Time to get healthy paleo rock bottom over indulged Christmas lose weight-min

Time to get healthy?

Post Christmas is a popular time to readdress your goals. Perhaps you got a bit carried away with the festivities and have realised you are carrying more weight than is healthy? Or perhaps you have a few health issues that you want to concentrate on, and resolve once and for all? Now is the perfect time to get healthy!

It starts with food

Diet is a great place to start. Instead of waiting until all if the festive food has been eaten (we've all done that!) why not just throw it away – or give it to someone who will appreciate it? Your health will thank you!
Once you've cleared out all the not-exactly-paleo food – it's time for the good food!  Make a list, plan out your meals for the next week and go and get some good wholesome paleo foods.
I like to make up big batches of dishes like soups and curries. It's great to freeze them in small portions, making it super easy to get healthy meals, quickly.
Time to get healthy paleo rock bottom over indulged Christmas lose weight-min

What about lifestyle?

Lifestyle is a huge health factor! In fact, I'd argue that even with a perfect diet unless you have got the lifestyle factors right it's almost impossible to get healthy.

How's your sleep?

Have late nights and difficult mornings started to creep in? Are you getting enough sleep? This is a great time to work out how much sleep your body needs – and how you're going to get it.


Another huge factor – do you have enough time in your life for your friends and family? Do you have enough time to relax and just be? If not – what can you change to create more balance in your life?

Get healthy with fitness

This is another important factor. Do you lift heart things and get in the occasional sprint? Being fitter seems to go hand in hand with overall health and well being. You don't have to start big – try walking more.
I'd love to hear what you're planning to work on over the coming months, what changes are you planning to make to your life?
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