“Is Vodka Paleo?” or “Can you drink Vodka on a Paleo Diet” are surprisingly common questions, so I thought I’d address the issue here.

Paleo Diet Recipe Primal Is Vodka Paleo

What is Vodka?

Vodka is a distilled alcoholic drink made from grains, potatoes, soybeans, grapes, rice or sugar beets. As vodka is distilled and not brewed, there should not be any gluten left in the final product. However, cross contamination is always a possibility, so it is a good idea to go for a non-grain based spirit, such as a potato vodka instead of a wheat vodka.

Obviously it’s best not to drink, but in the real world it’s best to make the most sensible choice. Compared to beer for example, a vodka and soda or tonic is a much more Paleo diet friendly option. So whilst no spirit is going to be “approved” on a Paleo diet, there are definitely lots of degrees of “Paleoness” in the brand chosen. You might even have found a Paleo recipe calling for a vodka sauce; so which type should you use?

The Paleo Recipe Book Paleo Diet Primal Cookbook Brekkie

Non Paleo Vodka Brands

Vodkas made with Grains, Barley, Corn, Muscadines, Oats, Rice, Rye, Sugar Beet and Wheat are to be steered clear of on a Paleo diet. These types of Vodkas include the following brands: –

42 BELOW, Absolut, Adnams, Alberta Pure, Artic, Belaya Rus, Belvedere, Biała Dama, Black Dot, Blavod, Bols, Bong Spirit, Boru Vodka, Bowman's, Crystal Head, Danzka, DOT AU, Double Cross, Downunder, Dragon Bleu, Explorer, Finlandia, Firefly, Frïs, Frozen Ghost Vodka, Glen's, Grey Goose, Han, Hangar One, Iceberg, Isensua, Jean-Marc XO, Kauffman, Keglevich, Ketel One, Khortytsa (Хортиця), Koskenkorva, Kryshtal Etalon, Łańcut, L'CHAIM, Level, Lotus, Magic Spirits, Mastermind, Minskaya Kristall, Monte Carlo, Moskovskaya (Московская), Nemiroff (Неміроф), New Amsterdam, Nikolai, Orloff, P.i.n.k, Perfect 1864, Pinnacle, Platinka, Polar Ice, Polonaise, Popov, Rain, Renat, Reyka, Russian Doll, Russian Standard (Русский стандарт), Shustov (Шустов), SKYY , Smirnoff , Snow Queen, Sobieski, Soyuz-Viktan (Союз-Віктан, СВ, SV), Square One Organic, Starka, Stolichnaya (Столичная), Stolnaya (Стольная), Svedka, TAG No. 5, Three Olives, Tito's Handmade, Ultimat, UV, V44, Van Gogh, Viru Valge, Vladivar, Vodka 14, Vox, Wyborowa, Xan, Xellent Swiss, Youri Dolgoruki (Юрий Долгорукий), Żubrówka and Żołądkowa gorzka

Best Paleo Diet Friendly Vodka Brands

Vodkas made of Coconut, Fruits, Grapes, Honey, Horseradish and Potato are far more Paleo diet friendly choices. These brands are the best Paleo options: –

Grape Vodkas:

Bazooka, Binboa, Bombora, Cîroc, Cooranbong, Istanblue and Lokka

Potato Vodkas:

Boyd and Blair, Chase, Chopin, Cirrus, Cracovia, Grand Teton, Heavy Water, Karlsson's, Luksusowa, Monopolowa, Permafrost Vodka and Vikingfjord

Other Paleo friendly vodka options include:

VuQo (Coconut), Siwucha (Fruits), Krupnik (Honey) and Hrenovuha (Хреновуха) (Horseradish)

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2 replies
  1. Cpt. Obivous
    Cpt. Obivous says:

    “Compared to beer for example, a vodka and soda or tonic is a much more Paleo diet friendly option. ”

    Does the fact that tonic is actually a sweetened soda with HFCS make it not paleo?


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