
Paleo Primal Fatty Acids Omega 3 Omega 6 Ratio fish-min

Omega 3 and Omega 6 – How’s Your Ratio?

Omega 3 and 6 (Sometimes referred to as N3 and N6) are spoken about a lot with reference to the Paleo diet – but just what are they – and how can you make sure you are getting the right ratio?

Omega 3 is a fatty acid which is essential in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of suffering from any chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular and mental disease. There has been overwhelming research which has concluded that Omega 3 can help to reduce blood pressure, inflammation and can be beneficial in preventing mental illnesses such as depression. Omega 3 may not only prevent these illnesses but can also help to reduce the chances of these developing and becoming more serious.

Whilst Omega 6 has health benefits too, this fatty acid is required in far lower quantities, or it becomes detrimental.

The introduction of these fatty acids can be beneficial for people who suffer from illnesses such as arthritis as they are thought to act as an anti-inflammatory. These two fatty acids should be combined at the right ratio within the diet in order to improve health and well-being.

As the Paleo diet encourages the consumption of plenty of fish and seafood, it can really help those who follow the diet to eat a high amount of Omega 3. It is highly important within the diet to get the ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 right, as a good balance is an essential way to ensure these are providing the best possible benefits. It appears that by getting the ratios wrong and eating too much of the Omega 6 and too little Omega 3 can actually result in a negative effect on health.

Paleo Primal Fatty Acids Omega 3 Omega 6 Ratio fish-min

The ratio should be around 2:1 for Omega 3: Omega 6 but many people consume far too much of Omega 6, which can be detrimental to the body. Omega 6 is found in abundance with sugar and processed foods, but is also found in nuts and butters but in much lower quantities. Clearly when following a SAD diet, laden with these processed foods, it is very easy for the N3:N6 ratio to skew heavily in favour of Omega 6. Not good. Whilst a Paleo diet is naturally going to promote a healthier ratio of these fatty acids, it is no “guaranteed”, so it is important to monitor the fats you are eating to ensure the ratio remains healthy.

There are ways to improve the ratio of both of these fatty acids, by eating foods which have a good balance between the two. Free range eggs and grass-fed meat offer a balance between both, which means they are very beneficial in improving overall health. Mono-unsaturated and saturated fats such as olive oil and coconut oil which are keenly consumed within the Paleo diet also provide a good source for both of these fatty acids and will help to keep the ratio at the proper level. You can also buy free range (often organic) eggs, which are high in Omega 3 (as the hens are fed a diet rich in these fatty acids)

We have been encouraged for some time to increase our consumption of fresh fish and seafood as they offer a wealth of benefits to the body and the main reason for this is the fact that these are rich in Omega-3. As a powerful antioxidant, Omega-3 is essential to have as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Do you monitor your Omega 3/ Omega 6 ratio? What do you do to ensure the ratios remain at a good level?

Energy Boasting Smoothie berries paleo primal juice juicing diet recipe-min

How to Make My Energy Boasting Smoothie

Linolenic Acid Linoleic CLA Fatty Acid Paleo Diet Hair-min

The Paleo Diet and Linoleic Acid

Throughout our lives we are led to believe that fats are bad for us – and fats are the reason we pile on weight, but as those of us following the Paleo diet know, this is actually not the case at all How much do you know about Linoleic acid?

Amongst the essential fats which are necessary for a healthy lifestyle are Linoleic and Linolenic acid, which are Omega 6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid is found throughout our whole bodies, which is why it is an essential fatty acid. A lack of Linoleic acid in the body can lead to a number of health issues, such as the hair follicles becoming weak and following out or becoming really dry. Not a problem most of us want to deal with, particularly women!

The key to a healthy lifestyle is to get the ratio of essential fatty acids right, which is why the Paleo diet is the best one to follow to ensure you maximise the health benefits of your diet. If you don’t follow the Paleo diet, you are likely to have far too much Omega 6 in your body and far too little Omega 3. A diet which is too high in Omega 6 is as unhealthy as having too little as it can lead to weight gain, obesity and numerous other health issues.

The key to a healthy lifestyle is to follow the Paleo diet, as this will ensure you are consuming the right balance of good fatty acids, which as a result will enable you to live a long and healthy lifestyle. The best way to ensure the right level of fatty acids in the body is to consume  a variety of foods which are part of the Paleo diet. Fish and nut oils for instance are a good source of Omega 3 and offer a number of other health benefits. If you decide to eat butter on the Paleo diet (i.e. take more of a Primal – or Lacto-Paleo stance), it is best to choose organic butter from grass fed animals as this contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which is thought to have properties which fight cancer and other serious illnesses.

Linolenic Acid Linoleic CLA Fatty Acid Paleo Diet Hair-min

A staple food which should be part of your daily Paleo diet are egg yolks as these are full of nutrients and have the perfect balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6. The white of eggs can also be beneficial to the health but egg yolks are the main source of the right essential fatty acids and nutrients. Eggs can be eaten in all kinds of varieties, including omelette and are a really easy meal for both breakfast and dinner. They are also a good source of protein so you can’t go wrong with having these as part of your diet.

The right combination of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids will not only enable the body to function properly and fight off common illnesses, it is also a great way to lose weight. As the Paleo diet involves eating the right combination of all of the key vitamins, nutrients and fatty acids, it is the perfect way to feel healthier, lose weight and tone up. If you combine the Paleo diet with a good exercise routine, you will be sure to reap the benefits of your hard work in no time at all.

It can take a while to work out the exact benefits of the range of foods available to us, which is why the Paleo diet is the best one to follow.  The hard work is done for you so all you have to do is follow it to the letter and ensure you are sticking to the recommended intake of each of the different nutrients and vitamins. The only way to ensure we stay healthy and fight off illnesses to the best of our ability is to have a better awareness of why we eat certain foods. The Paleo diet is carefully constructed for this reason and as such, is the best way to enjoy a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Do you get the right amount of Linoleic Acid in your diet?

Dementia & The Paleo Diet Alzheimer's disease-min

Dementia & The Paleo Diet

Dementia is a serious health condition which causes the deterioration of the brain and although it is a disease which is most common in older people, it can also affect the young. The instances of dementia (of which Alzheimer's is perhaps the most well known type) are growing in modern society and although it has always been a major concern, awareness of the disease is higher than ever before.

In the past, we would have viewed the signs of dementia as a typical part of becoming older, but this is not the case as there are plenty of people of an older age who still have a fully functioning brain. The signs of dementia include a change in personality, memory loss and/or the inability to carry out simple everyday tasks. There are sufferers of dementia who can even lose the ability to eat which can then lead to further illnesses. The effects of dementia can be rapid or can happen over a long period of time.

Dementia not only has a major effect on the sufferer of the disease, it can also have a hugely negative effect on the family and friends of their loved one as they change into a completely different person to the one they love. The sufferer may even lose the ability to identify their loved ones which can be heart-breaking for friends and family to watch.

As the awareness of this disease increases, there are many people who believe that our diet can have a major influence on how likely we are to suffer from it. It is believed that the Paleo diet is one which can actually prevent dementia or stop it progressing to an incurable stage. There is evidence to suggest that there is a strong link between dementia and diabetes, an illness which is caused through an unhealthy diet and is most common in people who are overweight. In fact, referring to dementia as Type 3 Diabetes is becoming increasingly common.

Dementia & The Paleo Diet Alzheimer's disease-min

There are a number of foods which have a negative effect on the body and thus, can be detrimental for the functioning of the brain. Those foods which are high in sugar can contribute to diabetes and dementia which is why the Paleo diet can be beneficial in improving health and helping to combat the effects since these foods are not part of the diet.

A high intake of Omega 3 is known to improve memory and help improve the overall function of the brain, which is why they are a major part of the Paleo diet. If we start to increase the consumption of foods with Omega 3, including fresh fish and salmon at any stage in our lives, we can improve the function of the brain which will help to stave off the likelihood of dementia and other serious illnesses.

As the Paleo diet also promotes the intake of fruit and vegetables which contain an abundance of the key vitamins required for a healthy lifestyle, it can provide us with the sustenance which is essential to maintain a clear state of mind. There is also a link between a diet which is high in carbohydrates and dementia and no evidence to suggest that omitting these from the diet will result in any negative effects on the body.

As we strive towards a healthier body and state of mind for as long as possible, it is important to look closely at our diet and ensure we are eating foods which are rich in vitamins, protein and the right fatty acids, such as Omega 3. The Paleo diet offers a positive approach to ensuring we live a long and prosperous lifestyle by turning away from the foods which are high in carbohydrates and fat and rich in all of the right nutrients.

It makes sense that we should take a positive approach to our diets if we want to ensure we give ourselves the best possible chance of avoiding serious illnesses such as dementia. The Paleo diet is a simple one to follow and can offer a wealth of benefits to improving our overall health and wellbeing. A combination of the right food groups and an active lifestyle will increase oxygen to the brain which can seriously reduce our chances of suffering from dementia.

It is not only essential to take care of the appearance of our bodies but also to ensure we consume the right foods to maintain a good health. If we eat the right foods, we are not only feeding our bodies but also our brain which

Are your eggs fake stamped free-range organic omega-min

Are Your Eggs Fake?

I was alarmed, but not surprised to read an article in the paper at the weekend about mislabelled eggs.

Apparently a NSW farmer has been fined by the Food Authority for labelling and selling “barn laid eggs” as “free range”. In this particular case it sounds as thought here has been confusion between the farm and the Food Authority over what constitutes “free range” – however, it does raise the question as to how many eggs are dishonestly labelled.

When trying to lead a healthy Paleo lifestyle, choosing good quality ingredients is essential. Without the luxury to grow and rear your own ingredients, you have to take them on good faith. If something says it is organic and free range – you should be able to trust that it is. As well as the potential for fraud at the source of the eggs – in a large store there is also the chance that the eggs could have been swapped by a previous customer.


Stamping Eggs

Many countries, including the UK, stamp their eggs. This gives the consumer confidence that they eggs they select are exactly what they get. Fortunately over the next two years similar requirements are being rolled out across Australia. This will certainly help to give back some confidence on the quality of the eggs you choose.

How To Get Good Eggs?

The closer you can get to the source, the better. Keeping hens in your garden might be a bit unrealistic if you live in the city, but try farmers markets – and speak to the farmers. Find out where your neighbours and health conscious friends get their eggs from. When you find good eggs it will be obvious; the shells will be harder and the yolks are often a far richer gold colour. Once you find a good supplier – stick with them!

Are you suspicious about shop-bought eggs? Have you got any sources of great quality eggs? Please share in the comments below!

Are your eggs fake stamped free-range organic omega-min