Low carb down under paleo primal seminar conference event australia

Low Carb Down Under – It’s Started!

I’ve just got back from an amazing weekend in Melbourne, where the Low Carb Down Under series started on Saturday.

What an amazing day! I’ve listened to Jimmy Moore’s podcasts for a long time, but to meet him and watch him present is such a different experience. He was a great, inspirational speaker – and despite such a fantastic turnout, he made sure everyone who wanted to speak to him got the chance.

I’ve been following Jimmy Moore’s N=1 Nutritional Ketosis experiment on his blog with great interest, so to hear him talk about this – and take his readings in front of us on stage – was super interesting. It’s quite remarkable how much slimmer Jimmy looked yesterday, even just since the last photo he posted on his blog.

Low carb down under paleo primal seminar conference event australia A-min

David Gillespie is another great speaker – and the man responsible for leading a lot of people away from sugar; a journey which often leads to a Paleo diet and lifestyle.

I often find conferences like this can be one extreme or the other – either no science at all – or far too sciencey. The talks at Melbourne yesterday really did tick all the boxes.

We heard from Doctors and Scientists; Dr Rod Tayer, Dr Ken Sikaris (this man really needs a blog!), Steven Hamley, explaining why Paleo works (and conventional wisdom doesn’t). We heard from local Melbournites Crystal Fieldhouse, Ivy Thompson & Jo Fitton sharing how they “do” Paleo locally. Crossfit coach Dr George Iacono spoke about crossfit and fitness. Christine Cronau explained how our diets went wrong and spoke about how we should eat. Natalie Kringoudis, is a fertility expert who gave an amazing talk – we even heard from a chef, Mick Reade demonstrating how versatile a Paleo diet can be.

Low carb down under paleo primal seminar conference event australia Melbourne-min

I’m not going to talk too much about the talks until the seminar series is over – because I want YOU to go to one of the remaining dates and soak up the knowledge for yourself!

Even if you don’t live near the remaining venues, consider coming anyway – you will get so much value from the day.

Byron Bay – Wednesday 21st November

Sydney – Saturday 24th November

Brisbane – Saturday 1st December

Adelaide – Tuesday 27th November

I’ve had a lot of comments asking about Darwin and Perth not being part of the tour . If we can get enough people interested, we will make sure they’re included in the next round of Paleo events – just make sure you’ve joined your local Paleo Meetup group so we know you’re interested (there is now a meetup for every state)

I’m excited to be speaking at the Sydney date next week – and will be attending the remaining dates – I hope to see at one of the events.

If you haven’t booked your ticket, do it now before it’s too late!

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10 replies
  1. Mads
    Mads says:

    It was a brilliant day. I had a blast and agree there was the right mix of sciencey stuff and other information.
    This was my first event like this but it was so great to sit in a room full of people who are on the same wavelength as me. Bravo.
    I should have come and said ‘hello’ to you. I thought I saw someone who looked like you!!

  2. Natalie
    Natalie says:

    This is so exciting! I’m really looking forward to the Sydney event this Saturday. I’m currently a nutrition and dietetics student and spend most of my lectures gritting my teeth at all the completely miss informed information we are given/taught. It will be so good to sit in a lecture series that are in line with my beliefs and lifestyle!
    Goodluck with your speech, I’m sure you will do wonderfully!
    Hopefully I can track you down and introduce myself on the day 🙂

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Please do come and say hi Nat! That’s great to have so many “professionals” at these events – exactly what we need to spread the message

  3. Bettie
    Bettie says:

    I love the sound of this just wish I could attend but alas I’m working in the UK at the moment.
    Hope your talk goes well. Would have loved to have seem you in person, maybe next time.

  4. Darren
    Darren says:

    Thanks for the reminder I’ve just booked. Really looking forward to this. Will be the first one I’ve been too.

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