Ramadan & Intermittant Fasting paleo diet-min

Ramadan & Intermittant Fasting

You might be aware that the Islamic month of Ramadan has just started. Having just arrived on my travels in a Muslim country, I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject – from a Paleo perspective.

Ramadan is a month of fasting , where Muslims from all around the world start their fast at sunrise, and don’t eat or drink until sunset – for the whole month. Fasting is something I've read a lot about, and tried myself in the form of Intermittent Fasting. In the Paleo world intermittent fasting refers to the not eating part – people undertaking an intermittent fast drink water. Some people even take BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) to decrease cravings and hunger signals at the level of the brain – something that wouldn't be done in Ramadan.

As so many people fast during this time, a lot of scientific studies have been conducted – with very interesting results. Whilst intermittent fasting as part of a Paleo protocol is different to fasting during Ramadan, there is still a lot of useful learning from these studies.

A number of studies concern diabetes – and have shown during Ramadan, diabetics blood glucose levels are far more stable. A study on a group of students also demonstrated that over the month weight loss was common; more significantly in overweight participants. Studies have also shown a significant decrease in markers of inflammation during the month of Ramadan, which is speculated to decrease the risk of heart disease.

Ramadan & Intermittant Fasting paleo diet-min

One area of Ramadan that is hard to reconcile to intermittent fasting, is diet. Many people will break their fast on Ramadan with the refined carbohydrates that someone breaking a Paleo intermittent fast would avoid. What impact does this have on the application of Ramadan studies to understanding the benefits of a Paleo intermittent fast? Another part of Ramadan which is hard to quantify is the peacefulness that surrounds the period – something which must surely have health benefits?

Whilst clearly limited, the studies conducted on Ramadan certainly seem to imply eating less frequently has many benefits. This is completely contrary to the conventional wisdom advice, which is often to snack frequently, and eat lots of small meals.

It’s going to be an interesting time being in the midst of Ramadan. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences of Ramadan and intermittent fasting in general. Do you think it’s beneficial to health? Have you ever fasted?

Where Does Your Fish Come From Australia New Zealand paleo diet frozen-min

Where Does Your Fish Come From?

Living on a great big island surrounded by the sea, I had always assumed the fish sold in Australia would be, well, Australian. If not Australian, perhaps from neighbouring New Zealand?

I was horrified in my local supermarket (the photos are from Coles, but Woolworths was a similar story) to look at the frozen fish on offer – I couldn’t find a single offering of Australian or New Zealand fish! It was also quite hard to even see the origin, as it seemed to be almost hidden on the labelling.

The one pack that had New Zealand fish was “made” in China. I want to eat local fish – and if it’s being shipped halfway around the world (and back) to be “made”, that raises a lot of questions in my mind about the manufacturing process, freshness, control and quality.

The fish in the photo are labelled as being from (or made in) Vietnam, Malaysia, China – or more worryingly just “from local and imported ingredients”. For all the good that last label does, perhaps the local ingredient is the packaging they come in – and imported could mean absolutely anywhere!

Fish is something I’m particularly concerned to source well. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, record levels of radiation have been found in local sea life. I just don’t want to eat food that might contain radio active material. A reasonable request?

There are also issues around differing mercury levels in different oceans – and the whole argument around farmed fish and sustainable fish. It is really important to know exactly what you are eating and where it is from.

Ideally we would all catch our own fish, or failing that go to a fish market or monger. But unfortunately, sometimes we’re busy working and need to rely on other sources for our food. For something as simple as fish, I would love to be able to buy local, in my local store – and to be confident about it’s origin, freshness and past!

I’d love to know where you get your fish – and if you’d ever buy frozen? Does the source of your fish worry you, as much as it does me?

Where Does Your Fish Come From Australia New Zealand paleo diet frozen-min

8 signs that you are gluten intolerant celiac-min

8 Signs That You Are Gluten Intolerant

The Paleo diet is completely gluten free, since it omits grains entirely. When going Paleo many people (who previously thought that had no issues with gluten) find that many symptoms they used to have completely disappear. It also seems common for a rare gluten exposure to have quite an impact, even though the person may have consumed gluten everyday previously. Are you gluten intolerant?

8 signs that you are gluten intolerant celiac-min

What’s the difference between celiac disease & being gluten intolerant?

Celiac disease is a severe, sudden immune reaction to the protein gluten, which has immediate autoimmune reactions. It prevents the sufferer from absorbing essential nutrients. Gluten intolerance is on the same spectrum, but the reaction to gluten is not so sudden – and even harder to clinically diagnose. Unfortunately tests for celiac disease and being gluten intolerant are not as advanced as you might imagine – and it can be very difficult to get a clinical diagnoses. The best way to find out how gluten affects you is to undertake a strict elimination diet – luckily the Paleo diet does just this.

8 signs that you are gluten intolerant

  1. Gastrointestinal (GI), stomach and digestive issues; perhaps gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea or IBS
  2. Headaches or migraines
  3. Fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue
  4. Sudden mood shifts, irritability or depression
  5. Dizziness, balance problems and tingling or numb hands and feet
  6. Another autoimmune disease diagnose (perhaps as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma or Ulcerative colitis)
  7. Hormone imbalances or unexplained infertility
  8. Inflammation, swelling or joint pain

If you've got any of these symptoms and still consume gluten, it’s definitely worth strictly excluding gluten – and going strict Paleo – for 30 days.

And why you mustn't go “gluten-free”…

You can’t fail to notice the commercialism of “gluten-free”. There is a gluten-free version of everything – and often the ingredients are quite frightening. To achieve the properties that gluten provides in things like break and cakes, the manufacturers often have to use dozens of ingredients that you probably haven’t heard of. Not Paleo – and not good for you either. Whilst gluten is a particularly problematic protein, lots of other grain proteins are believed to have similar reactions. The healthiest way to go gluten free, is to avoid substitutes – and eat real, whole, Paleo foods! Instead of buying gluten-free bread and cakes, find alternatives to bread – and change your diet completely!

How does gluten affect you? Do you completely avoid gluten? I’d love to hear your comments, below!

Paleo Diet Primal Vitamin A Beta Carotene Toxicity-min

Do You Get Too Much Vitamin A?

What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, which is either found ready formed – for example in animal products such as meat and dairy – or as pro-vitamin A, beta carotene, in fruits and vegetables. Beta carotene is then converted into Vitamin A in the body, with the help of the hormone thyroid.

Vitamin A is crucial for many functions, such as vision, reproduction, breast feeding and in maintaining healthy skin, teeth and bones.

Liver is a great source of vitamin A. For beta carotene, the more intensely coloured the fruit or vegetables – the higher the amount of beta carotene it provides. Supplements wise, cod liver oil is an excellent source (just make sure you check the ingredients and choose a good quality supplement).

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Vitamin A Toxicity

If you don’t get enough vitamin A you can experience immune and vision issues – but conversely it is equally problematic getting too much. In fact excess vitamin A has even been shown to result in birth defects. Excessive consumption of beta carotene is not so serious, but it will make your skin turn yellow or orange, which would look rather alarming! Fortunately the skin will return to it’s normal colour once intake of beta carotene is reduced.

Another issue with excessive levels of vitamin A, are that it appears to reduce the bodies ability to utilise Vitamin D. As people tend to be deficient in Vitamin D (perhaps more so than Vitamin A), this could be a real problem. As with so many vitamins and minerals, it appears having a good balance is crucial.

Have you had your levels checked? How were they? Are you concerned about toxicity? Please share your experiences in the comments below.

Paleo Diet Primal Sleep Problems Blue Light Blockers-min

Is Blue Light Ruining Your Sleep?

How is your sleep? If you’re struggling to get to sleep – or to get a decent amount of sleep, have you though that the problem might lie with your circadian rhythms? And that exposure to blue light may be messing up your circadian rhythms?

How we’re supposed to sleep

If you go camping, away from towns and cities, you might have noticed you get tired much earlier than you would do normally? When the only light after dark comes from a camp fire, the signal to your body to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. As soon as the sun rises the next morning, melatonin production slows down, telling your body it is daytime – and time to wake up and get going. For this reason light is absolutely crucial to your bodies internal body clock. The incredible range of sleeping potions on sale is surely proof at how widespread sleeping problems are.

Unfortunately the unnatural, man made lights that we all rely on, give off the same lights as the sun – signalling to our bodies that it is daytime. And most definitely not time to sleep. Blue light is everywhere; household lights, your computer, ipad, laptop, tv,street lighting, alarm clocks – it is hard to escape blue light. As well as messing up with natural sleeping patterns, excessive blue light exposure is also linked to increased cancer risk and an increased chance of obesity.

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How can we escape blue light?

Fortunately there are measures you can take to limit your exposure to blue light:

  • After sunset, turn off all bright lights in your house (use candlelight or orange or red light bulbs)
  • Stop using electronics after dark…
  • …But if you must use your computer after dark, install the free f.lux program to minimise blue light
  • Make your bedroom as dark as possible, install black out blinds (or go for the cheap option and stick card against the windows at night)
  • Sleep with an eye mask
  • Go one step further and wear blue light blocking glasses after dark (with orange, amber or red tinted lenses)

How well do you sleep? Do you limit your exposure to blue light after sunset? I’d love to hear your sleep tips in the comments below!

The Paleo Diet Phytonutrients Anthocyanins Catechins-min

Phytonutrients & The Paleo Diet

Phytonutrients are compounds which are found in natural plant based foods and these are known to offer a range of health benefits to the human body. The bright colours which are found in a range of fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, pepper and squash are thought to be the cause of phytonutrients.

There are a range of phytonutrients found in our foods and these all offer different benefits to our health. Anthocyanins for instance, are thought to help us burn fat more easily and these are found in foods such as blackberries and blueberries. Another member of the phytonutrients family is carotenoids which may help to reduce our risk of cancer and can also help to slow down the ageing process. These are found in carrots, tomatoes and lettuce. Catechins are those phytonutrients which act as a great accelerator for weight loss and these are mainly found in green tea. Flavonoids are abundant in cherries, grapes and berries and these also help to reduce the risk of cancer. It is, therefore, a good idea to have a mix of these foods so you are consuming a variety of types of phytonutrients which will offer a range of health benefits.

The benefits of phytonutrients are wide ranging and are of upmost important as they include a reduction in the chances of suffering from life threatening illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. It is also thought that phytonutrients can help reduce our chances of suffering from mental health illnesses, including Alzheimer’s. The reason for this is that foods which are rich in phytonutrients also act as antioxidants, which can do wonders in improving our immune system and the function of our hormones. They are important nutrients for helping our bodies to heal more effectively and are a good way to promote the healthy functioning of our main organs.

The Paleo Diet Phytonutrients Anthocyanins Catechins-min

It is important to consume a good mixture of phytonutrients, which is why the Paleo diet is the most successful in ensuring our bodies remain healthy for as long as possible. As we follow the diet, we are consuming lots of different fruits and vegetables, which provide us with a range of phytonutrients for a healthier lifestyle. Nuts and seeds also contain phytonutrients which makes them a great choice for a snack on the Paleo diet. They are also present in herbal teas, which is a good enough reason to switch from coffee to this healthier drink choice.

These food groups are not only important for a high intake of phytonutrients, they also provide the body with a range of other nutrients, which all work together to maximise the health benefits. The Paleo diet is a great way to ensure we are consuming the right mix of a variety of healthy foods to get the best possible benefits from them. There are many diets which don’t even consider the benefits of phytonutrients and other plant based nutrients and this is the reason the Paleo diet is one of the most successful and important around.

A healthy meal on the Paleo diet will usually consist of a good portion of meat or fish, together with a serving of fresh fruit and if you stick to eating this every day, you will be promoting your intake of phytonutrients, as well as all of the other health benefits these offer. A snack of nuts and seeds or fruit will offer additional health benefits and will help you to look and feel as good as you possibly can.

Phytonutrients can also be found in supplements but it is much more effective to consume the right foods and take good care of our diet, as this can offer other health benefits and is a much better way of managing our intake of these nutrients. It is just about having good awareness when following the Paleo diet and ensuring we consume a good mix of different foods, rather than sticking to the same all the time.

The addition of these phytonutrients will not only reduce the risk of suffering from serious illnesses, but it can also help to reverse the illness, which is why it is vitally important to start and stick to the Paleo diet at any time in our lives. The sooner we start to realise the health benefits of the Paleo diet, the more we can look forward to a long and healthy life.

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Zinc & The Paleo Diet

Zinc is one of the key minerals which are required in the body in order to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. It offers a vast range of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular performance and a clearer complexion. It is also thought that high levels of zinc in the body can help to stave off serious illnesses such as diabetes and cancer. Zinc is traceable in all of the tissues throughout the body, which is why it is so important to keep the levels at a consistent rate.

Zinc is also an antioxidant which is essential for the immune system and to help keep the body in working order. There are a range of notable side effects which can result from low zinc levels in the body, including a decline in energy levels, inability to concentrate and a lack of memory. The side effects can be severe and they can result in more serious conditions, such as infertility and problems in cardiovascular health. The proper function of red and white blood cells relies on good levels of zinc throughout the body, which means it is essential in maintaining a good health.

If you suffer from a lot of flus and colds and they take a while to shift, it may be because your zinc levels are too low. If you notice white spots on your finger nails, it may be due to a lack of zinc or other essential minerals. A sufficient amount of zinc is thought to be around 20mg, which isn't really a lot and is quite easy to introduce into your diet.  If you suffer from skin conditions such as acne, it is a good idea to try and increase your level of zinc, rather than using creams.

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A lack of zinc as well as other minerals and vitamins, can lead to malnutrition and the body failing to function the way it should. It is important to ensure the right amount of zinc is consumed as too much can cause other illnesses such as anaemia. It is not healthy to substitute zinc with high levels of other minerals as it is essential for the proper functioning of our bodies.

Levels of zinc can be improved through the consumption of the right food groups and a healthy diet. The Paleo diet is one which helps to promote good levels of zinc due to the fact that it involves eating large quantities of meats, seafood and fish. These foods are high in zinc levels and as such, are important to ensure a healthy diet is maintained. There are lots of other foods which are high in zinc, so there is no need to feel deprived on the Paleo diet, including seeds, nuts and roasted pumpkin seeds which are also full of other essential minerals.

As the Paleo diet is low in foods which contain phytic acid, it really helps to enhance the levels of zinc as the phytic acid prevents the minerals from being absorbed into the system. The main foods which the Paleo diet encourages followers to stay away from, including whole grains and legumes may contain zinc but as they also contain high levels of phytic acid. As a result, they don’t allow zinc to be absorbed into the body, which means they are not beneficial to staving off these serious illnesses.

It is essential to follow a diet which allows zinc and other key minerals to be absorbed into the blood stream, which is why the Paleo follows a strict range of food groups which are beneficial to the body and in no way detrimental. These food groups are not only rich in zinc but are also full of vitamins and nutrients which encourages the body to function properly.

It is human nature to wait until something affects us before we take some action to resolve the problem and some of the side effects of low levels of zinc can be easily dismissed as just feeling under the weather, until they become more severe. The Paleo diet, if followed correctly, will really help to improve zinc levels and there should be noticeable improvements in energy and concentration levels, particularly if these have declined in recent times.

You will also start to notice the difference in your skin as it will become clearer and will have a healthy glow. It is quite simple to incorporate zinc into the Paleo diet as most of the foods will contain a good level of it and it is worth it for the numerous health benefits.

16 reasons you should eat more bone broth stock-min

16 Reasons You Should Eat More Bone Broth!

Bone broth (or stock), put simply, is made by boiling up animal bones. You can add in some veggies and herbs – but the most important thing is that the bones are from healthy animals (or fish) that were raised organically, humanely on a pasture, or in the wild; i.e. from grass fed cattle, pastured poultry or wild caught fish. Using some apple cider vinegar when making the broth helps draw the mineral s and nutrients from the bones – and make sure you break of crack the bones, to ensure you can access all of the nutrients and minerals contained in the marrow inside.

Whilst you can buy it, you definitely want to make your own to be sure it’s from good quality animals – without any nasty added extras. You can try beef, bison, fish, chicken, lamb or even venison broth.

16 reasons you should eat more bone broth stock-min

1. It is really cheap to make (your butcher or local farmer may even give you bones for free – or save the bones from your own cooking)

2. If you’re sick with no appetite, bone broth is easy to drink and will replenish much needed nutrients in your body – whilst the gelatin content will help to neutralise a virus.

3. Bone broth is high in a very usable form of calcium, magnesium, silicon, sulphur and phosphorous – not to mention lots of other trace nutrients

4. Broth is a great way to use up parts of the animal you wouldn't know what to do with – try adding in heads, feet, necks and skin!

5. Broth is a great base for many meals such as soups, stews – and a delicious home-made gravy

6. It virtually cooks itself – leave it in your slow cooker and come home to an almost ready bone broth

7. The high collagen content is great for your joints, hair, skin and nails.

8. It is even cheaper to make if you use bones of less expensive meat such as lamb and goat

Bone Broth Recipe Book Chicken Beef Stock

9. The connective tissue in ligaments and joints are kept healthy thanks to the high concentration of the amino acids proline and glycine in bone broth.

10. You can make up a huge batch of broth and freeze it in individual portions – giving you a meal base on hand whenever you need it.

11. By encouraging smooth connective tissue, bone broth is said to be a natural cure for cellulite

12. Damaged gut lining is healed by the gelatin – which offers relief to gastrointestinal issues such as IBS, Crohn’s disease as well as constipation, diarrhea, food sensitivities and of course leaky gut.

13. The gelatin content helps aid digestion

14. The amino acid glycine (found in high concentrations in bone broth) is great to help detoxify the liver

15. Chondroitin Sulfate, found in bone broth, has not only be found to help with joint pain from osteoarthritis, it also helps to lower atherosclerosis.

16. It tastes good!

If you want to know even more about bone broth – and get lots of great recipes to make your own – check out Bone Broth: A Recipe For Health which is packed with recipes, information, tips and tricks.

How often do you make bone broth? I’d love to hear your tricks, tips and favourite recipes in the comments below.

The Paleo Diet Phosphorus Mineral Deficiency-min

Phosphorus & The Paleo Diet

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for our bodies and is important in order to ensure we remain healthy. It helps the cells and tissues to not only function properly, but also to grow. In order for the bones and teeth to form properly, it is important that we consume the right amount of phosphorus on a daily basis. As phosphorus is a nutrient which is present in all of our cells, it supports the release of energy and enables fats and sugars to be broken down.

In addition to calcium, phosphorus is one of the main minerals found in our bodies and it is just as important as calcium. It is recommended that adults have a reasonable intake of phosphorus on a daily basis and a deficiency in this mineral can be very detrimental to the body. If you suffer from kidney disease, it is recommended that you intake a lower level of phosphorus as it could cause additional problems if you consume too much of this mineral.

There are many signs that you may not have enough phosphorus in your body, including anaemia and a weak immune system. If you notice that you are often feeling run or catching more colds than usual, it may be a sign that your body is lacking in phosphorus or other key nutrients. There is a level of phosphorus found in most foods, so it is quite uncommon to be deficient in this mineral.

It is quite simple to get a good intake of phosphorus on the Paleo diet as it includes an abundance of foods which are high in phosphorus. A normal meal on the Paleo diet will be made up of meat, which is high in phosphorus. It is particular high in grass-fed meat and this is highly recommended with the Paleo diet. If you stock up on vegetables with your meal, you will also be able to increase your intake of phosphorus. Broccoli in particular is a really good source of phosphorus.

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If you enjoy a snack on the Paleo diet, you should stick to fruits, seeds and nuts as these also contain high levels of phosphorus. It is important not to overdo your phosphorus levels, but still to the recommended daily intake. A good breakfast choice for improving your intake of phosphorus on the Paleo diet is eggs, which also offers many other health benefits. You can also try out some different choice of food such as pumpkins, which are not only really tasty but also have a good level of phosphorus.

There are supplements you can take which will help to enhance the level of phosphorus in your body, but it is much healthier to ensure you are taking in the right foods. Supplements should only really be used as a substitute for the intake from your foods, but with the Paleo diet you don’t need to worry, as most of the food groups have this in abundance.

As long as you eat a healthy and balanced diet, it should be really easy to incorporate your recommended daily intake of phosphorus through the foods you consume. It is a good idea to take a note of the phosphorus levels of your foods, particularly when you first start out on the Paleo diet, as it is a good way to ensure you are taking in the right level. A level of phosphorus which is too high can be just as damaging to the body as too little. You will quickly get used to how much phosphorus your food contains, so you won’t need to keep taking note of these for long.

There are many people who have the misconception that calcium is the only mineral in the body which helps to take care of our bones and teeth, but phosphorus is just as essential for the healthy functioning of the body. It is not beneficial to substitute phosphorus for more of the other essential nutrients, as they all play different parts in the proper functioning of our bodies.

When you follow the Paleo diet and stick to all of the recommended foods, you will be guaranteed to take in high levels of the right vitamins and minerals to help your body function to its optimum level. It is easy to exchange the foods you would normally consume for those on the Paleo diet and you will enjoy noticeable changes in both how you feel and how you look. A good level of phosphorus will help to ensure you stay healthier for longer.

Are Protein Powders Paleo primal whey casein pea rice hemp-min

Are Protein Powders Paleo?

I've had a few emails recently asking whether protein powders are Paleo – and which ones I would recommend.

Of course, real food is always the best option, but I understand that there are times when a liquid protein “meal” is called for – particularly for people who are crossfitting or lifting weights, perhaps. A post workout meal seems to be the main time people use protein supplements, as they try to replenish the protein and glycogen that they used during their workout.

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Real Food Post Workout Protein Options:

Fortunately, there are some quick ways to get a protein hit post workout. Try preparing in advance and taking along with you:

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Tins of (good quality) fish
  • Leftover chicken or turkey
  • Jerky

Whey Protein Powder

A popular form of protein supplement is whey protein. Whey is a by product of cheese making (as in curds and whey), so it is a naturally occurring protein, which contains the proteins beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, and serum albumin. As whey is clearly dairy, is isn't Paleo, and as it is processed, isn't really Primal either. Whey protein is anti-atherogenic, quick to absorb and is supposed to help with increasing lean muscle mass.

Casein Protein

Casein protein is another milk based protein, but is not as quick to absorb as whey protein.

Egg White Protein

Is another good choice and represents all amino acids

Pea Protein

This is a common vegan protein powder, but is not absorbed as well as animal based protein powders.

Rice Protein

Made from brown rice, this is another vegan protein. Could be a good option is allergic to dairy proteins.

Hemp Protein

This is becoming very popular as another vegetarian/ vegan option, but is also not as well absorbed at the dairy based powders.

Unfortunately, the dairy based protein powders can come from the milk of cows treated with hormones. If you've looked at the ingredients of many powders, you may have noticed artificial sweeteners soy products, and ingredients you can’t even pronounce – not remotely Paleo. For that reason the only protein powder I would recommend (if you feel the need to take one) would be Primal Fuel, from the Primal Blueprint. This is a whey protein, which contains by far the best natural ingredients of any powder I've looked at – and no soy, artificial flavourings or sweeteners.

Paleo Primal Fuel Potein Powder Supplement Whey Order

Do you take protein supplements? I’d love to hear under what circumstances – and which ones you use.