Paleo/Primal Christmas/Holiday Potluck!

Saturday, Dec 14th, 2013…Christmas/Holiday Potluck
5:30 pm Meet & greet, set out your delicious dish(es) with a list of what is in each one.

6 pm, We eat! Drawing for Paleo & Primal books will follow!

Please be aware of what foods are suitable to bring. We have members with food allergies and intolerances who could get very sick if you bring dishes that contain certain ingredients. If you are unsure about the suitability of a particular ingredient, please contact one of the group hosts to clarify.

Don't tempt fate by showing up late…the good stuff may be gone! 🙂
RSVP and let us know how many people will be coming with you.

Bring enough of each dish to serve at least 6 to 8 people.

Please DO NOT bring dishes that contain the following ingredients: gluten (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, breadcrumbs, white flour, cake flour, etc., food made on equipment used to process these foods), grains (including quinoa, corn, and others), beans, legumes (including soy), hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and other processed products excluded from paleo and primal diets.
Some primal eaters include high quality dairy products; others do not. Please label your dishes so we know all of the ingredients they contain.

Use safe food handling practices! Don't double dip when preparing or tasting foods. Bring perishable items on or packed with ice in an insulated tote or warm and in a crock pot or wrapped in insulating material.

After you RSVP, let us know what category of food you plan to bring in the comments section. This helps prevent overlap and facilitates coordination of dishes, making for a well-balanced meal. You may bring more than one dish if you like! If you need suggestions to fit your cooking skills, budget, or time constraints, please contact Chef Rachel for ideas. This can be done through the comments section, or by email through

Food Categories

* Fish, poultry, or meat * Egg dish * Soup * Stew * Casserole
* Green salad * Sea vegetable dish * Cooked starchy vegetable

* Cooked fibrous non-starchy vegetable * Dessert * Fruit * Beverage

Label it: On an index card, please write the name of each dish with all of the ingredients, so people with food allergies or intolerances will know if they can eat it. If you like, bring copies of your recipe to share. We love learning how to make new dishes.

Goodies to go: feel free to bring your own containers to take home whatever leftovers are available! Trading leftovers adds to the fun.

Let’s Discuss The Paleo Manifesto

The book club is taking off like a rocket! So far, we have read It Starts With Food, which inspired us to tackle a Whole30 during the month of October. The experience whetted our appetite for more knowledge and a deeper introspection. We tossed around several ideas for another book club topic, which included Grain Brain, Cholesterol Clarity, The Paleo Manifesto, and Lights Out – Sleep, Sugar, and Survival. It came down to literally drawing a name out of a hat and Lights Out was the winner. However, the book does not seem to be in active rotation at the Phoenix Public Library and I don't want people to feel they have to buy the book in order to participate. On a side note, though, Lights Out is a wonderful book, written very humorously by the quirky T.S. Wiley that is worth owning. She really puts into perspective how to reset your natural circadian rhythms in order to avoid cravings for sugar. So, after taking that into consideration, we decided on The Paleo Manifesto by John Durant. There are five copies available at the library and I already have mine on hold. I have heard nothing but praise for this book so far. I am told that the author explores more sociological and historical perspectives. This will help us understand how impactful a whole Paleo Lifestyle is on our culture, as opposed to thinking of it simply as a diet. I believe we can all grasp how beneficial and positive the nutritional standards of Paleo and now we are going to take it one step further!

Cave Creek Luminaria Run/Walk

The Cave Creek Luminaria Run is an annual tradition where you participate in a 5k or 1 mile fun run/walk at sunset. Lit luminaries light your way along the course. And you know darn well just how spectacular our AZ sunsets are! This year, it takes place at Cave Creek Regional Park on 12/7. There are kids' dashes too! See the website for more information about the event and how to register. I plan on doing the 1 mile run with my daughter, which begins at 5:30pm. The start times for the 5k and kids' dashes are separate. Seems like a fantastic way to kick off the holiday season – incorporating some physical activity while enjoying the great outdoors!

Melissa’s Birthday Brunch

I have tossed around the idea of hosting a Paleo Sunday Brunch because I LOVE the thought of having a breakfast goodies potluck. Then it dawned on me, it doesn't necessarily need to be on a Sunday – why not have it on my birthday?!

Let's get together at the Farm at South Mountain and have a brunch picnic! We'll set up a section of picnic tables under the pecan trees. Please bring one of your favorite Paleo breakfast items to share. Just like our potluck standards go – make sure the dish is entirely grain, corn, soy, and dairy free and that baked goods are only sweetened with fruit, honey, or pure maple. I plan on making French Toast from the Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations recipe because it is spectacular!

This will also give you an opportunity to explore what the Farm at South Mountain has to offer. The Farm Kitchen and Morning Glory Café are adorable establishments and they source all their veggies and meats locally. The meat comes from our beloved Meat Shop! Maya's Farm is nearby and I believe at this time of the year, they set up farm stands of produce to purchase. Let's support a local business and partake in a scrumptious feast at the same time!

Paleo/Primal Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner!

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013…Thanksgiving Potluck
5:30 pm Meet & greet, set out your delicious dish(es) with a list of what is in each one.

6 pm, We eat! Drawing for Paleo books too!

Please be aware of what foods are suitable to bring. We have members with food allergies and intolerances who could get very sick if you bring dishes that contain certain ingredients. If you are unsure about the suitability of a particular ingredient, please contact one of the group hosts to clarify.
Don't tempt fate by showing up late…the good stuff may be gone! 🙂
RSVP and let us know how many people will be coming with you.

Bring enough of each dish to serve 6 to 8 people.

Please DO NOT bring dishes that contain the following ingredients: gluten (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, breadcrumbs, white flour, cake flour, etc., food made on equipment used to process these foods), grains (including quinoa, corn, and others), beans, legumes (including soy), hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and other processed products excluded from paleo and primal diets.
Some primal eaters include high quality dairy products; others do not. Please label your dishes so we know all of the ingredients they contain.

Use safe food handling practices! Don't double dip when preparing or tasting foods. Bring perishable items on or packed with ice in an insulated tote or warm and in a crock pot or wrapped in insulating material.

After you RSVP, let us know what category of food you plan to bring in the comments section. This helps prevent overlap and facilitates coordination of dishes, making for a well-balanced meal. You may bring more than one dish if you like! If you need suggestions to fit your cooking skills, budget, or time constraints, please contact Chef Rachel for ideas. This can be done through the comments section, or by email through

Food Categories

* Fish, poultry, or meat * Egg dish * Soup * Stew * Casserole
* Green salad * Sea vegetable dish * Cooked starchy vegetable

* Cooked fibrous non-starchy vegetable * Dessert * Fruit * Beverage

Label it: On an index card, please write the name of each dish with all of the ingredients, so people with food allergies or intolerances will know if they can eat it. If you like, bring copies of your recipe to share. We love learning how to make new dishes.

Goodies to go: feel free to bring your own containers to take home whatever leftovers are available! Trading leftovers adds to the fun.

AZ Health and Fitness Expo

See the website for more information about the actual event. It takes place at the Salt River Fields sports complex on 11/9 and 11/10. Because I am on their mailing list, they e-mailed me discount coupon for admission and kids are free! I thought it would be fun to go as a group! The event takes place on Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm. We'll drive up there after church and likely be there by 11am. I know it's short notice, but if you would like to join us, let me know!

Whole30 Wrap-Up

As a result of our lively discussion during the book club meeting about It Starts With Food, we decided to participate in group Whole30! Anyone who has read the book or the Whole9life blog is welcome to join us as we kick off a Whole30 reset/detox on October 1. 30 days of squeaky clean Paleo eating so we can feel like super men and women again! I am also suggesting that we use this page or the discussion board of this Meetup page to check in with each other about our progress, both victories and struggles. We can swap recipes, tips, or simply words of encouragement as we take on this challenge. Let the game begin!

Paleo/Primal Halloween Potluck & Dress up–still on!

Saturday, October 26th, 2013..Halloween Party & Potluck 

Dress Up if you like!

5:30 pm Meet & greet, set out your delicious dish(es) with a list of what is in each one.

6 pm, We eat! Drawing for Paleo books too!

Please be aware of what foods are suitable to bring. We have members with food allergies and intolerances who could get very sick if you bring dishes that contain certain ingredients. If you are unsure about the suitability of a particular ingredient, please contact one of the group hosts to clarify.

Don't tempt fate by showing up late…the good stuff may be gone! 🙂

RSVP and let us know how many people will be coming with you.

Bring enough of each dish to serve 6 to 8 people.

Please DO NOT bring dishes that contain the following: gluten (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, breadcrumbs, white flour, cake flour, etc., food made on equipment used to process these foods), grains (including quinoa, corn, and others), beans, legumes (including soy), hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and other processed products excluded from paleo and primal diets.

Some primal eaters include high quality dairy products; others do not. Please label your dishes so we know all of the ingredients they contain.

Use safe food handling practices! Don't double dip when preparing or tasting foods. Bring perishable items on or packed with ice in an insulated tote or warm and in a crock pot or wrapped in insulating material.

After you RSVP, let us know what category of food you plan to bring in the comments section. This helps prevent overlap and facilitates coordination of dishes, making for a well-balanced meal. You may bring more than one dish if you like! If you need suggestions to fit your cooking skills, budget, or time constraints, please contact Chef Rachel for ideas. This can be done through the comments section, or by email through

Food Categories

* Fish, poultry, or meat * Egg dish * Soup * Stew * Casserole

* Green salad * Sea vegetable dish * Cooked starchy vegetable

* Cooked fibrous non-starchy vegetable * Dessert * Fruit  * Beverage

Label it: On an index card, please write the name of each dish with all of the ingredients, so people with food allergies or intolerances will know if they can eat it. If you like, bring copies of your recipe to share. We love learning how to make new dishes.

Goodies to go: feel free to bring your own containers to take home whatever leftovers are available! Trading leftovers adds to the fun.


Paleo Tailgating

The ASU Sun Devils will host the Colorado Buffaloes on October 12th. Coincidentally, this is the same weekend as the Tempe Oktoberfest! My family and I will participate in the Frank Kush 5k that morning and then we will head over to our tailgating site near Sun Devil Stadium to partake in the long running tradition of game day tailgating. However, we want this one to have high-quality REAL foods as opposed to junky fried “food.” The grill will be clear of all contaminants and extremely Paleo friendly. We plan on making my famous pumpkin chili with ground buffalo instead of beef. Other buffalo meats will be welcomed, as well lots of fruits and veggies! Let's get creative with Paleo tailgating fare! Some suggestions may include:
*raw veggies with salsa or guac
*veggie skewers or kebabs
*spaghetti squash or zucchini “pasta” salad
*coconut milk based coleslaw
*lettuce wrapped grass-fed burgers or hot dogs
*chicken wings or drumsticks
*fresh fruit
*kale chips or beet chips
*grain-free cookies or brownies

Ultimately, I want to show everyone that Paleo-styling tailgating is far more satisfying than typical tailgating grub. Feel free to use your own ideas with your dishes. Just please ensure that they are grain, dairy, soy, and corn free. It will be like our fabulous Paleo potlucks but outside with a sporty theme!

Paleo Book Club

Let's delve into some Paleo literature!  For our first Paleo book club meeting, we will discuss It Starts With Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig.  This is definitely a book worth purchasing, even just the Kindle version.  However, feel free to borrow it from the library if you're commitment shy at the moment.  This book is a nice and gradual introduction to Paleo eating using purely a nutritional approach as opposed to taking an evolutionary stance.  The explanations are simple, direct, and thought-provoking.  The authors are well known in the blogosphere for developing the Whole30, which is a phenomenal and effective detox program.  We may be so inspired after reviewing the book that we could decide to embark on one as a group!


I am visualizing this gathering to be a very casual, happy-hour style format.  Refreshments will definitely be welcomed!  Munchies, drinks, or treats will be appreciated.  Think of it as a smaller-scaled potluck!  Please try to read the entire book before the meeting.  I would like us to share with each other what lessons we learned or took away from each chapter and to also share a recipe or meal tip we acquired from the book.


I realize that I am scheduling this meeting on the same day as Toffler's wellness workshop at the Ironwood Library, but as you see, I am only a few miles up the road from her.  Just let me know if you plan on going to her session and may run a few minutes late coming to this one.  My husband will be at the ASU game during this time so it allows me to have the house to myself!