
Paleo Diet Supportive Partner family support

How To Deal With A Non Supportive Partner

It seems fairly common in the Paleo community for people to have a significant other, or family, who aren't quite as supportive with the whole Paleo diet thing. At least not yet…

So if you’re convinced that eating Paleo is right for you (and right for most people!) how do you deal with a non-supportive partner or family?

Do you try to convince them and force them to buy into a Paleo diet? Do you relent and go back to your old ways, as it’s just too hard to fight? Or do you carry on regardless?

Are They Receptive?

If your partner is interested in what you’re doing – lend them your Paleo books and show them your favourite sites. Be on hand to answer their questions – and show case some great Paleo meals to demonstrate how well you can eat.

Are They Hostile?

Unfortunately, often partners and family can be less than enthusiastic about a new diet. They might be jealous, feel left out, not want to change the status quo – or perhaps just completely against it!

When faced with a lot of resistance at home, a good approach seems to be to not even try to change their mind. Keep doing your Paleo thing – and hope that by being a good example, eventually your good health will speak for itself.

If you do the cooking, you have a far easier job. You can continue to cook – but just keep it Paleo. If they object, they’ll have to make their own – it’s their choice. If they usually cook and aren’t prepared to make it Paleo, you’re going to need to start cooking and preparing your own food.

Do you have a supportive partner? Did you come to Paleo at different times? Any tips you have for dealing with a none supportive partner – please share in the comments below and help someone out!

Paleo Diet Supportive Partner family support

Paleo meme funny what people think when I tell them I eat paleo diet-min

6 Perspectives of Paleo

I couldn't resist jumping on the bandwagon & creating what I think are the 6 perspectives of Paleo.


How do you find different groups perceive “Paleo”?