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Weston A Price v The Paleo Diet
I went across to Auckland, New Zealand at the weekend to hear…
April 4, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Butter Guilt Trip
Here in Australia a commercial that I find particularly irritating,…
March 31, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Have You Booked The Paleo Weekend Yet?
Note: This is an old post - the next weekend has not yet been…
March 29, 2012/by PaleoGirl
Why I Propose a No-Fat Paleo Diet
I propose a Paleo style diet, based on a Zero Fat, Low Carbohydrate,…
March 29, 2012/by PaleoGirl
24 Mistakes People Make on a Paleo Diet
Are you making any of these Paleo Diet Mistakes?
1. Increase…
March 27, 2012/by PaleoGirl1. Increase…