Linolenic Acid Linoleic CLA Fatty Acid Paleo Diet Hair-min

The Paleo Diet and Linoleic Acid

Throughout our lives we are led to believe that fats are bad for us – and fats are the reason we pile on weight, but as those of us following the Paleo diet know, this is actually not the case at all How much do you know about Linoleic acid?

Amongst the essential fats which are necessary for a healthy lifestyle are Linoleic and Linolenic acid, which are Omega 6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid is found throughout our whole bodies, which is why it is an essential fatty acid. A lack of Linoleic acid in the body can lead to a number of health issues, such as the hair follicles becoming weak and following out or becoming really dry. Not a problem most of us want to deal with, particularly women!

The key to a healthy lifestyle is to get the ratio of essential fatty acids right, which is why the Paleo diet is the best one to follow to ensure you maximise the health benefits of your diet. If you don’t follow the Paleo diet, you are likely to have far too much Omega 6 in your body and far too little Omega 3. A diet which is too high in Omega 6 is as unhealthy as having too little as it can lead to weight gain, obesity and numerous other health issues.

The key to a healthy lifestyle is to follow the Paleo diet, as this will ensure you are consuming the right balance of good fatty acids, which as a result will enable you to live a long and healthy lifestyle. The best way to ensure the right level of fatty acids in the body is to consume  a variety of foods which are part of the Paleo diet. Fish and nut oils for instance are a good source of Omega 3 and offer a number of other health benefits. If you decide to eat butter on the Paleo diet (i.e. take more of a Primal – or Lacto-Paleo stance), it is best to choose organic butter from grass fed animals as this contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which is thought to have properties which fight cancer and other serious illnesses.

Linolenic Acid Linoleic CLA Fatty Acid Paleo Diet Hair-min

A staple food which should be part of your daily Paleo diet are egg yolks as these are full of nutrients and have the perfect balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6. The white of eggs can also be beneficial to the health but egg yolks are the main source of the right essential fatty acids and nutrients. Eggs can be eaten in all kinds of varieties, including omelette and are a really easy meal for both breakfast and dinner. They are also a good source of protein so you can’t go wrong with having these as part of your diet.

The right combination of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids will not only enable the body to function properly and fight off common illnesses, it is also a great way to lose weight. As the Paleo diet involves eating the right combination of all of the key vitamins, nutrients and fatty acids, it is the perfect way to feel healthier, lose weight and tone up. If you combine the Paleo diet with a good exercise routine, you will be sure to reap the benefits of your hard work in no time at all.

It can take a while to work out the exact benefits of the range of foods available to us, which is why the Paleo diet is the best one to follow.  The hard work is done for you so all you have to do is follow it to the letter and ensure you are sticking to the recommended intake of each of the different nutrients and vitamins. The only way to ensure we stay healthy and fight off illnesses to the best of our ability is to have a better awareness of why we eat certain foods. The Paleo diet is carefully constructed for this reason and as such, is the best way to enjoy a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Do you get the right amount of Linoleic Acid in your diet?

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Ketones & The Paleo Diet

If the body is not able to burn glucose in the body, it goes on the search for another energy source to burn which happens to be fat. As fatty acids are burned, the body creates ketones which are compounds which can then lead to ketosis. If you are looking to lose weight quickly, you will want your body to go into ketosis, so that you are using your storage of fat and burning it at a much quicker rate than you usually would.

When you are eating a diet which is quite low in carbs, as the Paleo diet can be, ketosis will usually start in your body, which means you will be burning more fat than you would with a high carb diet.

As the Paleo diet involves eating the types of food our ancestors survived on, there is no harm in following a low carbohydrate as these foods were not freely available at that time and it didn't cause problems back then, so won’t cause them now. As with nutrients and vitamins on the Paleo diet, it is important to keep the levels of ketones in the diet at the right level. It is all about balance and being aware of exactly what we are consuming. You really need to keep track of the ketones in the body and this is even more significant for those who suffer from any serious illnesses, such as diabetes. As with any kind of diet, you should always monitor your levels so that you know you are getting it right and feeling the benefits on your body.

When you initially start a low carb diet such as the Paleo, you will feel some side effects as your body is basically getting used to a new way of using your energy source. You can feel a little dizzy or have symptoms such as a sore head, although these should only be temporary. The body is starting to burn fat rather than glucose, so it is bound to take a bit of getting used to. It is not harmful in any way as you are still getting a good intake of carbohydrates from your fruit and vegetables. Your body is basically going through a state of withdrawals and a withdrawal from anything will cause changes in the bodies.

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It is believed that the Paleo diet can actually help to stave off Type 2 Diabetes as it is a much healthier way of living. It is a common misconception that by lowering your carbohydrate level, you are starving your body of what you need, but this is not the case at all. Your body has too little insulin when you don’t follow the correct diet and eat too much of the wrong foods. It can also be the result of stress or another illness which causes insulin levels to lower.

The Paleo diet helps to prevent diabetes developing. If ketone levels reach a dangerously high level, it can increase the likelihood of suffering from serious illnesses such as diabetes. The reason why we should avoid the carbohydrate laden, processed foods is that they are dangerous and unhealthy and the Paleo diet can help us to create the perfect balance.

It is believed that the Paleo diet and a ketogenic diet can also be beneficial for improving the likelihood of suffering from Alzheimer’s and other mental health conditions. As with any diet, you don’t just want to feel the benefits of your hard work, you also want to see them, which is why the Paleo concentrates on a reduced intake of carbohydrates. If you always wondered why a diet with fewer carbohydrates helps you to burn calories, now you know, it’s because of the ketones!

As long as you carefully monitor everything you are putting into your body, you will soon feel a lot healthier than ever before. It is all about eating the right foods with the Paleo diet and making sure the balance is as it should be, so that we are in taking the right amount of all the proper nutrients, vitamins and compounds which will create a much healthier immune system and a longer and healthier life.


Sexy back summit sean croxton underground wellness

The SexyBack Summit

If you enjoyed the Paleo Summit, or last year's Real Food Summit, you’ll be excited to hear about this year’s summit. This year, it’s all about natural sexual health, with Sean Croxton’s FREE SexyBack Summit!

SexyBack Summit

Instead of solving problems with pills, the SexyBack summit is going to explore natural ways of solving sexual health related issues. For women, issues like PMS, frequent UTIs, yeast infections, fertility, or even a non-existent libido will be addresses – and for men low testosterone, high estrogen, E.D. and a dwindling sex drive will be explored. Balancing hormones, nutrition and fitness are all going to be covered. As people are reluctant to talk about a lot of these issues, they don’t seek help and let these issues remain needlessly. Well, not anymore!

If you missed out on last year’s presentations, here’s how the summit works… Sean has put together 24 presentations (videos you can watch at home, with slideshows). The talks are hosted by all different experts, including by Chris Kresser, Dr. Sara Gottfried, Paul Check, Jane Bennett, Dave Asprey, Alisa Vitti, Elliot Hulse and Dr. Jen Landa. From the first day of the summit on the 19th of May, until the last day on the 26th of May, there will be three to four new videos everyday. The videos are free for you to watch for 24 hours, before they’re replaced with the next days scheduled videos. So you can watch the entire event – and all 24 presentations – completely free of charge!

If you want to reserve your free spot on the SexyBack summit, just click here to register! You’ll also get access to some (free) advanced videos that are showing now.

The Paleo Diet Lectins Grains Gluten Wheat-min

Lectins & The Paleo Diet

No matter what type of food we eat, we can’t avoid Lectins as they are in absolutely everything we consume on a daily basis. Lectins are proteins which are found in animals, plants and our very own bodies and they have a number of functions which offer a means of protection to us. They can help to control the protein levels in humans but are also protective for plants as well. It is also thought that the right Lectins can also be beneficial in acting as a defense mechanism against serious illnesses, such as cancer.

Lectins can be useful for the body, but they can also be damaging, depending on the type of Lectin. There are many different types of Lectins found in different foods, so it is important to ensure we are taking in the right ones which offer the best benefits to our bodies. The function of Lectins also depend a lot of the individual and how sensitive their digestive system is as to how they will react to specific types of Lectins. The foods which contain particularly harmful Lectins include grains and legumes, which is why they are forbidden on the Paleo diet. These foods have the potential to destroy all of the good nutrients and vitamins in your body which makes you more susceptible to suffering from serious illnesses, such as heart disease and obesity.

If you consume the wrong Lectins and your body rejects these, it will also start rejecting all the good foods you eat, which means they will be of no benefit to you whatsoever. In order for the body to function effectively, it is essential that we absorb the right minerals and nutrients, which is why it is important to avoid legumes and grains on the Paleo diet. There are plenty of foods which contain Lectins which are good for our body and act as a way of protecting it, so it is important to be aware of the right foods to eat in order to get the most out of our bodies and feel as healthy as we can.

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Gluten is one of the harmful Lectins that can cause a lot of problems with the digestive system, which is why many people who have particularly sensitive guts have to eat gluten-free foods. Gluten-free foods are becoming standard in supermarkets and restaurants these days, which shows how much of a problem gluten can be. Gluten is often found in wheat products including the high sugar and high fat foods we are advised to avoid as part of the Paleo diet. These harmful Lectins can attack the body and cause a lot of damage to the intenstine which results in a leaking gut, not to mention a lot of pain. Bad Lectins can completely destroy the immune system, leading to issues such as extreme weight loss, diarrohea and sickness. It can also cause more serious illnesses, such as diabetes.

There are ways of reducing the presence of bad Lectins in legumes and grains, including soaking and soaking them, but it won’t completely destroy them so it is much better to avoid them completely. The Paleo diet encourages the avoidance of these food groups for a reason; they are not good for the body.

Nuts and seeds also contain Lectins but again, they are only beneficial to the body if you eat these in moderation. There are many of us who can’t stop eating nuts when we start, so if this sounds like you, it is best to just avoid eating them. There are plenty of nutritious foods on the Paleo diet which will offer good Lectins as well as plenty of other important vitamins and nutrients which are essential for a healthy body.

Overall, Lectins won’t pose problems for most people, but there are a number of people who have particularly sensitive guts, which means the bad Lectins, such as those found in grains and legumes can end up causing issues with the digestive system. Sufferers of a sensitive gut are not always born with this; it can develop over a number of years and become a worse problem in later life. It is better to completely avoid these, which is why the Paleo diet is such a beneficial one to follow.

Do you avoid lectins, or prepare foods to minimise their effect?

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Thiamin & The Paleo Diet

If you want to ensure you keep your body healthy, it is important to consume the right foods with plenty of the essential vitamins required for a healthy lifestyle. One of these vitamins is Thiamin, which is the water soluble vitamin B. The function of Thiamine in the body is to help our cells produce energy and it is imperative in order for our hearts, muscles and nervous system to function properly. Thiamin improves the contraction of muscles and also increased fertility in adults. It is also essential for children as it helps to improve the immune system from a very early age.

There are many notable signs that you may not be consuming enough Thiamin in your body. If your immune system is weak and you suffer from a lot of colds and flus, it may be due to a deficiency in Thiamin. As Thiamin is found in such a high number of different foods, it is quite rare to be deficient in this vitamin but it is quite common in alcoholics. It can also lead to a loss of weight and problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system.  If you are consuming too much Thiamin, it can also have negative effects on the body, although these may not be as noticeable as consuming too little. It is recommended that females have around 0.8mg of Thiamin, while males have 1mg. The recommended intake should be lower for children, so it is worth checking before you consume foods with Thiamin.

There are many foods on the Paleo diet which can help you to improve your intake of Thiamin. If you can manage to eat it, offal is a really good source of Thiamin and you can easily incorporate this into your daily meals if you don’t want to eat it as it comes. It is also found in high quantities in meat, such as beef and pork, which is why the Paleo diet is one of the healthiest to follow as it encourages the consumption of these food groups. It is always a good idea to ensure you are not consuming too much of this as otherwise, you won’t feel the full benefits.

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If you enjoy eating your snacks on the Paleo diet, you will find that nuts and seeds act as a good source of Thiamin so consume these in moderation and you will soon notice the results. It is also found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including asparagus, cauliflower and oranges. Eggs are also a good source of Thiamin and are a good choice to eat for your breakfast, as it will set you up for the rest of the day.

Thiamin is a source of vitamin B which is very sensitive to heat which means it can be easily destroyed during the cooking and preparation of food. A good method to use to get the most from it is to ensure you always cook your Thiamin rich foods for as little time as possible, as you will get the full benefits from it. There are other foods which you may want to add to your meals to absorb the Thiamin, including garlic and onions. These will also make them taste a lot better in the process.

As part of any healthy diet it is vital to consume a full range of the right nutrients and vitamins, which is why the Paleo diet is the healthiest to follow. If you are feeling lethargic and in need of a boost to your immune system, Thiamin will help you to feel much healthier and will improve your appearance.  You can also find Thiamin in supplements, but it is much better to try and get this from the foods you intake.

As long as you follow the Paleo diet strictly, you will be at your healthiest as you are consuming a wide range of different foods which offer a number of different benefits to the body. No matter what stage of life you start the Paleo diet, whether young or old, you will notice the difference in how you look and feel quite quickly. It is a great diet to ensure you are getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals from your foods. It is important to just keep an eye on your intake of each of the nutrients, so you are getting the maximum possible benefits from your food.

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Offal & The Paleo Diet

Offal is the organs found in animals and includes the liver, hearts, brains and kidneys and these foods are not commonly consumed, which is the reason why they can be found at really low costs. Offal is not processed, so you know exactly what you are getting, which is not the case with many other foods. If you were to eat non-Paleo processed meat, like sausage rolls or chicken nuggets for example, you would usually be eating bones and other parts of animals which offer no nutritional benefits whatsoever.

As part of the Paleo diet, offal is encouraged as it is packed full of nutrients. The most nutritious is the liver, which is a good source of Vitamin A and the brain, which is rich in Omega 3. Offal also contains a lot of protein and iron, which is not only good for the functioning of your organs but is also good for making your appearance clearer and healthier.

The reason why the Paleo diet encourages the consumption of these organs is that they can offer a wide range of benefits to our health, including improving the immune system and staving off a whole host of illnesses which can result in someone with a poor diet. The point of the diet is to maximise the benefits of the foods we are eating, so even if they don’t seem like the kind of foods you would like, it is well worth giving them a try.

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Offal is known as a super-food and although many of us wouldn't usually choose to eat these foods, the number of people buying these has increased in recent years. We are becoming a lot more educated in what foods are beneficial to our bodies and even though offal may not be the most tantalising of choices, the potential benefits make them an important choice as part of our daily diets.

If you are following the Paleo diet, it is important to include offal as it will make a substantial difference in how you look and feel. If the thought of eating these kinds of foods makes you feel a little queasy, there are many ways you can incorporate them into your meal, without even tasting them. You will be surprised at how quickly they become part of your daily routine and these super-foods will set you up for the rest of your life.

We all love a good curry and you can easily make this using offal without really having to taste them. You can add plenty of flavours to your curry which will disguise the texture, if this is off putting to you. If you are on a tight budget, offal is the ideal food to add to your diet, without stretching your budget but ensuring you enjoy the health benefits.

You may even wish to add your offal to a tasty stew or soup and by introducing plenty of other ingredients; you won’t really know the difference from your usual meals. You may even find that after time you start to enjoy the taste of offal on its own. If you have children and want them to enjoy the benefits of the Paleo diet, you should try and add offal to their meals, as it will help to improve their immune system and they will get used to the taste from a young age.

The most nutritious is the liver, so if you choose only one as part of your diet, this should be it. It shouldn't take long to start noticing the health benefits of offal as part of your Paleo diet and you will also find improvements in the appearance of your hair and skin.

With offal, it is even more important than usual to ensure the meat is of the very best quality, ideally organic and grass-fed or pasture raised.

The best animals to consume your offal from are goat, sheep, buffalo and horse and you should be able to pick these up from your local butchers.

Do you use Offal in your cooking? What are your favourite types – and recipes? Share below!

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Potassium & The Paleo Diet

Potassium is one of the key minerals for the diet and it can offer a wealth of health benefits, when consumed in the right level. Potassium is known to help the nervous system, as it plays a part in ensuring it functions properly. It can also help to strengthen muscles in the body and is a good way to reduce cramps. The correct level of potassium will also help the body to maintain a good water balance and ensure that the main organs in the body function to their optimum levels, including the heart and kidneys. A deficiency of potassium can cause a lot of health issues as it will cause a restriction of these organs and can result in an imbalance of minerals in the body.

People who suffer from heart and kidney problems and are overweight, often have far too much sodium in their diet and very little potassium. The wrong ratio of these two can lead to a range of health problems as, although they work well together to ensure the right nutrients are being taken into the body, sodium levels should be at a much lower level than potassium levels. A diet which is high in salt restricts potassium levels and increases sodium levels, which can be highly detrimental in maintaining a healthy body.

As the Paleo diet is based upon the diet of our Stone Age ancestors, it encourages the consumption of foods with high potassium levels and a limitation on those which contain sodium. Our ancestors managed to get the ratio right, but in a culture where many people live on highly processed and sugar rich foods, potassium levels are much lower than they should be to live a healthy lifestyle. We don’t need a high level of sodium to be healthy, but is important that this is not completely restricted from the diet.

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There are many foods which are part of the Paleo diet are not only tasty but are also high in potassium levels, which help to keep our bodies in good working order for as long as possible. Meats such as beef, chicken and pork form the staple of the Paleo diet and these can act as a good source of potassium. There are many fruits which also have high potassium content, including avocados and bananas are well known to have potassium in plentiful supply.

Vegetables can also act as a good source of potassium as can nuts and seeds which are ideal on the Paleo diet to consume as a snack, rather than turning to chips and chocolate. Although it is important to have a diet high in potassium, it is also vital to eat the right amounts and not over consume this mineral. A good way to achieve this in the Paleo diet is to take a note of the contents of food we are in taking, so we know we are getting it right.

As the Paleo diet focuses on eating fresh and unprocessed foods, it is the ideal way to maintain a good level of both potassium and sodium. The ratio should always be much higher in potassium than it is in sodium. If you are eating a lot of vegetables, which is encouraged in the Paleo diet, you can reduce potassium levels by soaking them in water, which can also be done with nuts and seeds. A few simple changes to the diet can be hugely beneficial in reducing the likelihood of suffering from serious illnesses and can also reduce the chance of current illnesses becoming serious. It has been shown that those who suffer from kidney disease can improve the condition by improving consumption of potassium and lowering sodium levels.

An awareness of potassium and sodium levels in the body can go a long way to improving health, no matter when you start to educate yourself on it. The Paleo diet is a good way to achieve the right balance of nutrients and vitamins in the body which will stand you in good stead for a long and healthy lifestyle. In order to function properly, the brain needs to be fed with high levels of potassium which can then affect the rest of the body.

It is all about awareness and knowledge of which foods will support us through our lives and those which will be detrimental. The Paleo diet acts as great support for us to ensure we are boosting consumption of the right foods and lowering those which are unhealthy.

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Phytic Acid & The Paleo Diet

There are many benefits to adhering to the Paleo diet as a means of getting rid of body fat and helping to reduce the likelihood of a number of illnesses. One of the benefits of the Paleo diet is that it can help to reduce phytic acid intake. It obliterates foods which are full of phytic acid in favour of those which contain low levels such as fruits and vegetables.

Phytic acid is highly obstructive as it has the ability to stop essential minerals from being absorbed. These minerals include magnesium, iron and calcium, which are important as part of any healthy diet. Phytic acid binds itself to these minerals and as our bodies can’t break them down, it can result in a number of health issues. There are many people who consume high levels of cereal, as they believe that this is beneficial to the health but in fact these are one of the main culprits of phytic acid. As a result, they can actually prove to be quite damaging to the health. As our ancestors substituted cereals for other healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits, it was a much healthier way of living which is why the Paleo diet is the best one to follow.

The health issues which can result from a diet which is high in phytic acid include PMS, stomach cramps and skin problems, which can be very detrimental for our quality of life. There are many people who also suffer from anaemia, which is caused by iron deficiency and it is believed that this could be caused through a high phytic acid diet. The Paleo diet promotes an eating plan which minimises the intake of foods which contain phytic acid, in order to promote a healthier lifestyle.

The right diet is the most important way of maintaining good health and more often than not, most of us will reach for the painkillers when we feel unwell, rather than getting to the root cause of the problem.   There are certain foods which are extremely high in phytic acid and these are best to completely stay clear of when following the Paleo diet. The most common of these are grains and legumes. These foods can be replaced with fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds, which are full of minerals and antioxidants.

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Nuts and seeds are quite high offenders when it comes to levels of phytic acid but you can minimise these by soaking them in purified water. Nuts are full of health benefits, but should only be eaten in moderation; otherwise they will be counter productive.  As far back as our ancestors, people were soaking their nuts and seeds and as the reason behind the Paleo diet is to go back to our roots, it is a ritual we should bear in mind when trying to reduce our intake of phytic acid. The best way to achieve this is to soak the nuts in purified water, cover them and add sea salt. You should then give them a rinse and drain them, before putting them in the oven at the lowest possible temperature. It may seem like a bit of a lengthy process, but the benefits to help are worth taking these steps.

In order to really get the balance between the right nutrients and lowering levels of phytic acid, it is worth educating ourselves on the content of our foods so we are more aware of whether or not they will be detrimental to our health. There are plenty of nutritious foods to eat as part of the Paleo diet, which will result in noticeable changes to your health and fitness levels. Good combinations of the right foods, together with an exercise plan will not only improve your appearance, but will also help you to enjoy a longer and more fulfilling lifestyle.

If you find any of the foods on the Paleo diet are bland, you can always season them with apple cider vinegar as this is a tasty substitute to high calorie mayonnaise and it offers lots of health benefits. It can take a while to get used to following the diet, but it can be really beneficial to the body and appearance. It will soon become a way of life and reducing phytic acid levels is just one of the many benefits of following this simple but effective diet.

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Dementia & The Paleo Diet

Dementia is a serious health condition which causes the deterioration of the brain and although it is a disease which is most common in older people, it can also affect the young. The instances of dementia (of which Alzheimer's is perhaps the most well known type) are growing in modern society and although it has always been a major concern, awareness of the disease is higher than ever before.

In the past, we would have viewed the signs of dementia as a typical part of becoming older, but this is not the case as there are plenty of people of an older age who still have a fully functioning brain. The signs of dementia include a change in personality, memory loss and/or the inability to carry out simple everyday tasks. There are sufferers of dementia who can even lose the ability to eat which can then lead to further illnesses. The effects of dementia can be rapid or can happen over a long period of time.

Dementia not only has a major effect on the sufferer of the disease, it can also have a hugely negative effect on the family and friends of their loved one as they change into a completely different person to the one they love. The sufferer may even lose the ability to identify their loved ones which can be heart-breaking for friends and family to watch.

As the awareness of this disease increases, there are many people who believe that our diet can have a major influence on how likely we are to suffer from it. It is believed that the Paleo diet is one which can actually prevent dementia or stop it progressing to an incurable stage. There is evidence to suggest that there is a strong link between dementia and diabetes, an illness which is caused through an unhealthy diet and is most common in people who are overweight. In fact, referring to dementia as Type 3 Diabetes is becoming increasingly common.

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There are a number of foods which have a negative effect on the body and thus, can be detrimental for the functioning of the brain. Those foods which are high in sugar can contribute to diabetes and dementia which is why the Paleo diet can be beneficial in improving health and helping to combat the effects since these foods are not part of the diet.

A high intake of Omega 3 is known to improve memory and help improve the overall function of the brain, which is why they are a major part of the Paleo diet. If we start to increase the consumption of foods with Omega 3, including fresh fish and salmon at any stage in our lives, we can improve the function of the brain which will help to stave off the likelihood of dementia and other serious illnesses.

As the Paleo diet also promotes the intake of fruit and vegetables which contain an abundance of the key vitamins required for a healthy lifestyle, it can provide us with the sustenance which is essential to maintain a clear state of mind. There is also a link between a diet which is high in carbohydrates and dementia and no evidence to suggest that omitting these from the diet will result in any negative effects on the body.

As we strive towards a healthier body and state of mind for as long as possible, it is important to look closely at our diet and ensure we are eating foods which are rich in vitamins, protein and the right fatty acids, such as Omega 3. The Paleo diet offers a positive approach to ensuring we live a long and prosperous lifestyle by turning away from the foods which are high in carbohydrates and fat and rich in all of the right nutrients.

It makes sense that we should take a positive approach to our diets if we want to ensure we give ourselves the best possible chance of avoiding serious illnesses such as dementia. The Paleo diet is a simple one to follow and can offer a wealth of benefits to improving our overall health and wellbeing. A combination of the right food groups and an active lifestyle will increase oxygen to the brain which can seriously reduce our chances of suffering from dementia.

It is not only essential to take care of the appearance of our bodies but also to ensure we consume the right foods to maintain a good health. If we eat the right foods, we are not only feeding our bodies but also our brain which

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a tasty garnish which is a beneficial addition to your food on the Paleo diet. As part of your Paleo diet, you may like to try and incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in some when you can, as it is known to offer a wide range of health benefits. Instead of turning to anti-ageing lotions and potions, Apple Cider Vinegar is a good alternative as it is known to slow down the signs of ageing. The reasons for this are that it is high in minerals and potassium which are good for the complexion. Apple cider vinegar is also known to reduce and clear up problems with acne, whether taken orally or applied directly to the skin when diluted with some water.

If you are suffering from a nasty cough which is often the case during the winter, Apple Cider Vinegar is known to reduce the effects and clear it up. It is also beneficial for clearing up the sinuses, so if your immune system needs a bit of a boost, apple cider vinegar will really help. There are a number of other benefits to making apple cider vinegar a part of your daily diet, including the fact that it promotes digestion as it promotes healthy bacteria throughout the body. It can also help with menstrual cramps and act as a way of encouraging weight loss. These are the reasons why Apple Cider Vinegar is such a huge part of the Paleo diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar can also be taken to combat constipation, as it is known to improve the movement of the bowels. It is well worth introducing Apple Cider Vinegar at the start of your journey with the Paleo diet, so you can reap the benefits of it from the offset.

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How To Add Apple Cider Vinegar To Your Diet

There are many ways in which you can incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar as part of the Paleo diet. As your diet will include eating a lot of salads and vegetables, it can act as a garnish to improve the taste of your foods and make them more enjoyable. It is a much healthier alternative to using mayonnaise as your garnish, as this won’t offer all the healthy benefits as Apple Cider Vinegar.

Another way to consume Apple Cider Vinegar is to add a drop of it to a glass of water to it in the morning. You will soon notice the benefits of it on your skin and how you feel. You only need to use a little of it on a daily basis, so even if you don’t particularly like the flavour of it, it shouldn't over-ride the taste of your foods.

If you want to achieve the best health benefits from your Paleo diet, stock up on loads of meat, fresh fish, vegetables and fruits the next time you do your weekly shopping. In addition, make sure Apple Cider Vinegar is on your list to make your foods tastier and include some seeds for eating as one of your snacks. If you can’t resist chocolate, make sure you choose dark chocolate as this is rich in anti-oxidants. There is no reason why you should be craving unhealthier foods on the Paleo diet and with the addition of garnishes such as the Apple Cider Vinegar; you will be much less likely to fall off the wagon.

Do you regular use Apple Cider Vinegar? I’d love to hear how you use it, please share in the comments below!