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Choline & The Paleo Diet
Continuing looking into deficiencies, this week falls to choline.…
December 22, 2012/by PaleoGirl
12 Gifts For The Health Conscious Foodie
Whilst you can follow a healthy Paleo Diet with little more than…
December 20, 2012/by PaleoGirl
The Truth About Jimmy Moore
I’ve been listening to Jimmy Moore’s podcasts and reading…
December 17, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Vitamin B12 & The Paleo Diet
What are your Vitamin B12 levels like? You might follow a Paleo…
December 15, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Vitamin K2 & The Paleo Diet
So you follow a strict Paleo diet? Does this mean you’re in…
December 8, 2012/by PaleoGirl