Paleo guide to Australia paleo network primal free pdf-min

The Paleo Guide to Australia

When I first started with my Paleo lifestyle, I found so many fantastic books and blogs to steer me in the right direct.

My one frustration, was that a lot of the information seemed to be geared towards a US audience.  So many Paleo-friendly shops (Wholefoods anyone?)  and products are mentioned – but just aren't available in this part of the world.  Seasonal fruit and vegetables are in season at completely different times – even the intensity of the sun is different here.

Paleo Guide to Australia 680-min

I've therefore been busy putting together a guide to being Paleo in Australia (with a section on New Zealand too, so as not to leave our Kiwi friends out!).  This is the guide I wish I'd had when I started out!

In this free ebook you can find out where to buy all of the Paleo related food and products you'll need, what's in season when, listings by state and lots more about Paleo.  The listings identify local farmers markets, organic fruit and vegetable schemes, meat suppliers, fishmongers, meet-up groups, primal friendly fitness centres and much more – all across Australia and New Zealand.

I'm also going to be starting a monthly newsletter.  This is where I can share Paleo related news and events that don't make it into the blog.

So, if you'd like a free copy of the book, please subscribe to my newsletter in the box below, to get your free download of “the Paleo Guide to Australia”!

This book will be regularly updated, so I'd love to hear of any local tips you think should be included in the next version!

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13 replies
    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Thanks Gaby! Hopefully over time it will get better and better – especially as more Paleo friendly venues open up!

  1. Julian
    Julian says:

    Hi – for the NZ section a good beef supplier is – we’ve been buying grass fed beef from there for a couple of years now and it’s fantastic stuff. They’re just outside Hamilton and according to the website they ship as far north as Auckland and as far south as Taupo.

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Thanks for this Justin, I’ll be sure to add it to the next update. I wish they delivered to Sydney – those packs look fantastic!

  2. Katie
    Katie says:

    Hi, thanks so much for these resources. I have recently moved to QLD and have been searching for all this info so it’s great to have it in one place. Cheers 🙂

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      You’re welcome Katie! You’ll have to let me know if you find some hidden Paleo gems in QLD, for the next version!

  3. Tanya
    Tanya says:

    I signed up a while back but now when I need to use the guide I can’t find it anywhere on my computer. How can I get hold of another copy?

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Hi Tanya, The link you were sent by email should still work? Let me know if not and I’ll re-email it to you.

  4. Tanya
    Tanya says:

    To be more specific re: above comment, I am looking for a Paleo savvy doctor in the Sunshine Coast area, can anyone recommend someone?
    Thank you.

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