
FREE Health Events This Week

Ever given much thought to the Psychology of Eating?

It’s time for a whole new understanding of our relationship with food, with this weeks free online Psychology of Eating event.

Obesity, overeating, body image concerns, emotional challenges with food, and diet-related health issues are with us more than ever. People have abundant access to nutrition facts and information, but need to search long and hard for true healing wisdom.

It’s time for an approach that honors all of who we are as eaters – body, mind, heart and soul. Get inspired by speakers from a variety of disciplines who have something unique and innovative to share.

2nd Annual Online Eating Psychology Conference

Some topics include:

  • A Deeper Dive into Body Image
  • Neuroscience and Personal Change
  • A Holistic Approach to Eating Disorders
  • The Healing Power of Embodiment
  • Mindfulness based approaches to overeating
  • Sexuality and the Psychology of Eating
  • New insights into Weight
  • Culture, emotional health and metabolism
  • Hormones, Eating and Inner Health
  • The Gut-Psychology Connection
  • Spirituality and Nutrition
  • The Hidden Politics of Food
  • New Approaches to Nutritional Health
  • And much more…

Dates: July 21 – 26
Price: FREE
Where: Online!
Find Out More Here:


Functional Health Summit Free Online Event

The Functional Health Summit is another free online event that has been running for the last few days – but there are still two days left.

In this event 39 leading experts in functional medicine, nutrition, exercise physiology, dentistry, immunology/allergy, psychiatry, mind-body medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, and much, much more share their knowledge  in a way that you can understand and implement.

The Functional Health Summit Will Teach You–

  • Why weight loss is never a one size fits all approach
  • Why your gut status is the key to restoring health
  • How to prevent disease before it happens
  • How medications can cause Leaky Gut
  • The common myths the food industry helps perpetuate
  • Why using an environmental dentist is crucial to oral health
  • Why everything you thought you knew about exercise is wrong

The schedule for the last two days:

Tuesday July 22 – Foods and Eating

• Kathy Smart – Change What You Eat, Change Your Life
• Dr. Jonathan Tait – How Eating the Wrong Food Can Cause Arthritis and Chronic Pain
• Ymis Barroeta – The Future of Food: Clean Eating Without Toxins
• Dr. Russell Jaffe – Food and Chemicals: A Hidden Cause of Disease

Wednesday July 23 – Aging Well

• John Rowley – Power of positive fitness
• Dan Ritchie, PhD – Exercises to Improve Your Balance, Mobility and Agility at Any Age
• Dr. Jeffrey Moss – Sarcopenia: How Age-Related Muscle Loss Contributes to Chronic Health Issues
• Dr. John Brimhall – 6 Steps to Maintaining Wellness At Any Age

Dates: July 14 – 23
Price: FREE
Where: Online!
Find Out More Here:

So even if you can only spare half an hour this week, check out these two free events – you never know, it could change your life!

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1 reply
  1. hayley
    hayley says:

    This is so interesting thanks for passing on the details. I really am on a learning curve here.

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