Happy 3rd birthday blog anniversary 3 years paleo network

Happy Blog Anniversary to Me!

Wow – I wrote my first post on this blog three years ago today! Doesn't time fly? By that time I’d been eating paleo for the best part of a year, had lost loads of weight and was feeling amazing. I’d set this blog up ages before I plucked up the courage to start writing. I just attended my first Ancestral Health Symposium in California in August 2011 and came back full of enthusiasm ready to start the Paleo Network!

Paleo-Network-Blog-Happy-Anniversary-Birthday 3rd

Since then we've now got Paleo Meetup Groups in every state in the country, I've written 5 recipe ebooks and the Paleo Network Facebook page now has over 79,000 followers! Who’d have thought!

I can’t wait to see what the next three years brings. I wonder, perhaps paleo will be mainstream by then?!

Happy anniversary!

Paleo Cookbooks cavemanfeast paleo-recipe-book
8 replies
  1. Padaek
    Padaek says:


    Congratulations on your 3 year blog anniversary! I just stumbled on your suite while looking for info on coconut aminos. I’m new to paleo and cant wait to learn more about it on your site. Best wishes! 🙂

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