Must read paleo books reading list best top popular primal diet authors-min

Must Read Paleo Books

I’m often asked which Paleo books I’d recommend. It’s great to have a few introductory books to hand to explain everything you need to know about what Paleo is – and how to start. If you’ve got friends interested in learning more about Paleo, these are the books I’d recommend.

Introduction to Paleo Books

The Primal Blueprint. Mark Sisson’s book is a great introduction as to why we should eat a Primal Diet and how to start. He also covers lifestyle factors like sleep and stress and how to exercise – primal style.

Mark Sisson Primal Diet Book

The Paleo Solution. Robb Wolf's book is another good introduction to the Paleo Diet and is written in a very engaging way. As a bio chemist, Robb Wolf is able to talk about the science, but in a very easy to understand way.

Robb Wolf Paleo Diet Book

The Paleo Answer Loren Cordain’s latest book is more on the science side than the practical application side, but a great book for anyone dubious about giving up those deathly whole grains!

Loren Cordain Paleo Diet Book


Starting Paleo Books

Once you’ve decided to give Paleo a try, these book are a great way to take you through your transition into Paleo, step by step.

Whole 30


Recipe Books

It’s great to have some recipe books on hand, to demonstrate the huge wealth of menu ideas that are possible on the Paleo diet. These are some great recipe books that I use regularly.

Paleo Recipe Book Whole30 Paleo Book


Which Paleo books are on your book shelf? Which one book would you recommend as a “must have” to someone new to the Paleo diet?


Must read paleo books reading list best top popular primal diet authors-min

Paleo Cookbooks cavemanfeast paleo-recipe-book
1 reply
  1. Christie
    Christie says:

    Great list! I’d have to add two of my favourites: Practical Paleo (Diane Sanfilippo) and Primal Body, Primal Mind (Nora Gedgaudas). Practical Paleo is a great all-rounder – enough introductory info for the paleo newbie, plus great recipes and meal plans tailored to a range of situations (including autoimmune conditions, blood sugar issues, digestive issues, heart health, neurological health, cancer recovery, fat loss, athletic performance etc). Primal Body Primal Mind is a wonderful book for those wanting to delve more deeply into the total mind-body aspect of the ancestral health movement. Both highly recommended!

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