Unconventional Weight Loss Summit 2015 paleo network UWL

Wondered why I’ve been so quiet?

I hadn't disappeared, in fact, I've been working harder than I've ever worked before.

I told you a while ago about my struggle to lose the rest of the weight I had to lose. Not a great situation for a health blogger, I can tell you! How despite having a really good, clean, paleo diet – my weight just wouldn't budge.

I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating it is. When everyone tells you “you just need to eat less and move more”, when you know it just isn't that simple.

I decided to get to the bottom of it.

How can I finally start losing weight, the right way?

I sought out 30 of the World's leading experts in everything to do with weight loss and they graciously all allowed me to interview them. I'm still amazed at some of the big names who gave me their time to help me solve this puzzle.

I've spoken to best-selling authors, doctors, scientists and real people with incredible success stories and health transformations. Jonathan Bailor, Jon Gabriel, Jimmy Moore, Nora Gedgaudas, Keoni Teta, Marc David and many others you'll be very familiar with, shared some pretty life changing information with me. You can find out more & register here

Believe it or not, nutrition is just one part of what we spoke about, we also spoke extensively about metabolism, hormones, physiological blockers to fat loss, emotional eating, food cravings, mindset – and so much more.

After sharing my story, I had hundreds of emails from people also struggling to lose weight, so I've decided to share this information, completely free – because I want to help as many people as possible to lose weight (the right way), this New Year.


How's it going to work?

There are 28 talks in all, and each talk is going to be shown online (for free) for 24 hours during the week long event. It starts in a few days time (4th Jan), so if you want to hear the life-changing talks, all you need to do is register here, simple. You'll also get a free ebook about resolving emotional eating, when you register.

Here are the experts I spoke to


Jonathan Bailor

Bestselling author of the Smarter Science of Slim & The Calorie Myth

The Calorie Myth & How to Eat SANE

  •  Why a neurological problem is often wrongly labelled as willpower
  • How we can quickly identify which foods we should eat – and which we should avoid
  • Why exercise could hinder your weight loss efforts
  • Our body weight set-point

Dr. Bryan Walsh

Naturopathic Physician who helps patients who are struggling to lose weight

Fat Is Not Your Fault

  •  Why it’s about physiology, not calories
  • The specific physiological reasons that may be preventing you from losing weight
  • How to identify which issues are affecting you
  • How hypothyroid symptoms can be missed by doctors

Sam Feltham

Founder of Smash the Fat, author, Health Activist & Personal Trainer

Smash the Fat

  •  The physiological drive that causes some to store more body fat
  • Why the advice “Eat Less: Move More” is negligent
  • The different biochemical reactions from different foods
  • Why setting goals is detrimental to your fat loss attempts
  • The exact steps Sam’s clients do to lose weight

Bob Briggs

Health Activist who lost 145 pounds & shortly after his video “Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off” went viral

Bob's Story: Butter Makes Your Pants Fall off

  •  How Bob lost 145 pounds
  • What he ate & did to lose the weight
  • How his arthritis disappeared
  • The steps to take to lose weight for good

Jon Gabriel

Jon Gabriel is the author & creator of the book, The Gabriel Method, an international best-seller. He lost 220 pounds (100kg) & now helps others

Weight Loss Without Dieting

  • The specific non-food factors that can cause your body to hold onto weight
  • What signals the body into fat storage mode
  • Why our brains think we’re in famine
  • Why we may feel safer in a bigger body
  • Changing the body at a hormonal level
  • The importance of meditation & visulisation



Dr. Corey Schuler

Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist and Functional Medicine Practitioner in the field of natural health and metabolism.

Metabolism & Weight Loss

  • How to change the set point of your Basal metabolic Rate
  • The crucial role of hormones in fat storage and release
  • Why being overweight is an inflammatory condition
  • Why age 35 – 43 is a critical time for overweight women
  • The tests you should have

Kevin Bees

Strategic Interventionist, Coach, and Entrepreneur

How to Change Your Mindset to Guarantee Success

  • Why your mindset is crucial in your transformation
  • Why we take actions that sabotage our goals (i.e. binge eating)
  • The six needs that drive all of our actions
  • A technique to change disordered & unhelpful behaviours
  • Why we must celebrate to break our bad patterns
  • How to set up our goals to guarantee success



Orleatha Smith

Health Coach & Health Activist

How Orleatha Lost 125 Pounds & Solved Her Health Issues

  • The health problems that Orleatha suffered from – and overcame
  • The diets she had tried previously
  • Why a gastric bypass wasn’t the answer
  • How Orleatha got rid of her food cravings



Jimmy Moore

Creator of Livin La Vida Low Carb, Author of “Keto Clarity”

Ketosis: Using Ketosis to Lose Weight

  • What is ketosis & how it causes fat loss
  • How to eat to get (and stay) in ketosis
  • The protein impact
  • Eliminating food cravings



Nora Gedgaudas

Paleo Nutritional Consultant, Clinical Neurofeedback Specialist and the International Best-Selling Author of Primal Body, Primal Mind.

The Impact Our Adrenals, Stress What We Eat Have On Our Ability to Lose Weight

  • The significant impact stress has on our ability to lose fat
  • How (even with a perfect diet) cortisol can lead to fat storage
  • Why an in-sync circadian rhythm is essential
  • How to investigate



Tara Grant

Health Blogger & Author

Tara's Story: How Tara Lost Over 100 Pounds & Resolved Her Health Issues

  •  The health conditions Tara suffered
  • The turning point that made her transform her life
  • The importance of self-experimentation
  • The impact of gut health

Bob Montgomery

Chef and Founder of “Not So Fast Food”

Bob's Story: How Bob Lost 90 Pounds & Started Not So Fast Food

  • How imminent surgery prompted Bob to transform his life & health
  • The non-dietary changes Bob made
  • How Bob now helps others to eat well
  • Why Bob offers his customers non-gluten free bread

Dr. Keoni Teta

Naturopathic Physician, Acupuncturist and Author of the Metabolic Effect Diet

The Metabolic Effect

  • Why food is so much more than just fuel
  • The crucial role hormones play in our weight
  • The “What the Hell” effect
  • The crucial difference between willpower & mindset
  • Why yo-yo dieting leads to weight loss – not fat loss
  • The three key things that impact metabolism
  • The H.E.C. check we should all do



Adam Kosloff

Yale University Educated Blogger, Author and Science Enthusiast

The Black Box

  • The Black Box factors that make you store fat
  • How prescription drugs can mess with your Black Box & make you store fat
  • The triad of evil foods we should avoid
  • The mechanisms by which dairy can cause weight gain



Carla & Emma Papas, The MerryMaker Sisters

Health Bloggers

The Merrymaker Sister's Journey (& Mistakes!)

  • The turning point that made the sisters change their lives
  • The huge changes they made to their relationships and even careers
  • The mistakes they made that caused them to regain some of the weight the lost
  • How they overcame their soft-drink addictions



Tessa Cason & Faith Shevlin

Life Coaches, Authors and EFT Practitioners

Free Yourself From Food Cravings and Emotional Eating

  • The crucial role of our emotions and beliefs in weight loss
  • Why food cravings are symptoms
  • Why we crave the particular foods we crave
  • How the specific food we crave is a clue to which emotion needs to be healed
  • How to understand & resolve our own disordered patterns



Marc David

Founder of the Institute For the Psychology of Eating, and Best-Selling Author of the Slow Down Diet and Nourishing Wisdom

The Psychology of Eating

  • Why 99% of all people on a weight loss plan will put it all back on within a year
  • Why self-hate biochemically impacts our ability to lose fat
  • Why it’s predictable that some people will binge eat
  • Why your willpower problem isn’t down to willpower at all



Matt Stone

Independent Health Researcher and Author


  •  Why we should take our body temperature
  • The factors that significantly impact or metabolisms
  • The beneficial, and harmful types of exercise on our metabolisms
  • Why many of us drink too much water

David Mendosa

Journalist, Diabetes Advocate and Medical Writer

David's Story

  • How David put his diabetes into remission
  • How he lost half his body weight
  • What he does to ensure he remains at his current weight


Crystal Fieldhouse

Paleo Blogger, Podcaster & Founder of Ecology Skincare

Crystal's Story: How Crystal & Her Husband Lost 50 Kilos & Healed Their Health

  • How Crystal initially reversed her health issues and lost weight
  • But how her symptoms started to come back – despite eating a perfect diet
  • What caused Crystal to lose too muchweight
  • The tests Crystal has to get to the bottom of it
  • Why it isn't just about food
  • The simple changes she made to get her health back on track

Christine Cronau

Nutritionist & Best-Selling Author of The Fat Revolution

The Fat Revolution

  • The impact Christine’s low-fat vegetarian diet had on her health
  • How Christine healed
  • The fibre myth
  • The truth about eating an alkali/ acidic diet
  • How to change your diet



Dr. Susan Smith

Holistic Health Educator and Author

Metabolism & Rejuvenation

  • Why extra weight is so detrimental to the body
  • The importance of muscle mass on our metabolism
  • The specific superfoods that may be beneficial to weight loss
  • Why sleep & water are so crucial



Kelly Larisey

Nutritional therapist & Life Coach

Kelly's Story: How Kelly Reversed Emotional Eating & Lost 55lbs

  • How Kelly lost 18 pounds (8 kg) in the first 30 days
  • How Kelly dealt with her emotional eating patterns
  • The impact the weight loss has had on Kelly’s life



Eve Parker

Life Coach and Weight Release Guru

Eve's Story: How Eve Lost Over 150 Pounds By Harnessing Her Personal Power

  • Why we need to call it “weight release”, not weight loss
  • The stark moment that made Eve realise she had to make a change
  • The importance of understanding the ego
  • Understanding primary & secondary food cravings
  • Why we must re-connect our mind and body – and how
  • No shame eating

Zoe Harcombe

Obesity Researcher & Nutritionist

Why Conventional Dieting Fails – and What We Need to Do Instead

  • The eating problems that lead to Zoe studying nutrition
  • What happens 6 – 24 months after a typical low calorie diet
  • The worst carbohydrate
  • The three common medical conditions that cause food cravings
  • The perfect diet
  • Why we mustn’t graze



Dr. Jill Tieman

Clinical Nutritionist, Chiropractor & Blogger

Nourishing Food

  • The one thing you must do before trying to lose weight
  • Which real food diet is most suitable for you
  • What happens when we eat grains
  • Why you should eat something fermented at every meal



Hannah Sutter

Former Barrister, Health Activist & Best Selling Author of Big Fat Lies

Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Work – and What We Should Do Instead

  • Why we got fat
  • What happens when we calorie count
  • Why people are doomed to regain the weight the lost right after a diet
  • The foods we must avoid to lose weight
  • The steps to transition from a sugar burner to a fat burner



Larry Diamond

Health advocate

Larry's Story: How Larry Lost Over 100 Pounds In A Year

  • The turning point that made Larry transform his life
  • How Larry went from being hungry all the time, to never being hungry
  • The importance of the “motivational high”
  • The steps to take to emulate Larry’s success


Just register here to hear the talks!

If you've got friends or family who will benefit from this information, please share with them too. Let's make this the last New Year with the resolution to “lose weight & get healthy”.

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1 reply
  1. Heather
    Heather says:

    I can’t believe I missed this by just a few days! I’ve just come across your blog so will be subscribing in just a moment and follow on fb also. Hope it all went well for everyone. Cheers.

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