The Age Victoria Newspaper article Melbourne Australia paleo diet the paleo network interview-min

Melbourne Paleo

Welcome to those who've found the site through the article in this weekends “The Age” newspaper.

It's great to see Paleo getting more and more publicity and for more people to consider removing the grains and changing their diets.

If you're interested in finding out about Paleo there's lots of information on the site and a free guide to Paleo Australia ebook you can download now, sign up to my newsletter on the right to get your free guide.

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8 replies
  1. Eileen Jay
    Eileen Jay says:

    Thanks fo that link to the Age Newspaper, I found the feedback really interesting.
    It really reinforces the fact that generally people find,changing their diet much too difficult. So many excuses and different ways to try to ‘rubbish’ the facts.
    The thing I ask is why wouldn’t it work to your advantage? Just because it’s difficult don’t just ‘give in’ so easily! Try it!

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Thanks Eileen, it’s a shame it does seem to difficult for people – before they’ve even tried it!

  2. Andy
    Andy says:

    So im looking for some places that have paleo menus in Melbourne. I only know of ‘Palate’ in Prahran.

    Would love to hear of any other restaurants/cafe’s you know of so I can go visit, try and be inspired within the Paleo lifestyle!


    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Hopefully some locals will give you some good suggestions Andy; I’m sure there are lots of good options…

  3. tanya
    tanya says:

    Since reading that Age article 2 weeks ago I have gone hard-core paleo and never felt better in my life. I’ve been hungry since I was 11 and for the first time in 36 years I’m not hungry anymore. Yay! Unfortunately coconut milk doesn’t agree with me (fructose issues) but I tracked down a stall at Vic Market in Melbourne that sells butter from grass-fed cows and I’m off to buy it now. There’s also a butcher in Yarraville near where I live that sells grass-fed meat. I feel pretty lucky. Thanks for running this site. Every bit of info helps.

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Thanks Tanya! I’m glad the article inspired you. Also thanks for the stockists, that’s great information – it makes such a difference when you find good suppliers.

  4. Jenny
    Jenny says:

    I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant this time last year. Almost everything I ate made me physically sick. I found it difficult to find a lactose-free diet so I decided to start from scratch and eat like the cave-men did. I would only shop at the market for fresh meat and vegies and came up with heaps of different recipes which I found tastier compared to my previous diet. I had no idea there was an actual name for this way of eating and would tell everyone I was eating a cave-man diet! Just meat, seafood, fruit/veg and eggs. Nuts make me bloat so I stick to sunflower and pumpkin seeds only.
    My mood swings disappeared, I lost weight I couldn’t budget around my mid-section, and my energy levels returned whereas I used to feel lethargic all the time before.
    It’s great that I came across an article in the Sunday Herald Sun Body & Soul section this weekend which made me google ‘Paleo’ and now I’ve come across your website which has linked me to many more recipes that I can try. I’ve bookmarked your site and will visit it regularly 🙂

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Great to have you on board Jenny! It makes so much sense doesn’t it, eating this way. What wonderful differences you’ve experienced!

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