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How to stop herbs and spices clumping together
It can't just be me - I come to use a particular jar of dried…
May 10, 2015/by PaleoGirl
The 19 worst types of people at the gym
Personally, I hate going to the gym. I’d much rather actually…
May 7, 2015/by PaleoGirl
Why you need a big freezer
I’m lucky to have a fairly big freezer, and I can’t recommend…
May 3, 2015/by PaleoGirl
Gwyneth Paltrow fails the food challenge
After doing my own $50 food challenge and seeing first hand just…
April 30, 2015/by PaleoGirl
The suprising things a long power cut taught me
Last Monday was really rainy and windy, so I wasn't that surprised…
April 28, 2015/by PaleoGirlHungry? Try one of my latest recipes

How to Make Delicious Grain-Free Crackers at Home
February 24, 2015/by PaleoGirl
The Best Ways to Make Zucchini Shoe-string Fries
February 17, 2015/by PaleoGirl
How to Make Grain-Free Cracker Balls
February 11, 2015/by PaleoGirl
How to Make Paleo Chocolate Cookies
February 5, 2015/by PaleoGirl
How to Create the Perfect Tuna Celery Salad with Tartar Dressing
January 26, 2015/by PaleoGirlHave you read these yet?

All New Paleo Guide To Australia
Just a heads up that I've just updated the free Paleo Guide to…
July 24, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Is ALL Dairy Bad?
I have always viewed dairy as a collective dietary no-no. Since…
July 27, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Is a Paleo Pregnancy Safe?
Many of the emails I get concern pregnancy, babies and children.…
July 28, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Tony Ferguson Weight Loss Diet v Paleo
I was really surprised to see this poster advertising the popular…
July 31, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Smell Your Way To Weight Loss
I was amazed to read about a new weight loss perfume. Apparently…
August 2, 2012/by PaleoGirl
80 Paleo Breakfast Ideas
If it wasn't for struggling to come up with different Paleo Breakfast…
August 8, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Gluten Free Athletes
I was very interested to read that the top Tennis Player Novak…
August 13, 2012/by PaleoGirl
20 Other Uses For Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil is by far the best oil for cooking with. It has a…
August 21, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Paleo Meetup Groups – Have You Joined Yet?
Exciting news! There are now Paleo meet-up groups in every state…
August 26, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Paleo Portion Sizes
What are the correct portion sizes on the Paleo Diet?
August 28, 2012/by PaleoGirlPortion…

Paleo Alternatives to Bread
Bread. On a Paleo diet – it is one of the first things to go;…
August 31, 2012/by PaleoGirl
The Best (and Worst) Paleo Restaurants
It’s nice to eat out at a restaurant occasionally. Sticking…
September 5, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Coconut Oil Spray – What's The Point?
Initially I was really impressed when I saw Coconut Oil Spray…
September 11, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Salicylates & Paleo
Salicylates occur naturally in plants as a defence mechanism,…
September 12, 2012/by PaleoGirl
FODMAP is a term that seems to be associated more and more frequently…
September 21, 2012/by PaleoGirl