I’ve finally got through listening to all of the Paleo Summit audio files. I’ve mainly been listening to them on my way to and from work, so I now need to go through the transcripts (or listen again with a pen and paper to hand) as there have been so many book recommendations and interesting points I should have made a note of.
This is my quick review of the presentations in the summit.
Sarah Fragoso – Author, Everyday Paleo; Paleo, Kids, and the Family.
Despite not having children, I really enjoyed Sarah’s talk, in fact I wish all families making a move over to a healthy lifestyle would be able to listen to her. She’s very realistic and everything she talks about is very accessible – as she’s been through the transtition to Paleo herself (with amazing results), with her own family.
Dr. Jack Kruse MD – Neurosurgeon; Leptin Circadian Cycles
I’ve been following Dr. Kruse’s blog for some time now and have been fascinated by his Leptin Reset. I sometimes find his blog quite hard to read (I often have to make notes and reword it, to make sense of it), so was interested to learn how his ideas would be conveyed by spoken word, rather than text. I thought he was a great speaker and that his ideas came across really well in his presentation. He spoke a lot about inflammation, which is something I’m really interested in. Dr. Jack Kruse seems to be on the bill at lots of Paleo events this year and I’m looking forward to hearing more!

Denise Minger – Author, Death by Food Pyramid; How to Win an Argument with a Vegetarian
After reading Denise’s critique of the China Study, I was looking forward to hearing her talk at the Ancestral Health Symposium last year – only for her presentation to clash with Mark Sisson’s! I was so pleased to hear her as part of this summit. She has a very different role in the Paleo-sphere, with her amazing ability to evaluate studies showing how what the media reports is often not what the data really shows. He talk covered a lot of Vegan/ Vegetarian studies and the issue of confounding variables and was one of my favourites from the summit. I’d love to invite her to (Paleo) dinner with some vegetarian friends! I can’t wait to hear more of Denise Minger.
Jimmy Moore – Podcaster, The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show; How To Break Out Of The Grips Of Morbid Obesity And Embrace Healthy Living For Life
Whilst I listen to Jimmy’s podcasts regularly, it was nice to hear him as the interviewee for a change. I think Jimmy is a great speaker and I enjoyed hearing his transition from more of an Atkins low-carb approach, to a Paleo low-carb approach. I don’t think Paleo is, or should be a low-carb for everyone approach, but it was interesting to hear Jimmy Moore’s take all the same.
Keith Norris – Trainer, Efficient Exercise; Health versus Performance
I met Keith at the Ancestral Health Symposium, but hadn’t heard him present before, so had high expectations of this talk. It was interesting to hear about the difference between health and performance – and how so many athletes are actually not healthy.

Dr. Catherine Shanahan MD – Author, Deep Nutrition; The Paleo Diet vs. Top-Selling Drugs — Who Wins?
I think this was my favourite presentation. Very pertinent too as I know a few people who have been prescribed some of the specific drugs discussed in the talk. If only all doctors had this much knowledge and this approach with their patients. I'd love to hear Dr. Cate Shanahan talk again, hopefully she'll be talking at more Paleo events in the future.
Mark Sisson – Author, The Primal Blueprint; Ancestral Living Defined
I think Mark Sisson is a great communicator and is responsible for introducing Paleo/ Primal to so many people. I enjoyed his talk – this is another one I’d want people new to Paleo to listen to early on in their journey.
Erwan Le Corre – Founder, MovNat; MovNat: Moving Naturally
I saw Erwan’s talk at the Ancestral Health Symposium and was looking forward to hearing his accent again! An interesting talk, but I think his topic is best demonstrated, rather than talked about – to that end I’m really looking forward to having a MovNat session with him at PrimalCon in April!
Nora Gedgaudas – Author, Primal Body-Primal Mind; Safe Starches: To Eat or Not to Eat?
I’m a huge Nora Gedgaudas fan after hearing her at the Ancestral Health Symposium and again when she toured Australia last year with Nourishing Australia. She is such a good speaker, with a great skill in making the science understandable and accessible. I was glad the issue of safe starches was tackled in the summit, as there seems to have been a huge shift in the Paleo-sphere on the issue, with Paul Jaminet taking an opposing view. I’m still somewhat on the fence regarding safe starches; self experimentation is needed I think.
Paul Jaminet, Ph.D. – Author, Perfect Health Diet; The Evolutionary Evidence for the Optimal Human Diet
Paul Jaminet is so logical, rational and fantastic to listen to. I found his talk so interesting and valuable – this is one of the talks I need to listen to again, with a pen in my hand.
Diane Sanfilippo – Author, Practical Paleo; Practical Paleo Implementation
This would be another great talk for those new to this lifestyle to listen to. I’m looking forward to her book coming out.
Chris Kresser – Integrative Medicine Practitioner; An Update on Cholesterol
I always enjoy Chris Kresser’s appearances on Robb Wolfs the Paleo Solution podcasts, so I knew I’d enjoy his talk. This was a hugely interesting talk about Cholesterol that I wish CW doctors would listen to!
Mat Lalonde, Ph.D. – Research Biochemist, Harvard University; Invalid Inferences: An Organic Chemist’s Perspective on Paleo
I got to hear Mat speak at the AHS, I really like his style and approach. It was also interesting to hear how Mat actually eats himself!
Dallas & Melissa Hartwig – Health Educators, Whole9 Life; Paleo for Vegetarians
The Whole30 founders put out such good information (I was really pleased to get a free copy of their Whole30 success guide when I downloaded the Summit files) – it was interesting to hear another perspective on vegetarianism, which is often seen as the polar opposite to Paleo. I might have to play this one to my vegetarian friends…
Dr. Thomas O’Bryan – Gluten Sensitivity Expert; The Musculoskeletal Connection to Autoimmunity Disease
This was another highlight, not only did he explain gluten and auto immune responses he spoke at length about exactly what an allergy is, compared to sensitivites. I learn a lot from this talk and found Dr Thomas O'Bryan to be an excellent speaker who was very skilled at getting his message accross.
Matt Stone – Independent Health Researcher; Matt Stone Debunks The Paleo Diet
I'm glad the summit included a different perspective on Paleo, but this is a talk I won ‘t be in a hurry to listen to again. I found all of his ideas completely anecdotal – there didn't seem to be any science or studies to support his argument. He didn't seem to be debunking Paleo per say, but more low-carb – or people dogmatically refusing to change their macro-nutrient ratios. I just don't think it works like that. I'd be super interested to hear what you thought of Matt Stone's talk in the comments below.
Amy Kubal, RD – Registered and Licensed Dietitian; Paleo for Endurance Athletes
I'm really glad this was included. The more into fitness I get, the more I hear people talking about how you can't do Paleo and endurance sport – well Amy clearly shows otherwise, having won a marathon on Paleo herself! I wish all athletes would listen to this!
Reed Davis – Founder, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition; Stress, Hormones, and Paleolithic Man
Very interesting talk looking at the stress modern man is under versus the stress the Paleolithic man would have experienced.
Paul Chek – Founder, C.H.E.K. Institute; Living Primal: Instinct Before Intellect
There were some interesting points raised in this talk about getting back to the basics, but wonder if some people might find the start a little difficult to get into.
Dr. Allison Siebecker – Naturopathic Doctor; Paleo Digestive Troubleshooting
This was a very interesting talk that I learnt a great deal from. So many people seem to have digestive issues, which Dr Siebecker talked about at great length. Anyone with any form of digestions issues needs to listen to this presentation!
Dr. Daniel Chong – Naturopathic Doctor; Earthing as an Essential Nutrient
I've been hearing more and more about earthing, so was interested to hear this talk. This probably isn't one I'd recommend to someone skeptical of the Paleo lifestyle, but it made so much sense to me!
Stephanie Greunke, RD – Registered Dietitian; Ditch the D Word!
Perhaps this would be a useful perspective to someone new to this way of life, but I didn't learn anything new from this talk. I'm not bothered whether you call it a diet, a nutrition plan or a regime – the name makes no difference to how I eat!
Dean Dwyer – Blogger, Beyond Primal; The Inner Game of Paleo
I'm glad someone like Dean was included in this summit. Dean was overweight and did a lot of research, finding a sustainable way to live – and getting to the right weight. A lot of people in the Paleosphere came into it without needing to lose weight, so it's good to hear from someone who is an example of how it can be done.
If you missed the presentations the upgrade is still available with all of the files.

Have you made your way through the presentations yet? Which ones did you like (and dislike?) – and who would you like to hear next time?