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9 surprising ways to get your five a day
We all know we're supposed to eat five portions of fruit and…
August 21, 2014/by PaleoGirl
Dessert for diabetics
My gran is just about to start receiving “Meals on Wheels”,…
August 17, 2014/by PaleoGirl
Are you an extreme night owl?
In my quest to understand more about my slow metabolism, I've…
August 14, 2014/by PaleoGirl
The 9 Craziest Fad Diets
It always amuses me when people describe the Paleo Diet as a…
August 11, 2014/by PaleoGirl
Paleo Birthday Cake
Who said you can't have birthday cake now you're eating paleo?
July 26, 2014/by PaleoGirl(adsbygoogle…
Hungry? Try one of my latest recipes

How to Make Slow Cooked Garlic-Balsamic Lamb with Parsnip Mash
May 6, 2014/by PaleoGirl
How to Make Chocolate Orange and Fig Pudding
May 3, 2014/by PaleoGirl
How to Make Sirloin Steak with Chimchurri Sauce and Caramelised Onions
April 29, 2014/by PaleoGirl
How to Make Chilli and Cumin meatballs with a mango and pomegranate salsa
April 26, 2014/by PaleoGirl
How to Make Creamy Coconut Slow Cooker Beef
April 21, 2014/by PaleoGirlHave you read these yet?

What’s Wrong With Potatoes?
Do you have potato-blood? I hope not because that would mean…
November 21, 2013/by PaleoGirl
Are You Deficient in Copper?
Copper is an important trace dietary mineral which fulfils many…
August 20, 2017/by PaleoGirl
Paleo for Better Skin
I've read about so many people going onto a paleo diet and noticing…
June 25, 2017/by PaleoGirl
Time to get healthy?
Post Christmas is a popular time to readdress your goals. Perhaps…
January 1, 2014/by PaleoGirl
Do you Get Enough Cobalt?
Cobalt forms part of the structure of vitamin B12, which makes…
November 17, 2013/by PaleoGirl
Paleo Skincare – Homemade Moisturiser Recipe
Everyone loves to pamper their skin, and in the colder months…
January 23, 2014/by PaleoGirl
Natural Alternatives To Soap
So you’re careful to eat a natural paleo diet, but what skincare…
December 12, 2013/by PaleoGirl
Why You Should Add High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) To Your Workout
What exactly is high intensity interval training?
High intensity…
December 8, 2013/by PaleoGirlHigh intensity…

What Has Fukushima Got To Do With You?
I'm sure you’re aware of the Fukushima disaster that hit Japan…
December 1, 2013/by PaleoGirl
Is Coffee Anti-Paleo?
There are a lot of things that draw controversy amongst the Paleo…
January 26, 2014/by PaleoGirl
8 Ways to Party – and Keep it Paleo
It’s that time of year again where the party season is in full…
December 15, 2014/by PaleoGirl
7 Ways to Keep it Paleo While Travelling
Whether it’s a holiday, a business trip, or just visiting friends…
February 27, 2014/by PaleoGirl
7 Ways to Make Your Desk Job Healthier
In an ideal world, none of us would have jobs in offices or at…
June 28, 2016/by PaleoGirl
Why You Should Get Rid of Your Microwave!
Microwaves – probably one of the most celebrated and widely…
January 30, 2014/by PaleoGirl
Ever Wondered Where Canola's Grow?
Canola oil, otherwise known as rapeseed oil, is an oil growing…
March 2, 2014/by PaleoGirl