20 Other Uses For Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil is by far the best oil for cooking with. It has a high saturated fat content (this is a good thing) and can withstand far higher heats, meaning it won’t oxidise and go rancid in the same way that other oils would.
Coconut Oil has got so many health benefits when eaten and cooked with; but what else can you do with it? As well as for cooking with, have you tried Coconut Oil for any of these things too? Perhaps it’s worth having a jar in every room…
In The Bathroom
- Conditioner – leave to soak in for half an hour – or overnight for a deep hair treatment
- Hair Styling – Use in place of hair gel
- Moisturiser – use as an all over moisturiser; it even smells good!
- Make Up Remover – far better than chemically laden commercial products, just use Coconut Oil
- Massage Oil – you can also add a few drops of essential oils
- Lip Balm – use to soften and protect your lips
- Toothpaste – Instead of using a commercial toothpaste, you can make your own using coconut oil as a base
- Exfoliation/ Body Scrub – mix with sea salt for an all over exfoliator
- Making Soap – use Coconut Oil as a base
- Deodorant – Check out some home-made recipes using the oil
- Aftershave – apply to soothe your skin
In The Medicine Cabinet
- Insect Bites – apply to the bite to start the healing process and stop the itching
- Insect Repellent – Get the Coconut Oil out before you've been bitten, mix it with peppermint oil and stop the insects attacking!
- Cuts, scrapes and bruises – apply to the area to promote healing and form a protective barrier
- After Sun – if you over did the sun and got a little burnt, Coconut Oil will soothe your skin
- Sun protection – you can also use the oil as a natural sun screen
In The Kitchen
- Oil your wooden chopping boards
- Season your iron cookware
In The Nursery
- Babies Cradle Cap – a natural remedy for a dry scalp
- Nappy (diaper) rash – use coconut oil instead of commercial products
What else do you use Coconut Oil for? Have you tried any of the uses above?
Lots of good tips, thanks for that. So far I’ve tried using coconut hair conditioner.
Another one I’ll try is insect Repellent.
You’re welcome Kerry Anne, enjoy trying the others!
I made a batch of deodorant but didn’t like it that much, I found the smell too intense for my taste.
That’s great you tried Gaby – I wonder if there are recipes that would come out with a different smell?
I normally use a lot of coconut oil and get it from Woolworths. Working in UK at the moment & boy am I missing those cheap prices!
Normally things seem cheaper everywhere else in the world than here in Australia! Perhaps Coconut Oil is an exception?
I have heard it kills head lice instantly , I will let you know if it works
Use it for almost all of those
Also put it in my horses feed it is the best i have tried so far for their skin and coat.
Use it on leather when plaiting stock whips