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The Sydney Marathon – A Paleo Perspective
As I've mentioned before, my Marathon running house-mate is currently…
September 17, 2011/by PaleoGirl
Meeting Real, Local People – Who Lead a Paleo Lifestyle Too
Last night was the fourth meet up of the Sydney Paleo group –…
September 16, 2011/by PaleoGirl
Finding a Paleo Lunch in the City
I always have good intentions of bringing a Paleo Lunch in to…
September 15, 2011/by PaleoGirl
It Doesn’t Get Much More Paleo Than Kangaroo…
I've started to eat Kangaroo regularly since I began my paleo…
September 14, 2011/by PaleoGirl
Grass Fed Beef In Australia & New Zealand?
I was talking to an Australian Doctor at the Ancestral Health…
September 13, 2011/by PaleoGirl