Did you guess the health food rights from the ingredients answers revealed-min

Did you guess the health foods right?

Last week I showed you the ingredients from five “health” foods – did you guess them right? Well, none of them are what I would class as a health food. Wouldn't you agree?


Product one – this will help you lose weight

Atkins: Endulge Caramel Nut Chew Bar

Another reason why Atkins just isn't paleo. Just because it's low carb, doesn't make it healthy as the chemicals in this ingredients list demonstrate. What ever happened to eating real food?


Product two – it's never too young to start being healthy

S-26: Gold Soy Baby Formula

I assume for babies who are intolerant to dairy or for vegan parents? Introducing Soy baby formula….

Product three – start your day the right way

Sanitarium: Up & Go Chocolate Flavoured Milk

This is marketed as a good nutritious way to start your day. Right. I think I'll just have a normal paleo breakfast instead, thanks…


Product four – the best bet for children everywhere

Cottee's: Coola No Added Sugar Cordial

No added sugar – so it must be good for you, right? Surely no one needs any of these chemicals. Is it so hard to drink water?


Product five – watch your cholesterol

Flora: Salt Reduced Sunflower Margarine Tub

And the biggest scam of them all. Avoid butter and have margarine instead….


How many did you guess the health food from the ingredients right? Any “health” foods with ingredients that shock you? Share in the comments below!

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2 replies
  1. Linda
    Linda says:

    This reminds a friend was asking me the best way to shop for diet foods.
    I asked “what do you normally buy”. to be told “any of the low fat stuff, things like a dinner with less calories.
    I said,”how about just buying non processed foods like meat veg and fruit”. Foods without all the added extras you don’t need. (then maybe just have a smaller portion!)

  2. Jenni
    Jenni says:

    They all shock me. Just how many people do have a good diet?

    The health club I go to sells ‘health’ drinks which are just not any good for you. With so much added sugar in).
    As you said why not just drink water!

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