I spend a lot of time reading as many Paleo blogs as I can fit in everyday and thought I’d share a few of my favourites from last month. Last month was especially good as it featured the first Ancestral Health Symposium.

1. That Paleo Guy on the Ancestral Health Symposium
Jamie Scott is a Kiwi who gave a great lecture at the AHS. It was great to meet him in person after reading his blog. I enjoyed reading his review of the event.
2. The Diet Doctor on What does Loren Cordain and Lindeberg have for lunch?
I enjoyed this as a. It’s nice to see people practicing what they preach, and b. that’s where I bough my lunch too at the AHS! After hearing Andreas Eenfeldt’s fantastic lecture I really look forward to his posts.
3. Tom Naughton on Still Another A-Salt On Science
I’ve been reading Tom Naughton’s blog since watching his movie FatHead and love his writing. His lecture at the AHS was another favourite too, as funny in real life as he is in the movie and blog. Only Tom could come up with the scientific conclusion that Hypertension is caused by wearing pants. Brilliant!
4. Mark Sissons at 58
What a great way to silence the reader who questioned whether Mark was getting fat! Er, no. He’s definitely not!
5. Emily Deans series on Do Carbs Make You Crazy?
Emily Deans is a psychiatrist with a keen interest on evolutionary medicine. It’s really interesting to read her angle
6. Everyday Paleo with their version of Larabars
I’ve found some great recipes over at Everyday Paleo and (once I finish my Whole30) am really looking forward to trying these bars. I tried Larabars for the first time when I was in America for Primal Con earlier this year – they were amazing! I’ve not been able to find them, or any Paleo equivalent here in Australia (please let me know if you have!) so making my own is a great option! Check out my recipe for my version of cherry larabars
7. Modern Paleo on Another Bad Journalist Examine the Paleo Diet
A good rebuttal of a d piece of journalism!
8. Nell Stephenson on Paleo Training Food
This was a very timely article as it appeared at around the time my marathon running housemate was starting out on his Paleo experiment
9. BTB with The Elevator Speech on No Grains.
Because I’ve tried to have that conversation so many times!
10. Free the Animal on The Supplements I Take & Why I Take Them
I love Richard Nikoleys blog – he just comes out and says exactly what is on his mind. No holding back! I was interested to see which supplements Richard takes, as that is an area I’m continually exploring on my own journey.
Did I miss any good posts? Let me know – below!