Avocado Fresh-min


I just saw this packaged Avocado in the supermarket, with added Thickner (401) and Vegetable Gum (415)

Avocado Fresh-min

I must be missing something, is it really that hard to peel and slice an avocado yourself?

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8 replies
  1. Belinda
    Belinda says:

    I originally liked the Idea, when you don’t have a knife on you it is a bit of a pain to peel and cut and sometimes avos go funny really quickly but with the additives no thanks

  2. Lars T
    Lars T says:

    Lately my fresh avocados have gone from rock hard to rotten in one day! 😉
    Nonetheless, I would avoid this, as a fresh, perfectly ripe avocado cannot be packaged.

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Australian avocados are going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment too! But I’d rather go without than have these.

  3. Elissa
    Elissa says:

    God thats revolting, the colour of those products is so bright green toothpaste like a toxic waste thats what it reminds me off.

    bought some organic avocados yesterday, sooooo delicious!

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