FODMAP is a term that seems to be associated more and more frequently with the Paleo diet. Some people chose to minimise FOMAP’s, in alongside their Paleo diet to help resolve gut issues. In particular a low FODMAPS diet seems to help resolve gut issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) it appears Crohn’s Disease too.
Whilst removing grains, dairy and legumes in a Paleo diet often marks significant improvement, going one step further and undertaking a low FODMAP diet can make all the difference in Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
So, what exactly are FODMAPS?
“FODMAP” is an abbreviation standing for: Fermentable, Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. These are all types of carbohydrate which Dr Sue Shepherd’s research identified as being poorly absorbed by susceptible individuals, causing gut issues.
How does a Low FODMAPS diet fit with a Paleo diet?
Fructose is already considered on a Paleo diet, so avoiding high fructose fruit such as apples and pears is not too difficult. Berries are a far better choice, with the added benefit of antioxidants.
Fructans are high in fruit such as watermelons and vegetables such as cabbage, leeks and particularly onions; so these should be avoided in favour of vegetables such as carrots, parsnip and pumpkin. Wheat and other grains are high in Fructans, so on a Paleo diet, these are already avoided.
High levels of Polyols are contained in fruit like avocados and peaches and vegetables like mushrooms and cauliflower.
Legumes such as beans and soy are high in Galactans – so by following a Paleo diet these are already eliminated.
By avoiding dairy a Paleo diet already cuts out Lactose.
How To Start
If you have any unresolved issues (such as gut issues) on a Paleo diet, it is worth trying a low FODMAP’s diet for a 30 day elimination period. After the 30 days, much like a Whole 30, you can slowly reintroduce foods back in to pinpoint exactly which foods are an issue for you. Everyone is different, so it’s important you find out exactly which foods you don’t tolerate well and remove those from your diet. Fortunately your Paleo diet has already removed the bulk of the high FODMAP foods – so identifying the foods you don’t tolerate will be much easier.
Have you tried a low FODMAP’s diet? Did it help? Let me know in the comments below.
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I noticed that when I was eating bone soup with veggies that I was having gas problems. I’m assuming it maybe the root veggies I was using. I previously gave up yogurt as well for 1 couple of months – when I reintroduced my stuffed nose returned almost immediately.
SO – I stated a total elimination diet a couple of days ago that I’ll continue for the next 30 days and then see where I go
Right now I’m limiting myself to raw grass fed ground beef and lamb, pastured eggs fried in butter or coconut oil, full fat heavy whipping cream (i make a smoothie with a half pint mixed with an equal amount of water, Jay Robb chocolate whey protein powder and unsweetened cocoa powder.
Dairy does seem to be rather problematic for a lot of people; but at least you know how it affects you now.
Interested to hear how you get on with your 30 day elimination diet. Good luck!
I just know that if my Father changed his diet it would help him so much. He has Crohn’s Disease.
He will not change his diet, I’ve tried, just wish he would though.
It’s really hard when you can see how much it would help someone Katie. Hopefully over time he might warm to the idea.
I have been following a lowFODMAPs paleo diet for over 2 years now. Started it because of IBS. The results were amazing. Now I know all the foods that I cant digest. As long as I am circumspect about what I eat I have no symptoms at all. But if I have even a little of the wrong foods, I am back to severe bloating and cramps.although restrictive it can still be nutrient dense and I feel great.
I have been on a low FODMAP diet for over a year, since I was diagnosed with IBS. My life has improved a lot. I can now manage most of my IBS symptoms. It was a bit hard to get used to, but not anymore, give it a go if you suffer from IBS.
I’m considering introducing a Paleo diet to my young children, however my youngest is on a strict FODMAP diet with fructose malabsorption (only allowed 1/2 serve of FODMAP friendly fruit every two days), casein intolerant & requires a low fibre diet. Can you please provide some guidance on the best place to start?