
Stamped eggs lion free range organic law-min

Stamped Eggs

In the UK all Eggs (from a source with over 50 hens) are stamped identifying whether they are organic, free range, from barn or caged hens.  The stamps also show the size of Eggs and a code identifying where they came from.

I believe some parts of Australia require Eggs to be stamped, but it is certainly not the case in New South Wales (though a few particular brands do seem to have stamps, it is very rare).  It bothers me that when I buy Eggs from a shop, I don't really know that they are the box describes.  I've often had Eggs that don't seem as fresh as the box would indicate – I wonder if I've ever had caged Eggs that were in a free-range organic box?  How would I know?

Whilst it would add an extra cost to stamp all Eggs, I don't think the cost would be prohibitively expensive.  It would be a small price to pay for the assurance that the Eggs you paid for are the Eggs in the box.

Would you also like to see all Eggs sold in Australia stamped with the date, source and type?

Stamped eggs lion free range organic law-min

Tri Colour Vegetable Cake paleo diet recipe veggies-min

Tri Colour Vegetable Cake Recipe

I felt like experimenting in the kitchen earlier and came up a Recipe for these colourful vegetable cakes.  They were a great colourful addition to a steak, all be it a little unusual!  They were a bit too soft, so I think next time I'll bake them for a bit longer.

Tri Colour Vegetable Cake Recipe
Recipe type: Snacks
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 large red capsicum (bell pepper)
  • 3 tablespoons coconut cream (I use Ayam)
  • 2 egg yolks, beaten
  • tri_coloured_veggie_cakes_b-min
  1. I diced the capsicum and then boiled the capsicum, spinach and carrots separately, for a few minutes.
  2. In turn I then blended each of the vegetables with a third of the eggs and a spoonful of cream.
  3. Once each vegetable was blended I then spooned them into a silicon muffin tin, layer by layer.
  4. I then cooked them at 160 degrees for about 20 minutes, until they started to brown
  5. tri_colour_vegetable_cake_paleo_diet_recipe_veggies_a-min


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I'll probably try this Recipe again, but perhaps with a few different coloured vegetables.

Have you come up with a Paleo Recipe for any interesting vegetable dishes?

Tri Colour Vegetable Cake paleo diet recipe veggies-min

Paleo Breakfast Ideas primal diet suggestions recipes list-min

Paleo Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast seems to be the meal people struggle with when moving over to a Paleo diet.

The word breakfast may be synonymous with cereal, toast, pancakes and many other refined carbs – but it really doesn't have to be.  Breakfast is simply the first meal of the day the “break” the “fast” you've carried out since your last meal the previous day.

I'm thrilled to announce I've just finished my first recipe book; the Paleo Breakfast Recipe book, with over 100 pages of beautifully photographed step-by-step recipes – check it out and let me know what you think! I hope you love it as much as I do.

A Paleo Breakfast?

I think the first step is to remove the association of breakfast with a specific type of meal.  Breakfast does not equal cereal, swimming in skim milk.  Think of breakfast on its nutritional merits; that is, base your first meal of the day around a good protein source and marry this with a good fat source and some vegetables.  You may initially find the idea of having meat for breakfast odd, but it’s worth persevering with this, as good quality meat can be a great way to start the day.

If you don’t have much time in the mornings you need to be organised and prepare as much as you can the night before.  I find it helps to plan all of my meals for the whole week in advance, at the weekend.  I then buy the ingredients, so I have no excuses and everything I need on hand.A lot of people skip breakfast, which might be the right thing to do.  If however your reason for skipping breakfast is that you can’t get out of bed in time to make breakfast – this indicates to me that you need breakfast!

Eggs For Breakfast?

Eggs are an obvious breakfast choice.  They are quick, nutritious and very versatile.  I often have bacon & eggs, scrambled eggs with avocado or an omelette, with whichever vegetables I have in the fridge.  I always cook in coconut oil.  Another favourite is making up a batch of egg muffins at the weekend.  I make these up as I would an omelette, but pour them into muffin cases and cook in the oven.  These last for a few days in the fridge and are perfect for busy days when there isn't enough time to make something from scratch.

I’ll also often cook extra chicken at the weekend which is great to base a breakfast around and doesn't need to be reheated, I think it’s great cold.  Chicken and avocado is a great combination.

Leftovers are another great breakfast, once you've got used to the idea of having “untraditional” breakfasts.  You can’t get much quicker and easier than that!

Occasionally at weekends I’ll make Paleo pancakes (using coconut or almond meal).  This is great served with a berry sauce, made with fresh berries, blended in coconut milk.   Noatmeal is another infrequent Paleo indulgence which is a great way to start the day.


Whilst strictly, I guess it is Paleo, I never have just fruit for breakfast.  I always base my meal around protein and include fat.  To have fruit (carbohydrate) as a meal on its own would be depriving myself of essential fats and proteins, would raise my blood sugar level and I’d very quickly be hungry.

What are your favourite Paleo breakfasts?  I’d love to hear, in the comments below.

Paleo Breakfast Ideas primal diet suggestions recipes list-min