Paleo/Primal Christmas/Holiday Potluck!

Saturday, Dec 14th, 2013…Christmas/Holiday Potluck
5:30 pm Meet & greet, set out your delicious dish(es) with a list of what is in each one.

6 pm, We eat! Drawing for Paleo & Primal books will follow!

Please be aware of what foods are suitable to bring. We have members with food allergies and intolerances who could get very sick if you bring dishes that contain certain ingredients. If you are unsure about the suitability of a particular ingredient, please contact one of the group hosts to clarify.

Don't tempt fate by showing up late…the good stuff may be gone! 🙂
RSVP and let us know how many people will be coming with you.

Bring enough of each dish to serve at least 6 to 8 people.

Please DO NOT bring dishes that contain the following ingredients: gluten (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, breadcrumbs, white flour, cake flour, etc., food made on equipment used to process these foods), grains (including quinoa, corn, and others), beans, legumes (including soy), hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and other processed products excluded from paleo and primal diets.
Some primal eaters include high quality dairy products; others do not. Please label your dishes so we know all of the ingredients they contain.

Use safe food handling practices! Don't double dip when preparing or tasting foods. Bring perishable items on or packed with ice in an insulated tote or warm and in a crock pot or wrapped in insulating material.

After you RSVP, let us know what category of food you plan to bring in the comments section. This helps prevent overlap and facilitates coordination of dishes, making for a well-balanced meal. You may bring more than one dish if you like! If you need suggestions to fit your cooking skills, budget, or time constraints, please contact Chef Rachel for ideas. This can be done through the comments section, or by email through

Food Categories

* Fish, poultry, or meat * Egg dish * Soup * Stew * Casserole
* Green salad * Sea vegetable dish * Cooked starchy vegetable

* Cooked fibrous non-starchy vegetable * Dessert * Fruit * Beverage

Label it: On an index card, please write the name of each dish with all of the ingredients, so people with food allergies or intolerances will know if they can eat it. If you like, bring copies of your recipe to share. We love learning how to make new dishes.

Goodies to go: feel free to bring your own containers to take home whatever leftovers are available! Trading leftovers adds to the fun.

Paleo Cookbooks cavemanfeast paleo-recipe-book
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