Prepare the Coconut Milk: Make the coconut milk the night before, following the instructions in my recipe.
Heat the Mixture: The next day, put the coconut milk in a pan, adding in the vanilla pod. This is where the temperature becomes crucial. Put in your thermometer and don’t take your eyes off until it hits 82 degrees C (180 degrees F). You’ll need to whisk the mixture constantly during the 15 minutes or so it takes to get to this temperature. Burning and sticking to the pan does not make a good coconut yogurt!
Cool the Mixture: Once you reach 82°C (180°F), take the pan straight off the heat and allow it to cool naturally. But keep monitoring the temperature – you’re aiming for it to cool to 38°C (100°F).
Prepare the Oven: Preheat your oven to the lowest temperature and keep an eye on it – once it’s reached this temperature, turn it off.
Add the Culture: Once the mixture hits 38°C (100°F), remove the vanilla pod. Pour a big size dollop of the mixture into a bowl and add in your culture, whisking it in thoroughly until it’s completely mixed in. Now, add this bowl back into the main coconut mixture, and thoroughly mix in with your whisk.
Mix in the Gelatin: Mix the gelatin into the coconut mixture and keep whisking until you’re sure it’s totally dissolved and mixed through.
Transfer to Jars: Spoon the mixture into your air-tight jars or bottles and put them in your (now turned off) warm oven.
Ferment: Leave the jars in your oven overnight to let the culture do their work. The following morning, put the jars in the fridge to allow them to thicken up (the gelatin will help make this happen).
Sweeten if Desired: If you want to add a sweetener like honey, mix it in at this stage. Otherwise, allow it to sit in the fridge for about 4 hours.
Serve and Enjoy: Serve and enjoy your homemade coconut yogurt!