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Paleo Meetup Groups – Have You Joined Yet?
Exciting news! There are now Paleo meet-up groups in every state…
August 26, 2012/by PaleoGirl
20 Other Uses For Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil is by far the best oil for cooking with. It has a…
August 21, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Gluten Free Athletes
I was very interested to read that the top Tennis Player Novak…
August 13, 2012/by PaleoGirl
80 Paleo Breakfast Ideas
If it wasn't for struggling to come up with different Paleo Breakfast…
August 8, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Smell Your Way To Weight Loss
I was amazed to read about a new weight loss perfume. Apparently…
August 2, 2012/by PaleoGirl