Picnik’s First Anniversary Paleo Potluck Party!

AUSTIN'S FIRST AND ONLY PALEO RESTAURANT IS CELEBRATING IT'S FIRST BIRTHDAY!! – It's B.Y.O.P (Bring Your Own Picnic)! Bring your favorite Paleo-compliant creation (grain-free, legume-free, soy-free, canola/vegetable oil free, corn-free, and free of anything pre-made with funky additives!) Make sure you bring an ingredients list with you for people with allergies.

– Don't forget your picnic blanket! And bring along your dogs too, this is gonna be a super dog-friendly event.

– We'll provide some Paleo-compliant dressings and sauces to serve with your creations, and we'll be bringing a Paleo “Happy Birthday Picnik” cake. It's not a party without cake, right!?

– We'll be sending invites to our vendors and some local businesses we believe in – so look forward to meeting some of the faces behind the foods you love and maybe trying some yummy samples!

– Our anniversary happened to fall on the weekend of Paleo f(X) – so we're super excited to potentially be meeting some new Paleo faces from out of town. And who knows, maybe one of your favorite bloggers/members of the Paleo community will be there 😉

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