What Paleo Events are on in your area? The easiest way to lead a Paleo life is to connect with others. Find local and all of the key Global Paleo Events that might be worth travelling for here. Check out the Paleo meetup groups in your area and go to their next meetup!

There are meetup groups in every state in Australia (specifically groups in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Adelaide, Canberra, Hobart, the Central Coast & Byron Bay) and Auckland and Wellington in New Zealand. There are dozens all around America, Canada and three so far in the UK (London, Birmingham & Milton Keynes).  No Paleo meetup in your area?  Start up your own or add your interest to suggested meetups.

Whilst most of the Paleo events so far are happening in the USA, the likes of MovNat, Barefoot Ted, Jimmy Moore, Loren Cordain & Gary Taubes have all been to Australia & New Zealand.  Check this page to see who's coming next and how to book tickets!

I've included below events from all of the main Paleo meetup groups worldwide, you can tell which county by the colour of the event. The groups are listed below in order of membership size (largest at the top!)

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • USA
  • Canada
  • UK

If I've missed out your meet-up group, contact me and I'll add it! Check back regularly as this page constantly updates.

The Global Paleo & Primal Events Calender

[wp-meetup-calendar number_of_months=12]

Heard of any events that should be listed here?  Organising your own event?  Let us know in the comments.

22 replies
    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      Wasn’t Nora’s talk good! That’s great to hear the owner of a health food shop not only “gets” paleo – but does it too! I am often shocked in health food shops that they often have no idea about Paleo – and one shop has even told me it’s unhealthy as it’s not vegan!

      • Sally
        Sally says:

        Hi, Sally here. I am also a health food store owner – I have a shop in Bathurst. I’ve been Paleo for 8 months – love the results!

        • PaleoGirl
          PaleoGirl says:

          A Paleo health food store owner! Brilliant! So many of them seem to have vegan-high-carb agenda’s and are always horrified by my requests! So you must have an amazing range – I must come and check it out!

  1. Elissa
    Elissa says:

    Hi! Did you attend the Australian fitness and health expo last weekend? I went and found it interesting but I couldnt believe the number of stands offering protein shakes no doubt full of sugar and meal replacement bars and other crap. I felt like screaming NOOOOO what are you doing?! I should have been at the expo cooking nitrate free bacon and organic eggs and giving them away with some grain free gluten free almond spread bread def better fuel than that stuff that was there lol The only food I sampled was the free almonds they were giving away. I saw Vibrams there! they looked cool but I didnt have much cash, I got some skins instead maybe another time!

    • PaleoGirl
      PaleoGirl says:

      It was the same story at the gluten-free expo Elissa. I guess there’s just not as much money to be made with real food.

  2. Tamara Bond
    Tamara Bond says:

    Two questions..
    1. The MovNat item..I went to their website and am very interested. I am a newly qualified Personal Tainer/Gym instructor and this looks like something close to my philosophies. I just could find no details of this event..can you expand or send me in the right direction.
    2. I am having ethical dilemmas as to the dietary guidelines that I am permitted to advise within the constraints of my qualifications and employer recommendations(same old, same old!). I, my self, am only a recent convert to he Paleo lifestyle but have felt tremendous improvements. Do you knw of any qualifications that I can obtain to feel less compromised in my work.
    Thanks Tam

  3. Darren
    Darren says:

    Anyone out there from Tasmania? We are “the natural state” so we need to have a presence in the paleo and primal community.

  4. Naturomel
    Naturomel says:

    Hi – this calendar of events is a great idea. Will you be adding 2013 anytime soon?

    I’m enjoying the site so far.

    Thanks 🙂

  5. Anastasia
    Anastasia says:

    Our Whole9 South Pacific Foundations of Nutrition workshop will be rolling out all over Australia and NZ this year. We have just had a very successful event with 80 people in Cairns with Julianne Taylor is our special guest 🙂 We have events booked for Toowoomba, Melbourne, Christchurch, the Gold Coast so far. See http://whole9southpacific.eventbrite.com.au/
    Hope we will see you at our future Sydney workshop!

  6. Melly
    Melly says:

    Hi, anyone know of a good naturapath experienced in Paleo Autoimmune in Melbourne? I’m looking for someone for my daughter who has autoimmune arthritis and ulcerative colitis

    • Julie
      Julie says:

      Carla Wrenn @ Peninsula Herbal Dispensary
      84 Main Street
      Phone 03 59770117
      Carla speacialises in Autoimmune diseases,

  7. Eleonora Gouma
    Eleonora Gouma says:

    I am interested in learning more about Paleo diet. Is it possible to help me out finding a course or a seminar in London ? I leave in Athens Greece
    Kind Regards

  8. Casey-Lee
    Casey-Lee says:

    The calendar appears to only have NZ events for July? Just wondering if this is correct or my device playing tricks with colours? I’m in Brisbane.
    PS love this site- I’ve been Paleo for 6 months, initially starting with a whole 30 & felt so fantastic afterwards that I’ve changed very little in my diet since then. Very beneficial in improving symptoms of my autoimmune disease & my GP is very impressed (he is even prepared to trial reducing my medications).

  9. Mark
    Mark says:

    Have you looked at the Paleo events calendar on an ipad? The background squares are dark grey and the links are blue… I can’t read what’s on… Could you please check? Thanks

  10. hannah
    hannah says:

    Hey! Just been looking at your events calendar! was wondering how we get more infos on the events like venue etc??



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