I've read about so many people going onto a paleo diet and noticing significant improvements in their skin. With a few tweaks, eating this way seems to have helped a lot of people suffering from acne, eczema, spots, redness, blemishes and breakouts.

What causes skin problems?
It seems that a lot of issues are down to inflammation. Of course, grains are inflammatory, so removing them from the diet – and being very strict and vigilant, especially where gluten is concerned, will make a big difference.
Gut health and permeability also appear to be significant factors in skin.
Heal your gut – and heal your complexion.
Hormones are another big factor. Eating foods like soy can interfere with
hormones – so obviously following a paleo protocol (and ditching those legumes) will mitigate this issue.
Natural skin care
The chemicals in many of the commercial products are frightening. Lots of people on the paleo community swear by
coconut oil.
Eat more fat
Getting over fear of fat seems to have helped many people with their skin issues. Try to get
more fat in your diet – from good Paleo sources, of course.
Another paleo skin cure seems to be bone broth. Regularly consuming a high quality home made bone broth could be what is standing between you and beautiful blemish free, glowing, skin!
Liz Wolfe has produced a natural, paleo skin care guide, called “
The Skintervention Guide“, so if you're still have problems with your complexion – and want to find a natural solutions, you can
check it out here.

Has your skin changed since you went paleo? Please share your tips in the comments below!