasted veggies; sauteed veggies with Moroccan or Persian seasonings

6) Raw or toasted nuts with sea salt, coconut or avocado oil, and spices

7) Cauliflower Mock Rice or Mock Coucous without dried fruit

PLEASE RSVP with what kind of dish you plan to bring! If you have not posted that, please do!

The Day After Valentine’s Day Chocolate Buffet

Chocolate….Got your attention, right?! Let's have a get together in honor of St. Valentine and share our favorite high-quality dark chocolate recipes. I imagine this spread will include a lot of sweets, but let's get creative and make it diverse! There are recipes out there for chocolate chili and other chocolate marinated meats. Of course, I won't turn away desserts, though! I ask that your dish please be include good quality, high percentages of cacao/cocoa – not cheap milk or other allergy-laden “chocolates.” As always, please abide by our Paleo/Primal guidelines and ask me if you think an ingredient is “on the fringe.”

Low Carb/Keto potluck with a Mediterranean theme!

Your ideas for themed potlucks are always welcome and we will kick them off with dishes from the Med! This potluck is for people who are interested in a very low carb ketogenic diet. If you are looking for ideas for recipes to bring, please contact Melissa or Chef Rachel.

Please bring a folding chair or two, a serving utensil for your dish, and a list of all of the ingredients in it. Please use safe food handling practices.

Just a reminder – this is meant for the low carb/keto crowd, which means high fat and moderate protein, very low-carb.

Mediterranean cuisine includes food from the region of Italy, Greece, Croatia, Albania, Slovenia, and Albania.  Lots of Paleo friendly recipes can be found on and the Grass Fed Girl blog.  I'm thinking lots of antipasti meats, olives, and other amazing veggies! 

PLEASE RSVP with what kind of dish you plan to bring

Review and discuss The Primal Connection

How do you get more in tune with the Paleo lifestyle? By reading the abundance of literature and having lively discussions afterwards, of course! Our next book club installment is The Primal Connection by Mark Sisson. The name should sound familiar to you – Mark Sisson dazzled us a few years back with The Primal Blueprint which is a go-to introductory manual to Paleo eating. His follow up publication takes things a step further by explaining some fundamentals about a primal lifestyle. Sleep, stress management, companionship, sunshine, and play are just a few topics. This book is reasonably priced on Amazon and available at the library. No excuses – come get educated with us!

Peach Blossom Festival and U-Pick Farm!

Schnepf Farms is considered an Arizona Treasure and they hold many events that have become traditions for locals and visitors alike. At this time of the year, the u-pick garden is bursting with fresh produce! They provide you with a basket and allow you to stroll through the fields and load up for $1.50/lb! Local, pesticide-free, FRESH veggies dirt cheap! February 1st is also the first day of the Peach Blossom festival where you can take a leisurely walk through the orchards and see the peach blossoms bloom. We are so blessed with gorgeous winter weather, so let's pick some veggies, get some fresh air, and low-impact exercise! I know Queen Creek is a long haul away but it is a very family friendly place to entertain children and out of town guests for a fun day trip. 🙂

Paleo/Primal January Potluck!

Sunday, January 19th, 2013…January Potluck
5:30 pm Meet & greet, set out your delicious dish(es) with a list of what is in each one.     6 pm: We eat! Drawing for Paleo & Primal books will follow the meal!

Don't tempt fate by showing up late…the good stuff may be gone! 🙂
RSVP and let us know how many people will be coming with you.

Bring enough of each dish to serve at least 6 to 8 people.

Please be aware of what foods are suitable to bring. This is a Paleo and Primal Meetup. Further, we have members with food allergies and intolerances who could get very sick if you bring dishes that contain certain wheat or gluten. Unsure about a particular ingredient? Contact one of the group hosts (Danen Downs or Chef Rachel) to clarify.

Please DO NOT bring dishes that contain the following ingredients: gluten (e.g., wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, farro, breadcrumbs, white flour, cake flour, etc., food made on equipment used to process these foods), grains and pseudo grains (e.g., quinoa, corn, rice, and all others), beans, legumes (including soy), hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, etc.
Some primal eaters include high quality dairy products; others do not. Please label your dishes so we know all of the ingredients they contain.

Use safe food handling practices! Don't double dip when preparing or tasting foods. Bring perishable items in an insulated tote with ice packs or warm and in a crock pot wrapped in insulating material.

Let us know what category of food you plan to bring in the comment section. This helps prevent overlap and helps to create a well-balanced offering. You may bring more than one dish if you like! If you need suggestions to fit your cooking skills, budget, or time constraints, please contact Chef Rachel for ideas. This can be done by email through

Food Categories

• Fish, poultry, or meat * Egg dish * Soup * Stew * Casserole
* Green salad * Sea vegetable dish * Cooked starchy vegetable  • Fruit                            * Cooked non-starchy vegetable * Cooked leafy greens * Dessert * Fruit * Beverage

Label it: On an index card, please write the name of each dish with all of the ingredients, so people with food allergies or intolerances will know if they can eat it. If you like, bring copies of your recipe to share. We love learning how to make new dishes.

Goodies to go: Feel free to bring your own containers to take home whatever leftovers are available! Trading leftovers adds to the fun.

Ketogenic Paleo Kickoff

The more Paleo research I get into, the more I discover the benefits of implementing ketosis – the act of adapting your body to rely on fat as an energy source rather than carbs. I am interested in transitioning into a ketogenic diet after Christmas and wanted to see which braves souls would join me! Let's get together and swap information and recipes to embrace ketosis! We can meet at my place and do Keto potlucks too! Keto is designed to help with weight loss and stabilize (possibly even prevent or reverse!) neurological disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy, and cancer. Whether you suffer these symptoms, know someone who does, or just want a deeper understanding, many of us could benefit from learning more about Keto!

Read Grain Brain

Our book club decided to read and review Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter. It is rather popular at the library (long waiting list!) but apparently very reasonably priced at Costco and Amazon. The good doc keeps showing up for lots of interviews with internet bloggers, so there are plenty of podcasts to listen to as well! I will volunteer my home as a meeting place unless there is another location/part of town you would prefer.

Christmas Cookie Exchange

My old boss had a great tradition of inviting family and friends to her home to exchange Christmas cookies but she retired after 25 years of fabulous hosting duties. I would like to share this festive tradition with you all but with a Paleo twist, of course! Please bring a tray of grain free treats to share along with your recipe. We will proudly display our delectable delights. Also, bring a container so you may take home a variety of goodies once we commence the oohing and aahing. However many cookies or treats you bring, you can freely choose that number to exchange!  As with all our food related events, please ensure that your treats are grain, dairy, corn, and soy free.