Paleo breakfast recipe ebook cookbook

I'm thrilled to introduce my first recipe book, all about Paleo Breakfast recipes!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But when a typical Western breakfast is associated with cereal, toast and sugar laden foods– perhaps you’re wondering what you can eat on the Paleo Diet? After all you probably don’t want to have bacon and eggs every day.

Many people struggle for time in the mornings, and rush out of the house without breakfast. With a whole chapter dedicated to fast and easy breakfasts, there’s no excuse to skip it. There are also many recipes for “grab and go” breakfasts, which you can prepare in advance and take on the road with you.

Another common complaint is becoming bored of having eggs for breakfast. For this reason, another chapter focuses on egg-free breakfasts; a great way to ensure the start of your day is never boring.

For those who have transitioned over from being vegetarian or vegan – or simply those who find meat hard to stomach in the mornings, the Vegetarian and Vegan breakfast chapter will be just what you’re looking for.

When you have guests, or just have a bit more time at weekends, you’ll love the fancy breakfast chapter – the perfect way to impress.

Kids haven’t been forgotten about either, with the chapter on child friendly Paleo breakfast recipes. They won’t even realise they’re eating Paleo.

And the most popular chapter? Sometimes, you just want your old SAD (Standard American Diet – applies equally to most Western diets) breakfast favourites. This chapter will show you how to make completely Paleo, grain-free versions of things like porridge and oatmeal.

By eating a Paleo breakfast and turning your back on the carb fest that a Western breakfast can often be, you’ll be giving your body the protein and healthy fats it needs to carry you through the morning. By setting yourself up with a good Paleo breakfast, you won’t feel hungry an hour or two later, like your cereal eating co-workers.

This book will teach you how to be organised in order to be efficient with the limited free time you have available to spend in the kitchen.

Whilst Paleo excludes dairy, many take a lacto-Paleo, or Primal approach, and include good quality dairy in their diets. For this reason, some recipes can be adapted to be made Primal, by adding in the optional dairy component indicated in the recipe.


How To Download the Files

  • Buy the book and you get all three formats, pdf, epub and mobi
  • If you have an iphone, ipad, kobo, blackberry, sony reader – or another common reader, try the epub format.
  • If you're going to be reading it on your kindle, you'll want the mobi format.
  • If you're going to be reading on your laptop or computer, the pdf format is for you.
  • Alternatively, you can print out the pdf version and keep a copy in your kitchen!

Ipad and Iphone Users

  • If possible, buy the book on your desktop or laptop, download the file, then use itunes to more it onto your iphone or ipad.

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