11 sneaky ways to get more exercise fitness anti gym crossfit Paleo Network-min

11 sneaky ways to exercise

Let’s be honest, we don’t all love exercise. For some of us, the idea of going out for a run, or an early morning boot camp is enough to make us break out into a cold sweat.

But the fact is, movement is good. There’s a huge myth that exercise has to be long, intensive cardio for it to be worthwhile. But that’s just not true. Often it can do more harm than good exercising in this way – not to mention the increased risk of injury. If you don’t enjoy the exercise you’re doing, is it really going to benefit you as much as working out in a way you love? The stress from long intensive cardio, particularly if you hate it, could do you serious harm. Especially if you’re regularly forfeiting an hour of sleep most nights to fit it in.

11 sneaky ways to get more exercise fitness anti gym crossfit Paleo Network-min

If you love running on a treadmill in the gym – good on you – but for those of us who don’t – how about getting your fitness in another way? A way you might actually LOVE?

Here are some alternative ways to get some exercise in – without stepping foot in a gym:


There aren’t many things more fun than dancing – whether you’re out with friends, taking a dance class, or just dancing in the privacy of your living room.


Yoga is so easy to start, whether following online at home, or joining in at a class. Wherever you live, there’s bound to be a class near you.


Seriously, it doesn’t get any easier than this! Whether it’s walking for a purpose, or just to explore your local area

Playing video games

Seriously! Of course, I mean an active video game, like Wii Fit or Just Dance

Playing with the kids

Pretend you’re the same age – it will keep you young, and they’ll love it!

Martial Arts

Have you ever tried karate or judo? A lot of fun – and a valuable skill too


Maybe this is the year to sort your garden out, have a proper veggie patch and some light landscaping? I love dial purpose exercise like this – the treadmill doesn’t reward you with home-grown veg, does it?


Not the most fun, I admit, but cleaning your house is a great workout – and has the side benefit of making everything all sparkly and shiny


Wherever you live, you can guarantee there will be some volunteer schemes nearby. Maybe it’s looking after the Local Park or beach, or at an animal home – give it a try!

Get a dog

Well, you should probably have more reasons than for it’s exercise benefit alone – but what better way to move than with your canine best friend?

Dust your bike down

Cycling is such a low impact, fun way to get out. Put a basket on the front and who needs the car next time you go grocery shopping?


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