
12 reasons you should eat more kale paleo diet healthy

12 reasons you should eat more kale

I'm trying to get a lot more vegetables in my diet – particularly those of the green variety. Kale is my current favourite, it tastes a lot better than it looks and is densely packed with nutrition! Kale is a cruciferous vegetable – and in the Brassica family, but it packs far more of a nutritional punch than its other family members; cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage. Here are 12 reasons you should get more in your diet!

1. It’s full of flavonoids (45 different types) which have many antioxidant & anti-inflammatory benefits.

2. It’s loaded with vitamin K which is crucial for proper blood clotting

3. It also gives a good dose of vitamins A and C – in fact far more vitamin C than an orange.

4. Lots of minerals are also found, such as copper, potassium, phosphorus and manganese

5. Calcium is also more abundant in kale than it is in milk (so those myths that paleo will leave you deficient in calcium are completely unfounded)

6. Kale is a great source of sulphur – and we all know we should be eating more sulphurous veggies….

12 reasons you should eat more kale paleo diet healthy

7. It's  high in iron, essential for a good immune system.

8. Generally kale is a fairly cheap veg, so it’s great to pack out meals on a budget

9. Green fingers? Kale is a relatively easy veg to grow – and the best thing is it’s always fresh!

10. With curly kale, red kale, baby kale  and even a purple kale – you can’t get bored of it!

11. Not that we care about calories, but kale is very low in calories

12. It’s also very low fat – but don’t worry, you can rectify this by cooking it in a generous amount of coconut oil!

How to eat it?

I often just stir fry some kale in coconut oil, but kale is also great in green smoothies – and if you haven’t tried kale chips yet, you’re missing out! If you’d usually eat spinach, try swapping it out for some kale in recipes. And if your family aren't keen on it, try steaming it, puréeing it and mixing it into dishes like stews and casseroles. They’ll never know!

Kale is also great raw in salads – and it goes really well mixed in with some scrambled eggs for a nutritious start to the day.

Are you a kale fan? How do you like yours – tell me you tips in the comments below!

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The Top Ten Paleo Diet Foods

What do you think are the top ten Paleo foods, and why? Here is my list…


1. Grass fed beef

Good quality grass-fed beef is a great source of protein, omega 3 and many other nutrients. It’s also extremely versatile; grill it, barbeque it, make it into jerky or grind it into mince beef to use in lots of different meals –using the leftover bones to make a nourishing bone broth.

2. Pastured Chicken

Pastured chicken is delicious as the centre of a roast dinner – and the leftovers make beautiful chicken stock. A great protein source, left over chicken is great to snack on, or turn into curries and soup.

3. Bacon

What list of Paleo foods is complete without bacon? You can even use the remaining fat to cook with.

4. Coconut Oil

As well as being a great oil to cook pretty much anything in, this saturated fat is great on it’s own by the spoonful! Coconut oil is also believed to be a great help with dementia and can even be used on your skin.

5. Avocado

Avocado is a perfect fat source and goes with almost anything. You can even cook it, or use it to make a dessert!

6. Eggs

Not only are eggs a great protein source, they are great for making paleo egg fried rice, filling for breakfast – and easy to hardboil in advance to keep peeled in the fridge as a ready snack.

7. Berries

Berries are relatively low in fructose and a great source of antioxidants.

8. Kale

Kale is a true superfood, as it is packed with magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, C and K, lutein, iron and antioxidants. You can even turn it into kale chips!

9. Onions

Onions are a sulphur rich vegetable (which Dr. Terry Walhs considers important enough to eat three cupful’s worth a day) – and just so incredibly versatile. Whether you’re making a stew – or even an omelette, onions will be a great addition.

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a great base for lots of meals – such as beanless chilli – as they lend themselves so readily to sauce.

Do you agree with my list? What would be on your top ten list of Paleo foods?

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