Un-Paleo Hospital Food
One of my favourite blogs is Notes from a Hospital Bed, which was started by a journalist during a long stay in a UK hospital. You won't be surprised to hear that he wasn't served Paleo Hospital Food!
The blogger was shocked about the food he was served each day, so took photos and posted them on his blog.

In hospital good nutrition is obviously paramount to enable patients to recover and regain strength. Hospitals obviously don't serve Paleo food (but hopefully in the not too distant future they will?), but even by Conventional Wisdom the food served in hospital leaves a lot to be desired.
When I had a short stay in hospital a couple of years ago I found it very hard to navigate the food options. Everything on offer was geared towards a low-fat agenda. The other key principle was that all of the food was quick and easy to prepare – and had long shelf lives. This meant everything was pre-packaged along with lots of undesirable ingredients.
I really feel for people in hospital – at the time they need good nutrition the most, they are all too often being given sub-standard food.
If you've been in hospital, what was the food like? Were you able to keep it Paleo? Perhaps one day there will be a Paleo Hospital Food option?