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How to Make Chocolate Orange and Fig Pudding

5 Ways to get more coconut oil in your diet paleo diet primal fat nutrition-min

5 Ways to get more coconut oil in your diet (I did number 4 today)

You know the health benefits of coconut oil by now. It’s loaded with MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides) and is a wonderful source of healthy saturated fat. It’s antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-fungal, is excellent at improving gut health and even boosts your metabolism. There’s also a lot of research indicating it’s great for dementia/ Alzheimer's patients.

If you’re not the greatest fan of eating it by the spoonful (personally, I love nothing better, but we’re all different!), then it can be tricky getting copious amounts of the stuff into your diet. I get a lot of emails from people really keen to consume it – but who hate the flavour. Whilst you can get refined coconut oil, with none of the taste, it is a refined product – far better to go for the purest oil you can find.

If you’re looking to up your intake of coconut oil in a delicious way, then check out some of the great ideas below.

5 Ways to get more coconut oil in your diet paleo diet primal fat nutrition-min

  1. Bulletproof coffee – I've covered Bulletproof Coffee before as it is a fabulous way to enjoy the saturated goodness of coconut oil in liquid form. To make a DIY Bulletproof coffee, put a generous spoonful of coconut oil into a black coffee, and enjoy the creamier, mellower beverage it creates. Bulletproof coffee is also a proven energy boost and is a great start to the day if you are practising intermittent fasting.
  2. Coconut oil chocolate – who doesn't love chocolate!? Home made chocolate bites are a fantastic way to get a little more coconut oil in your life. Simply melt down 1 tbsp coconut oil, and mix in 1 tsp cacao powder and half a teaspoon of raw honey. Leave this to set in the freezer for 20 minutes, and you’ll have a delicious block of coconut oil chocolate to enjoy! It’s extra tasty with a couple of chopped macadamias or goji berries thrown into the mix too.
  3. Smoothies – if you’re making smoothies, why not add an extra dose of healthy fats by adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to the blender? You won’t notice the taste, but it will add a subtle creaminess to the mix.
  4. Roasted Veggies – As one of the healthiest oils to roast with, coconut oil is a fantastic choice for tossing your favourite veggies in before roasting. It’s flavourless when used in this way, so works brilliantly if you’re adding herbs and spices to the mix. My favourite mix is sweet potato and delicata squash, tossed in a generous amount of melted coconut oil then sprinkled with cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and black pepper. Delicious!
  5. Paleo baked goods – I'm not the biggest fan of Paleo baking, but when the occasion arrives, you could do a far lot worse than using generous amounts of coconut oil to make super moist muffins or melt in the mouth cookies.

These are just a few tasty ways to ramp up your coconut oil intake. Have I missed any?

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Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons paleo dessert sweet treat snack primal gluten free sugar free-min

Recipes: Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons

Let’s face it; sometimes, we all crave a bit of chocolate. Even we Paleo folk have our weaknesses. Fortunately though, our chocolate fixes don’t have to be laden with sugar and dairy. In moderation, raw cacao is extremely healthy, bursting with antioxidants and beneficial phytochemicals. There are loads of different ways you can enjoy it, and for me it's much more delicious than the cheap and nasty stuff people buy stacks of in the supermarket. What better way to enjoy it than as part of some delicious, no bake, easy to make, mini macaroons?

Makes 12

Chocolate Coconut Macaroons Ingredients:

  • 1 banana
  • ¼ cup Almond Butter
  • ¼ cup Coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Maple Syrup
  • 5 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 1 ½ cups unsweetened shredded coconut
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Chocolate Coconut Macaroons How To:

Cover a flat baking tray with some baking parchment.

Mash the banana in a large bowl. Whisk in the almond butter, coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla if using to form a paste.

Add the cacao powder to the mix, one spoonful at a time, stirring well.

Stir in the coconut, making sure all the mixture is well combined (I used my hands for this part!). Form the mixture into 12 mini ‘macaroon’ shapes, and place on top of the baking parchment.

Leave in the fridge for at least an hour to fully set. If you can’t wait that long, 10 minutes in the freezer is just as good!

Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons paleo dessert sweet treat snack primal gluten free sugar free-min

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