Breakfast for a prime minister paleo diet healthy-min

Breakfast Fit for a Prime Minister?

I was interested to see photos of a typical Breakfast for British Prime Minister David Cameron.

  • Lurpak butter ( Ingredients: Organic butter (69%), organic rapeseed oil (25%), lactic culture, salt (0.9%))
  • Shredded Wheat Cereal (judging by the rest of the meal, I bet the milk isn't whole fat)
  • Toast with Jam
  • Low-fat yoghurt
  • Fruit

That's certainly a very carb-heavy Breakfast, without much fat or protein in sight.  They must need regular carbohydrate based snacks for when their blood sugar levels crash shortly after eating.

I'd have loved to see them tucking into a proper cooked Breakfast!  Perhaps Julia Gillard starts the days with bacon and eggs, cooked in coconut oil?

Breakfast for a prime minister paleo diet healthy-min

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1 reply
  1. Neil
    Neil says:

    It will be Lurpak’s ‘soft’ spread if it contains Rapeseed Oil (Canola Oil) not their real butter. By the size of Julia’s ass I think lots of ‘health’ whole grains are more to her liking.

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