Paleo barbeque meetup event social grill bbq primal-min

Paleo Barbeque

Yesterday was the Sydney Paleo meet-up group’s Paleo Barbeque.  We met at beautiful Tamarama beach, where there are a couple of public barbecues, which were in hot demand yesterday!  The weather couldn't have been more perfect for the barbecue, with sunshine and beautiful blue skies!


I spent yesterday morning making a few dishes from the new “Make it Paleo” cookbook, to take along to the barbecue with me.

I made the guacamole to go with some raw vegetables I cut up.


I made the barbecue sauce, which went beautifully with the organic grass fed streak I took along.  This had a bit of a kick to it with the mustard and paprika and proved very popular.  I’ll definitely be making this one again over the summer.


I was really excited to try the Fennel & Orange salad.  The combination of the anise flavour of the fennel and the peppery flavour of the radishes made for an unusual, but very enjoyable salad.


I grated up some carrot, which I mixed with shredded coconut (I love the combination)


Finally, I roasted some seasonal vegetables which were colourful and delicious!

roasted vegetables veggies paleo barbeque-min

It was great to see such a good turn out to the barbecue – Paleo in Sydney seems to be well and truly gaining momentum.  Despite a few people attending for the first time, we were an easy group to spot; as the only party at the beach without bread, crisps and junk food!

I hope we’ll be able to have a few more outdoor Paleo meet-ups this summer – it seems so much more Primal!

Paleo Cookbooks cavemanfeast paleo-recipe-book
9 replies
  1. Lars T
    Lars T says:

    Nice. I got stung by a jellyfish once at Tamarama. The food looks delicious and has inspired me to cook something new.

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      A jellyfish!? That doesn’t sound like fun. Is it true what they say about treating jellyfish stings?
      Glad you’re inspired – I’m really enjoying doing so much cooking. Not so much the extra washing-up though.

  2. Kevin B
    Kevin B says:

    Yes, a fantastic day – food, people… and the sun 🙂
    I bet that dude is still there hogging the BBQ now!

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